The ABC’s of Early Intervention for Pediatricians
Phone Numbers
AAP Policies
Over 30,000 children from birth to three years are receiving Early Intervention (EI) services in New YorkState. We hope this handout will help pediatricians to integrate the EI process and the resulting services that their patients and their families receive into their medical practices. We hope to make it easier for the primary care practitioner (PCP) to refer patients with suspected or confirmed developmental delay to EI, as well as to follow up in their care throughout the course of the intervention.
Pediatricians may refer their patients to the EI program or parents may refer their own children. Referrals can be made to the Nassau or SuffolkCounty or New York City Early Intervention Program (see phone numbers below). It should be noted that referrals may also be made directly to service providers through their individual programs (
The initial service coordinator (ISC) arranges a multidisciplinary evaluation with two qualified testers. In addition to this Core assessment, other supplemental evaluations may be requested. The ISC should review a list of evaluation options with the family. The ISC should also provide general information about the EI program, as well as the family’s legal rights. With this evaluation and a recent medical examination, a summary is written and a report submitted. The plan does not include a diagnosis; it addresses functional status and needs, as well as strengths and weaknesses. Eligibility for services is dependent on the extent of delay (cognitive, physical including vision and hearing, communication, social/emotional and adaptive development) or a clear diagnosis of developmental disability (e.g. Trisomy 21).
If a child presents with qualifying delays as determined by EI, the next step is an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) meeting where a written IFSP is developed and an ongoing service coordinator (OSC) is chosen. The OSC may be a representative of the program that will be providing services but will certainly ensure that mandated services are provided. This plan, which outlines appropriate EI services, must be written with the family’s input and agreement. Most services (especially for younger children) are provided in the home. Older children may receive services in a center-based program. Services can include:
- Assistive technology devices and services
- Audiology
- Family training, counseling, home visits and parent support groups
- Nursing services which might be required for developmental services
- Nutrition services
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Psychological services
- Services Coordination
- Social Work Services
- Special Education
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Transportation costs necessary to enable a child/family to receive services
- Vision Services
It should be noted that medical services may be provided for diagnostic or evaluation purposes only.
The EI services are reevaluated on an ongoing basis as often as every three months, but usually at six months and annually thereafter. Transition planning prior to a child turning three years of age is a part of the care plan.
Tips for Pediatricians
- There are a number of ways to refer children with confirmed or suspected delays directly into the EI program. Children who are at risk for developmental delay can be referred to Child Find (formerly Infant Child Health Assessment Program (ICHAP)) in the same way. The pediatrician or parent can call:
- NYC – As of October 2006 Referrals should be made either by dialing 311, or faxing the New York City Early Intervention Program Referral Form to the Regional Office
- Bronx Fax 718-410-4504
- Brooklyn Fax 718-722-2998
- Manhattan Fax 212-487-7071
- Queens Fax 718-271-6114
- Staten Island 718-351-2858
For all other Areas Call :
- Westchester 914-813-5094 Fax 914-813-5093
- Rockland 845-364-2620 Fax 845-364-2093
- Putnam 845-228-2847 ext 1031 Fax 845-225-1580
- Orange 845-291-2333 Fax 845-291-2418
- Dutchess 845-486-3518 Fax 845-486-3554
Certain information is needed for all referrals and includes:
- Name of child, sex, and date of birth
- Name, address, phone number of parents
- Reason for referral (suspected or confirmed disability or delay) or child at-risk
See NYC EI referral form:
- Families can be referred to individual or specific EI agencies that provide direct services:
Pediatricians should be aware of the EI agencies available to them in their community. Traditionally all referrals are processed through the Borough or CountyOffice but referrals can also be made through the EI agencies themselves. It can be much more convenient to work through an agency with whom you are familiar and have an established working relationship. Networking makes your life easier. You can find agencies by contacting your Early Childhood Direction Center (ECDC) (See resources below) or through the NYC Department of Health ( It should be noted that some agencies provide service coordination only, some provide direct services only and others offer both. Having an ongoing, working relationship with two or three agencies in your area can make your job easier by giving you a specific contact person when an EI evaluation is needed. That contact person can also personally assist the family with the process. Representatives from specific agencies are usually happy to make appointments and visit you in your office. - Pediatricians should order a hearing evaluation.
