Human Participant Pool (HPP)
Student Guidelines
Spring 2007
Students enrolled in Psychology 100, 220, and 230must earn 4 research participation credits for each class in which they are enrolled. Each credit involves up to ½ hour of participation.
You must be at least 18 years old to participate in experiments. If you will not be 18 by the 4th week of the semester, bring proof of age to Dr. Fitzpatrick in UH 302 by February 28, 2007
February 28, 2007You must be registered on Experimentrak by this date (even if you do not sign up for studies by that time)
February 28, 2007Last day to bring proof of age if you will not be 18 years old by the 4th week of the semester. You must bring proof of age (e.g., driver’s license, birth certificate) to Dr. Fitzpatrick in UH 302
May 4, 2007Last day to turn in any alternative assignments (these are the summaries of empirical articles for which you can get HPP credit instead of participating in experiments). See the last page of the guidelines for complete instructions. Due by 5 p.m.
May 8, 2007Last day to participate in experiments for HPP credit
Using Experimentrak Scheduling System
How to get started:
1. Log on to
You will be open to a page that says
Participant Login
in the menu bar, click on Participants
click on Register
2. A new page will appear that says Participant Registration
fill out ALL the information
- Be sure to put your correct date of birth
- For your student ID#, omit the @ sign (e.g.,00033139)
- The password you choose must be 6-10 digits (letters, numbers, or a combination)
- Check YES and click Submit Registration
3. A note will appear that says
Thank you
Please check your email
for verification instructions
click OK
4. A new page will open that says
Participant Verification
Meanwhile… your verification code will have been sent to your email address. The email will tell you what your verification code is and will give you two methods for accessing the verification page; however, the correct page will already have appeared (as above) if you have not exited Experimentrak. So assuming you are on the correct page, fill in
- Your complete email address
- Your password
- Your verification code
click Verify and Login
5. A new page will appear that asks you to fill out information andanswer several questions about you including:
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Class status (e.g., freshman, sophomore)
- Is English your first language?
- Are you left-handed or right-handed?
- Do you have normal-to-corrected vision?
(This means that if your vision is normal or is corrected to normal with glasses or contacts, answer YES; whereas if your vision is so poor that it cannot be corrected to normal vision with glasses or contacts, answer NO)
Next you must indicate to which class (or classes) you want the credit assigned
Once you have completed these five registration steps, you never have to do them again
How to sign up for experiments:
1. Login at
Participant Login
fill in your complete email and your password (if you forget your password you can ask Experimentrak to retrieve it for you and Experimentrak will send it to you via email immediately)
click Login
2. A new page will appear that says
In the menu bar, click on Experiments
3. A new page will appear that lists all the available experiments
Click on the experiment name to find out more information
Follow the prompts to sign up
*Email Confirmations:
You will receive a confirmation of your appointment
*Email Reminders:
You will receive a reminder of upcoming appointment(s) the day before your appointment is scheduled
*Cancellation by You:
You must cancel your appointment 120 minutes (2 hours) before it is scheduledor you will NOT receive credit and WILL RECEIVE
a penalty
*Maximum Penalty
Failure to cancel or to show up for your appointment will result in a penalty. You will be required to earn 2 credit points for
every 1 point missed
You are responsible for assigning the credit to your class
*If the EXPERIMENTER Cancels
You have a right to be notified in advance. If the Experimenterdoes not show within 10 minutes after the appointed time, you have the right to request credit for participation. Go immediately to UH 322 to obtain “No Show of Researcher” form from either the Administrative Coordinator or Department Assistant. Complete the form and return to Dr. Fitzpatrick in UH 302. Dr. Fitzpatrick will follow-up with the Researcher.
*Participation is Voluntary
If you choose not to participate or wish to discontinue, you are free to do so. However this does not exempt you from the overall research participation requirement. Please see below for alternate assignment.
*You have the right to receive information about any and all research projects in which you participate. Specifically, at the end of your participation in the project, researchers are required to provide information about the hypotheses/issues being examined, the relevant scientific literature, and how the findings from the research project will add to the scientific literature. If a particular experimenter fails to provide you with this information, notify the Human Participant Pool (HPP) Coordinator (Dr. Maureen Fitzpatrick in University Hall 302). You have the right to be treated in accordance with the American Psychological Association’s (APA) standards for the ethical treatment of human participants. If you feel that you have not been treated in accordance with these standards or if you have any other grievance or concern regarding any particular research project or with the research participation requirement in general you may contact Dr. Maureen Fitzpatrick in University Hall 302. The Psychology Program and its faculty will make every effort to provide sufficient opportunities to participate in research projects. However, we cannot guarantee that sufficient opportunities will be available. We recommend that you check the Psychology Research website, and often to maximize the likelihood that you will be able to find projects in which to participate.
In place of participating in a research study, you may write a 2-3 page critique of a research project published within the past 6 months (each critique is worth 1 credit point). You must select from the journals listed below. Attach a copy of the first page of the article to the back of your paper and include your Name, Student ID#, email address, and the Class for which you want credit (including the section number). You may turn in your critiques ANY TIME before 5:00 PM, May 4, 2007, to Dr. Maureen Fitzpatrick, UH 302.
Academy of Management Journal / Journal of Cross-Cultural PsychologyAnimal Behavior / Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
American Journal of Primatology
Basic and Applied Social Psychology / Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Child Development / Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity
Cognitive Psychology / Journal of Memory and Language
Computers in Human Behavior / Journal of Organizational Behavior
Current Directions in Psychology / Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Developmental Psychology / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Ethology / Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Health Psychology / New Directions in Child Development
Infancy / Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Infant Behavior & Development / Psychological Science
Journal of Comparative Psychology / Psychology of Women Quarterly
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology / Sex Roles
Note that these summaries must be of empirical articles (i.e., those that have an Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion) and not review articles. Do not turn in summaries you have used for your courses as this is considered cheating (see information on academic honesty in the 2006/2008 General Catalog, pp. 77-79).
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