Family Pastor / Church Administrator (CA) Position

General Overview

It is the mission of The Bible Church of Little Rock to glorify God the Father by enjoying and obeying Him; to proclaim the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, spreading His gospel to all peoples; and to serve one another through the power and love of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible Church invites candidates to apply for the position of Family Pastor/Church Administrator whose primary responsibility will be to provide leadership and oversight to those who minister to families and to children. This position requires a unique combination of administrative and pastoral gifts, with an emphasis on the latter. What follows is an overview of the position as a whole, with the intention of providing a sense of who we are and what we desire in the man who would assume this role as undershepherd of God's local flock.

Many, if not all, of the facets of this position involve interpersonal communication. Because of this, amidst the many details regarding the responsibilities involved, we believe that the Word of God properly understood and faithfully applied, is the common thread that must run through the whole. We believe the Word of God is the principal means that the Holy Spirit uses to cause transformation in the lives of God’s people for the sake of exulting in and exalting Christ our Savior. To that end, this position requires a highly skillful, theologically grounded and proactive gift of communication to be used to edify the church.

With that in mind, the basic function of this position is to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word as it relates to family ministry and church administration. All of the details in the job can be reduced or traced back to the centrality of prayer and the ministry of the Word. We believe that the manner in which discipleship is promoted, families are led, and members are equipped should be grounded in and motivated by the Word as the primary resource given to us by God to understand how it ought to be done. Similarly, we believe that the manner in which the church is administrated, the facilities are managed, the personnel, elders and deacons work together and the budget is developed all ought to find their motive and ground in the Word of God as understood through faithful meditation and prayer. Anoverview of duties involved are listed below:

  1. Family Pastor

The Family Pastor will give leadership to families. He will be the focal point / contact person for BCLR families and give special attention to equipping parents with opportunities and resources to evangelize and to instruct their children in the Lord. He will also be responsible for creating discipleship environments where preschool and elementary children learn to know and to respond to God rightly through instruction in the gospel and basic Bible doctrine. The Family Pastor will be expected to integrate children and families into the church as a whole, giving special attention to those who are new members. His responsibilities fall into two categories:

1)He will disciple, support andequip parents to become biblically-based disciplers for Christ in their homes; and

2) He will oversee a team of ministers, teachers and volunteers in providing Christ-centered, biblically-based learning experiences for children ages pre-K through 6th grade that will prepare and encourage them toward a life modeled after Jesus Christ.

He will also be expected to carry out his responsibilities in close cooperation and coordination with the Student Ministries Pastor. Lastly, the Family Pastor will perform general pastoral duties for the entire congregation as needs and circumstances require. The Family Pastor is a member of the Board of Elders and reports on a daily basis to the Pastor-Teacher.

  1. Church Administrator (CA)

The Church Administrator (CA) is the “Communication Conduit” and “Glue” that allows BCLR to run smoothly.

He will oversee four major areas described as the ABCS. This refers to: Accounting, Building & Grounds, Communication, and Staff. He will need a working knowledge of “A” and “B”, but should delegate much of the routine work. The “C” area is where he acts as the “hub of the wheel” and the “spokes” are those he serves. His efforts in communication must be proactive. He must be a great listener, discerner of intent, compiler of information, be able to track down answers, remove barriers, and create a pathway for those who serve to move forward with less friction and resistance.” The “S” is where he handles personnel issues, benefits for employees, insurance coverage, and serves the Admin staff. He is their representative to the Pastors many times and he needs to “go to bat” for them at times. He also needs to lead, encourage, admonish, and direct them and their efforts.

This is more leadership than management. Once again, communication is critical. He needs to be a “Pastor to the Pastors” and seek to understand their lives personally and in ministry, hear from the Admin staff, protect them, assist them, equip them, and empower them, and at times, fight for them. He is their advocate with the Pastoral staff. And he is the communication conduit from the Pastors to the Admin staff. He is all one team that must pull together. He needs a “can do” attitude as he keeps BCLR moving forward.