Pediatricians should be aware that hearing evaluations are not mandated through EI. Pediatricians should therefore ensure that an audiological evaluation has been scheduled before referring children with speech and/or language delay. A vision evaluation may be helpful as well. - Emergency EI services are available.
By regulations, the initial EI process should be concluded within 45 days. In certain circumstances the child may be referred for an emergency evaluation. An interim IFSP can be requested on emergency basis in children who meet certain criteria (i.e. feeding difficulties, severe delays in a premature baby, etc). This should be requested at the time of referral. You may still need to allow at least 45 days for a full IFSP. - Pediatricians can stay involved in the EI process and can utilize their special relationship with families to help:
EI is parent friendly and cannot be instituted if the parents do not want the services. Furthermore, parents can go to any approved EI agency that they choose. The PCP may be in the best position to explain the importance of the services to the family. Therefore it is crucial that pediatricians are familiar with the rules and laws of EI in order to help parents (see references below). There are certain rights and due process to which parents are entitled. For example, while re-evaluations occur every 6 months or annually, they can be done earlier if a parent requests, based on new concerns or a change in status. In addition, services cannot be decreased without parental agreement. As pediatricians become better educated about EI, they can help families to become better advocates.
Parents can give consent for the EI evaluation and IFSP results to be shared with the pediatrician. Parents themselves can provide the reports to the pediatrician. Have parents prepare a release or include it when submitting the medical evaluation. Be sure to let parents and EI personnel know that you want to be kept involved.
A recent medical evaluation is needed for all children in the EI program. This is an opportunity to include the pediatrician’s impression and findings, as well as thoughts on treatment and need for further evaluation. Further referrals to specialists may be necessary and should be made in conjunction with the EI process.
Pediatricians can be actively involved in every aspect of the EI evaluation, therapy and service provision, reevaluation and transition. Physician input can be provided at any point including evaluation of eligibility, the core evaluation, IFSP meeting, reevaluation and transition planning. (See AAP policy on IEP and IFSP). The ISC or OSC can be contacted with parental permission.
- Prescriptions for physical, occupational and feeding therapy need to be written by the pediatrician:
Referrals are often needed for audiological evaluations, as well. Pediatricians are in the best position to advise on certain services such as home or day care and parent support. In complicated cases where multidisciplinary medical care is needed, the PCP plays a pivotal role in ensuring appropriatetherapy. Since pediatricians are the only team members who can order occupational, physical and feeding therapy, it is critical that PCPs understand the EI team evaluations before recommending therapy. (See AAP policy on prescriptions for therapy).
EI services can get bogged down if therapy orders are not written in a timely fashion. If you have any questions, contact the Service Coordinator. Make sure that you have asked parents to sign a release so that you can review the evaluation and speak to the ISC or OSC. - Children with a confirmed or suspected disability OR children at risk of a disability are all eligible for services. Medical input can be critical in this determination. Refer anyone about whom you are concerned. Children with behavioral issues as the primary concern can be referred as well:
There are two sets of criteria to receive services:
- Confirmed or suspected disability
Certain medical conditions such as Trisomy 21, fetal alcohol syndrome, cerebral palsy and sensory impairments have a high probability of resulting in developmental delay. These children are also eligible for EI services. Pediatricians can make these diagnoses and should send information about the medical condition.
- Risk of a disability
- EI is on your side:
When parents express concern, take it seriously and refer to EI.Use the EI evaluation to supplement your own screening, surveillance or discussions in the office. This is the first step to determining whether a problem truly exists. EI can mean providing support and hope to the family. Provision of services can reduce parental anxiety and provide hope for restoring a child to his/her expected developmental path or, at least, maximizing that path. For all its ups and downs, EI does help children.
- Glossary:
Child Find – Formerly known as ICHAP (Infant Child Health Assessment Program), serves 0-3 years old who are at-risk for delay by providing ongoing developmental monitoring and services needed for optimal development.
Early Childhood Direction Center (ECDC) - Provides information about programs and services for young children, ages birth through five, who have disabilities and helps to obtain services.
