Music Therapy Internship Application
MUTX 449
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Name: / TelephoneBlugold ID: / Email: / Home:
Mailing Address: / Cell:
This Section applies to all students – those doing a national roster internship & those doing a university-affiliated internship.
My Status on the AMTA Professional Competencies:
- I have met the following competencies as noted:
- Please include setting and dates when you will target each competency.
- Attach your listing to this document and label as competencies met.
- I plan to target the following competencies during my internship:
- Please include setting and dates when you will target each competency.
- Attach your listing to this document and label as competencies to be targeted.
My Status on Clinical Music Repertoire and Skills:
- Include your videolog to demonstrate your repertoire and skills.
- Include a written description of your strengths and weaknesses along with the videolog.
My Musical Repertoire Notebook
- Include your notebook/s cross-referenced for therapeutic use with a variety of populations.
- Sections need to include:
- Songs on which I am competent.
- Song sheets which I can use/need to learn songs.
- Music Therapy session plans – cross-referenced for future use
My Updated Baccalaureate Portfolio:
- Include your e-portfolio work.
My Log of Clinical Hours
- Refer to your PPG
Special Internship Project
Description of Special Project/s – A special project is required for your internship. If your national roster internship already includes a special project, completion of that project will meet this requirement. If you are doing a university-affiliated internship or if your national roster internship does not require a special project, work with your advisor to design a special project for your internship. This music therapy project may be a program proposal, a grant, a presentation, development of a video training tape, creation of a website, development of a handbook, etc… It should be something which will be useful to you in the future in your work as a music therapist and which can also be used by university students and other interns in the future. You may choose to make photographs with a how-to description for objects created that cannot simply be copied and given to the university and the internship setting.
Three Reports Due to the University Advisor
For both university-affiliated internships and national roster internships three reports are required to be submitted in typed format to your university advisor at the end of the first third of your internship, the second third of your internship, and the completion of your internship. These reports should contain a description of what you have been doing, any comments about your internship that you would like to share, a description of what content from your university education has been useful, and a description of content that you wish you had from your education that you did not have.
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Do you plan to pursue a national roster internship or a university-affiliated internship?
- Choosing a national roster internship means that you may initially apply to four internships. Refer to the American Music Therapy Association website links below to find information about these internships. You will want to write to all internships in which you are interested to obtain information about them. Take your time to look through this listing carefully, reading the descriptions.
- Meet with your advisor to help discuss your interests and try to narrow down your choices.
- Once you receive responses from all of the internships, you will choose and apply to up to four of them. If you receive a rejection letter, you may then apply to another internship, but you may only have four applications out at once.
- You will apply one year prior to when you want to begin the internship.
National Roster Report Requirements
For national roster internships you are required to complete a self-evaluation report at the end of three months and again at the end of six months. Your clinical supervisor/s will also complete evaluations for you at the end of three months and at the end of six months and will send copies to your university advisor. At the end of the internship you will also complete an evaluation of the internship which will be sent to the American Music Therapy Association.
- Choosing a university-affiliated internship means that you will independently accept the responsibility to structure your internship ahead of time. You will need to submit the form below along with this internship application to request permission to enroll in a university – affiliated internship.
Days/Times / Place / Total hours / Supervisor / Signature of Supervisor
- For each different setting, describe the number of hours you plan to accrue and delineate how you plan to spend your time in each of the following activities:
- Type of client interaction
- Hours devoted to session planning
- Set-up/take-down time for session materials
- Documentation time
- Supervision time
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