Table 1. Special problems for detection and management of invasive alien plants in arid areas worldwide.
Primary problem / Subproblem / Species / Country / ReferenceInvasion or invasion impacts not detected until well advanced / low density of observers (research facilities, agricultural extension officers and farmers) / Prosopis / Namibia / Smit & Steenkamp
promoted by global change / Bromus, Vulpia / USA / Smith et al 2000
cryptic invasion process / Schinus molle, Echinopsis / South Africa / Milton et al 2007
stochastic invasion / Prosopis / South Africa / Harding & Bate 1991
invasion follows genetic change or hybridization / Prosopis / South Africa / Zimmerman 1991
Tamarix / USA / Gaskin 2002
Carpobrotus / California, USA / Vila et al 2000
negative impacts on biodiversty / plant diversity reduction / Cactaceae / Canary Is, Spain / Essl & Kobler 2009
Mesembryanthemaceae / Egypt, USA, Spain / Levine et al 2003, Andreu et al 2009
Pennisetum setaceum, Carpobrotus, Eucalyptus / Spain / Andreu et al 2009
Orbea (Apocynaceae) / Australia / Levine et al 2003
habitat structure for wildlife / Prosopis (Fabaceae) / South Africa / Dean et al. 2002
negative impacts on ecosystems services & livlihoods / water resource depletion /
/ South Africa / Guthrie 2007, van Wilgen 2008Eucalyptus / South Africa / Le Maitre 2004, Gorgens & van Wilgen 2004, van Wilgen 2008
Prosopis / South Africa / Le Maitre 2004
increased evapotranspiration / Tamarix / USA / Zavaleta 2000
soil nitrogen depletion / Bromus / USA / Evans et al 2001
soil salinization / Tamarix, Mesembryanthemum / USA / Zavaleta 2000, Zavaleta et al. 2001
soil erosion (via fire) / Arundo / South Africa / Van Wilgen et al. 2008
grazing resources (via fire) / Bromus, Pennisetum / Hawaii, South Africa, USA / D’Antonio, Vitousek 1992;
grazing resources (via competition) / Prosopis / Australian, Ethiopia, India, South Africa / Shiferaw et al 2004, van Klinken et al. 2006
Cactaceae / Spain / Andreu et al 2009; Vila et al 2000
grazing resources (via replacement) / Centaurea solstialis / USA - California / Pejchar & Mooney 2009
positive impacts result in high values placed on invasive alien plant species / goods (wood, biofuel, fodder, honey) / Eucalyptus, Prosopis / Ethiopia, Niger, Yemen, Kenya, India / Fagg & Stewart 1994, Shiferaw et al 2004, Geesing et al. 2004
goods (fruit, cochineal, fodder) / Opuntia spp / Canary Is., China, Eritrea, Israel, Namibia, South Africa, Spain, Tunisia, Yemen / Zimmermann et al 2004
goods (construction materials) / Arundo, Populus, Eucalyptus / South Africa / van Wilgen et al 2008
services ( barriers, ornamental, erosion control) / Carpobrous, Agave, Pennisetum / South Africa / Wells et al 1986
invasion irreversible in short term / fire cycles / Bromus / USA / D'Antonio & Vitousek 1992
invader economically too important / Prosopis / Kenya / Fagg & Stewat 1994
salinization of soil / Mesembryanthemum / Egypt / Levine er al 2003
invasion not controlled / minimal state funding allocated to arid areas / Cactacceae, Eucalyptus / Spain / Andreu et al 2009
land production capacity too low to cover control costs / Prosopis / USA / Douglas and Mayeux 1991
hybridization makes biocontrol difficult / Carpobrotus, Prosopis, Salsola / Spain, Australia, USA / Vila et al. 2000, van Klinken et al. 2006, Ayers et al. 2009
Reference list for Table 1
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