Early Intervention Official Designee (EIOD): Works in EI Regional Office and signs/approves services as described in the IFSP and annual reviews.
IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) – This is the written plan of services developed for the child that guides the OSC and agency, including frequency as well as expected outcomes.
ISC (Initial Service Coordinator) – As either an employee of an agency or EI, the ISC oversees the initial EI evaluations and IFSP meeting.
OSC (Ongoing Service Coordinator) – The OSC is usually employed by an agency or by EI. They coordinate care during the entire time child is on EI assuring that all services are provided as mandated by the IFSP.
- Helpful phone numbers and websites:
Early Intervention Regional Offices
Manhattan: 42 Broadway Suite 1623 New York, New York 10004 tel. 212-487-3920
Bronx: 1932 Arthur Ave. Suite 20313 Bronx, New York 10457 tel. 718-579-6800
Staten Island: 2971 Hylan Blvd. Staten Island 10306 tel. 718-351-6413
Other Resources:
Advocates for Children: 212-947-9779
Resources for Children with special health care needs: 212-677-4650
Sinergia: 212-643-2840
Internet Resources:- Advocates for Children - The Steps to Early Intervention: A Guide for New York City Parents -
- Child Find/ICHAP -
- Child Find referrals/Children at risk -
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene – Comprehensive information about EI including diagnoses with high probability of developmental delay:
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Spreadsheet of EI providers -
- NY State Department of Health - The Early Intervention Program: A Parent's Guide for Children with Special Needs - Birth to Age Three -
- NY State Department of Health – comprehensive information
Relevant AAP policies:
- Individualized Education Plan and IFSP:
- Pediatricians’ role in EI:
- Prescriptions for therapy:
Early Childhood Direction Centers (ECDC) -
Service Area: Bronx
Ana Cecilia Hernandez, Director
Early Childhood Direction Center
2488 Grand Concourse
Room 405
Bronx, NY 10458
Phone:(718) 584-0658
Fax:(718) 584-0859
Service Area: New York (Manhattan)
Marilyn Rubinstein, Director
Early Childhood Direction Center
New York Presbyterian Hospital
435 East 70th Street, Suite 2A
New York, NY 10021
Phone:(212) 746-6175
Fax:(212) 746-8895
Newburgh (Mid-Hudson Region)
Service Area: Dutchess, Orange, Sullivan, Ulster Counties
Suzanne Tremper, Executive Director
Early Childhood Direction Center
Independent Living, Inc.
5 Washington Terrace
Newburgh, NY 12550
Phone:(845) 565-1162 ext. 209
Fax:(845) 565-0567
E-mail: / Staten Island
Service Area: Richmond (Staten Island)
Laura Kennedy, Director
Early Childhood Direction Center
Staten Island University Hospital
256 C Mason Avenue
3rd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10305
Phone:(718) 226-6670
Fax:(718) 226-6385
Westchester Region
Area Served: Putnam, Rockland, Westchester Counties
Suzanne Peretz, Director
Early Childhood Direction Center
Westchester Institute for Human Development
20 Hospital Oval West, Room 300A
Vahalla, NY 10595
Phone: (914) 493-1709
Fax:(914) 493-1973
Developed by AAP Chapter 2 Committee on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics/Children with Disabilities, adapted by AAP Chapter 3 CCD co-chairs, Lynn Davidson, M.D. and Maris Rosenberg, M.D.
Jack M. Levine, MD, Chapter 2 Chairman
(516) 734-2997
(718) 268-5282
Chuan Chang, MD
Eileen Fontanetta, MD, MPH
Hazel Goodwin, MD
Alyson Gutman, M.D.
Dorie E. Hankin, M.D.
(516) 739-1936
David Meryash, MD
Carolyn Rehm, MD
Eddie Simpser, MD
(718) 281-8778
Jogesh Syalee, MD
(718) 206-9888 x236
Lynn Davidson, M.D.
(718) 920-5271
Maris Rosenberg, M.D.
Special thanks to Vivian Babin, OTR and Dawn Oakley, OTR, St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children; Nancy Rybacki, Stepping Stone School; Kathleen Walsh, PHN and Eileen Connolly, PHN, Nassau County Department of Health
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