Attention: All fields in the form need to be completed. Incomplete forms will not be registered.
Registration rules:
Completed Registration form needs to be received by Signamax Connectivity Systems via e-mail through Accu-Tech contacts provided or through the Signamax Area
Manager. No later than 10 business days before the training course start date.
Signamax certification training attendee may substitute another person. The substitution request must be received not later than 2 business days before the training course start day.
Signamax reserves the right to cancel a training course or make changes in training schedule. Information about such changes shall be available not later than 5 business days before the training course start day.
Training registration:
Training Course / Date* / Location*/ SCS.DPIP Signamax Cabling System DP&IP. Certification Training (3-day) / Month Day Year
/ SCS.R Signamax Cabling System Review Certification Training (1-day) / Month December Day 4 th Year 2012 / Accu-Tech Hanover MD.
/ SCS.RC Signamax Cabling System DP&IP. Re-certification Training / Month Day Year
1. Applicant details
Name: Title: e-mail: @ .
Mailing address:
Street Address:
(Please, if possible, do not use Post-Office-Box-based addresses)
City: State/Province: ZIP code: Country:
Phone: + ( ) , + ( ) Fax: + ( )
country code local area code phone number country code local area code phone number country code local area code phone number
2. Registration/re-certification requested:
x/ Signamax Certified Installer / x
/ Signamax Certified Designer /
/ Signamax Certified Consultant /
/ Signamax Registered Installer
3. Company details
Company name:
Phone ( )
country code local area code phone number
For detailed information about registration procedures please contact Accu-Tech contacts provided or contact your area Signamax Sales Manager contact provided.
Completed registration forms should be returned to:
The Signamax Contact Provided
Amanda Daily
Signamax™ Cabling System Training Registration Form Rev. C-MAY-11