Mythology Ms. Fuerst room 247

Contact information: E-mail:


This course is designed to explore mythology from a variety of cultures including Greek & Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Japanese, and American. You will gain a greater understanding of the role mythology plays in the values, ideologies, attitudes, and traditions of the culture.

Mythology Requirements

You will be expected to do the readings on time, attend class, and participate with vigor and intellectual curiosity. He stories we will read in this class will be baffling, challenging, and exciting. You should not need much prodding from me to read and enjoy them. However, I will not hesitate to give you a pops quiz if I feel you are not keeping up with the reading or discussion. We will have an undetermined number of short response papers, and/or possibly quizzes for this course.

Writing: This is an English course, and papers will be graded very carefully, so proofread carefully! Because grades are meant to reflect your effort in a course, plagiarism will be punished severely. You will receive an F or 0 for the paper. We will have two short papers, a final exam, and an undetermined number of short response papers, and a final research project.

Attendance: Since I have structured this course around discussion rather than lecture, your attendance and your participation are vital. Those who are absent (in body or mind) will find the course less interesting and material more difficult than those who attend and participate. You cannot “make up” the discoveries and the intellectual give and take created by a classroom full of individual personalities. You also deprive the class of the unique perspective that only you can bring. If you have questions about the reading, please raise these concerns in class. If you feel hesitant to participate in class, please come to 247 and talk to me about it.

Grading Policy

Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date assigned and may be used for discussion; you may not work on assignments in class on the day they are assigned unless otherwise specified. You may turn in homework (not major assignments) one day late once during each semester. You must attach a late pass to qualify. If you lose the late pass, you may not turn in the assignment late.

Major assignments are due by 3:00 pm. on the date assigned; I will not accept late assignments. If you have printed problems, email the entire assignment and send a copy to yourself as a guarantee.

Makeup for an excused absence

Students are responsible for requesting makeup work the day you come back to school from an excused absence. If you are absent on a given day, it is your responsibility to get the assignments or class notes/handouts you may have missed. Make-up assignments from an absence must be completed and handed in within two days of an absence. It is also your responsibility to submit any previous assignments on the day you return to school or else it will not be accepted. You are responsible for making and keeping an appointment to make up a test.

If you know you will be absent from class in advance, please inform me. It may be possible to complete some assignments before you go if you will be absent for an extended period. School trips and activities do not exempt you from completing assignments the day you return.

Reasonable due dates will be determined based on the length of the absence.

Extra Credit Policy: There is no extra credit available. You will pass this course if you complete your assignments and participate in class discussions; good attendance will also determine your success in this course.

Student achievement grades are reported as follows:







Essays/writing analyses45%


Homework/class work20%

Class Procedures

  1. Bring all materials to class. You may not leave to your locker once the bell has rung.
  2. You may use the restroom before the bell rings, at an appropriate time during class, or at the very end of class. You do not have to ask to use the facilities. I ask that only one person is out of the room at a time.
  3. Stay in your seat until the bell rings.
  4. Turn off any electronic devices. You may not wear headphones under any circumstances in class.


  1. College rule paper in a 1-2” binder dedicated only for Mythology. I will not accept a paper with silvered or crinkled edges.
  2. Blue or black pen—no pencil whatsoever!
  3. I do not lend supplies unless your pen dies in class!

Writing Guidelines

  • All writing assignments should be typed and double spaced.
  • Prentice Hall has a website devoted to on-line research and writing. Check outthis site, and see how many of the 11 rules you routinely transgress in your own writing.
  • If you would like to dramatically improve the style of your writing, The Elements of Style is now in a hypertext edition. This is the indispensable guide for writing and it is very readable.
  • Please refer to the guidelines and requirements that I have developed for writing papers for English 12.

Required Readings: You will write academic and creative papers based on these readings.

Mythology by Edith Hamilton

World Mythology Donna Rosenberg

Extra Help/Office Hours

If you need help with assignments, pleasemake an appointment to arrange a day and time for help regarding any assignments.

“The love of wisdom begins in wonder” Socrates