By M. Speranza
Tune – “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”
Use BBCD#3, Track #74 for accompaniment
Teach this song by rote, singing the first two verses as they appear below. Discuss with children what else they might see, hear or smell at this time of year and replace last line of second verse (underscored) with new words, i.e. “hear - the geese that are flying back,” or “smell – the rain that’s falling down;” (COR – R. Using Vocabulary and FF. Identifying Natural and Living Things.) Depending on the exact time of year, you can use the word “almost” if needed in the first verse. Draw the children’s attention to the letters/sounds in the words “Spring,” “See,” “Hear,” “Smell,” and “Feel.”
The weather is getting warmer,
The weather is getting warmer,
The weather is getting warmer,
Spring is (almost) here!
Look around and see, (hear, feel, smell)
Look around and see, (hear, feel, smell)
Look around and see, (hear, feel, smell)
The flowers start to grow.