AAAO 2014 Summer Conference
Orange Beach, Alabama
August 12-15, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
3:30 to 5:00 pm Registration
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 (All Tracks)
9:00 to 10:00 am Registration, Vendor Area Open & Breakfast
10:00 to 11:00 am Opening Session
11:00 to 11:30 am Technology Break
11:30 am to 1:00 pm AAAO Luncheon
1:00 to 2:00 pm A Professional Presence in the Property Tax Office
Knowing what is necessary to create a professional presence in the property tax office is essential in building a competent and reliable staff. This workshop will provide information on professional dress, appropriate language and behavior, and recognition of what constitutes sexual harassment.
Glen Ford and Julia Heflin
2:00 to 2:30 pm Technology Break
2:30 to 3:30 pm A Professional Presence in the Property Tax Office (continued)
Thursday, August 14, 2014
8:00 to 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 to 10:00 am
· Integrated GIS Technology for CAMA – From Desktop to Tablets to iPhone (Mappers, TA, SS)
Description: GIS technology has changed the way assessment offices use maps in the last couple of decades. That has once again changed dramatically with web based technology, tablets and smart phones. This seminar will explore the various way GIS technology can be used by assessors to improve their productivity in this demanding day and age with budgets shrinking.
Raj Radhakrishan, ERing
· Tips and Tricks – Delta’s Mapping Applications (Mappers, TA, SS)
Description: This workshop will provide valuable information on correcting erroneous parcel numbers, moving parcels to correct year, subdivision management, working deeds electronically, imaging and going paperless, deed log report, recording deeds filed out of sequence, GIS interface, effect of transfer versus name change, routing change forms, and offsite backup & recovery.
John Robertson, Delta
Thursday, August 14, 2014
9:00 to 10:00 am
GIS & Mapping Websites - From the Office into the Field
(Mappers, TA, SS)
Description: Flagship’s annual user’s group meeting for mappers and appraisers, boiled down into two action packed hours of hands-on practical training of Flagship’s latest and greatest mapping tools for the office and when in the field.
Dan Richards and Nikki Smallwood, Flagship
· Are My Health Related Appraisals Sick? (RP, TA and SS)
Description: This workshop will provide a detailed look at the valuation of health related (chain drug stores, medical offices and small surgical centers) properties. The Workshop will provide details on how to standardize the inventory listing of the improvements, and provide sample checklists and completed PRC’s to serve as a guide for standardizing the consistency in local appraisals.
Derrick Coleman, ADOR
· Personal Property Short Form and Act 2014-415 (PP, TA and SS)
Description: Discussion of the Act and changes to the short form as well as online portal.
Jennifer Byrd, ADOR
10:00 to 10:30 am Technology Break
10:30 to 11:30 am
· Integrated GIS Technology for CAMA – From Desktop to Tablets to iPhone (continued) (Mappers, TA, SS)
Raj Radhakrishan, ERing
· Introduction to GeoMedia/Deploying Parcel Maps to the Field (Mappers,TA,SS)
Description: These two topics will include: 1) what’s new with the repackaging of the GeoMedia product, customization tips for GeoMedia 2014, and quality assurance tools to insure data integrity and 2) mobile devises for assessment.
George Jones, ISC
· GIS & Mapping Websites - From the Office into the Field (continued) (Mappers, TA, SS)
Thursday, August 14, 2014
10:30 to 11:30 am
· Managing My Income Producing Property Appraisals (RP, TA, SS)
Description: This workshop is designed to provide an overview of implementing a program to value income producing properties county-wide. The workshop will provide information on how to incorporate the program into the county mass appraisal of commercial properties. Also, the workshop will provide ideas on how to manage to program on a year to year basis, ensuring that the income values produced are current and market supported.
Derrick Coleman, ADOR
· Usual and Unusual Personal Property (PP, TA, SS)
Description: Focuses upon business personal property which, because of its uniqueness, presents special problems in discovery and determining fair and reasonable market value. Specific content varies, depending upon the topics identified by the participants and the Department of Revenue. It is dynamic, interactive, and problem/solution oriented. Discussion will include IRP billing and invoices and permanent trailer tags.
Jennifer Byrd, ADOR
11:30 am to 1:00 pm Lunch on your own
1:00 to 2:00 pm
· What’s New with ESRI ArcGIS for Local Governments (Mappers, TA, SS)
Description: This workshop will help a land records organization transform their use of GIS, increase efficiency and improve government services. We’ll explore focused maps and apps that help to manage an accurate inventory of real property, analyze value of land and associated improvements, describe who owns the land, and convey land-use and zoning regulations. We’ll also explore maps and apps and discuss how to get started to increase the value of GIS within your organization.
Scott Wolters, ESRI
· Integrating GIS and CAMA/Roundtable Discussion (Mappers, TA, SS)
Description: These two topics will provide information on accessing your CAMA information through your GIS and allow participant’s to share experiences, tips, and needs to ISC.
George Jones, ISC
Thursday, August 14, 2014
1:00 to 2:00 pm
· Establishing an Environment of Self-Motivation (All Tracks)
Description: Knowing how to communicate and motivate fellow employees and subordinates is essential in establishing a working office relationship. This workshop will provide ideas and tools on how to get others to do jobs they don’t perceive as part of their “job description”.
Glen Ford and Julia Heflin
2:00 to 2:30 pm Technology Break
Thursday, August 14, 2014
2:30 to 4:00 pm
· From Register to Real (Mappers, TA, SS)
Description: In this workshop from S&W, participants will get a better understanding of the software and procedural relationship between the mapping register and real property in the CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal) System.
Dave Kinnaird, S&W Minicomputers
· Integrating GIS and CAMA (All Tracks)
Description: This workshop will provide a detailed look at integrating GIS technology into a personal property canvass and discovery project.
Derrick Coleman and Jennifer Byrd
· Tax Sales, Exemptions and Excess Bids (All Tracks)
Description: This workshop is designed to assist employees of the tax office who are involved in sales and redemption of real property as well as the tax sale process of personal property, also assessing employees (exemptions). This will provide discussion of supervisory, support staff and all other interested employees of the property tax office. This workshop will also include an update for employees about the changes in the redemption of real property and excess bids.
Glen Ford, Marilyn Wood and Telesia Chambers
6:30 pm Banquet/Awards Ceremony and Installation of Officers
Friday, August 15, 2014
9:00 am Breakfast and Committee Reports