Darts ACT Inc
Board Meeting
The Canberra Southern Cross Club
26th April 2016 @ 7.30pm
1: Open Meeting: 7.40pm
2: Attendance: Mick Mullaney, Leigh Beswick, Tracey Luby, Brad Spurway, John Taylor, Kris Jones and Jane Cullen.
3: Apologies: Anthony Fleet, Mick Lean, Steve Luby, Dwayne Woodhouse.
4: Previous minutes:Motioned to adopt minutes by John Taylor, 2nd by Brad Spurway. Carried by all.
5: Business arising from previous minutes:
8.1: Secretary to correct spelling of Dwayne Woodhouse’s name. Done
NB: Coaching for Juniors, Mick Mullaney and Leigh Beswick to be available for coaching during week days.
6: Correspondence:
- In: As Tabled
- Out: As Tabled
7: Reports
7.1 Presidents: Nil
7.2 Vice President: As Tabled
7.3 Secretary: as per correspondence
7.4 Treasurer: As Tabled
7.4.1: Approval to pay Darts Australia $690.00
7.4.2: Approval to pay Don Masters for dart stands $2560.00
7.4.3: Approval to Pay Mick Mullaney for Stationary $28.50
Totals for approval to pay $3278.50.
Motion for approval to pay by John Taylor, 2nd by Brad Spurway, Carried by all.
7.5:Publicity Officer: As Tabled
7.6: Coaching Director: Nil
7.7: Juniors: As Tabled
7.8: Registrar/Recorder: Nil
7.9:Works: Request for working bee at Leigh Beswick place to fix sheds for Darts ACT equipment protection.
7.10:DA Controller: As Tabled
7.11: State Team Co-ordinator
8: General Business:
8.1: Leigh Beswick to get copy of Constitution from A. Fleet.
8.2: By-laws on going
8.3: on going
8.4: Noted that Leigh Beswick and Mick Mullaney did not agree with the interpretation of the State Team Selection criteria that was presented at the selection meeting by the chairperson on selectors and other elected selectors present.
8.5: A text message was sent to Brian Gee and Brad Osborne about the payment of team fees. Team fees had to be paid by 7.30pm on Wednesday 27th April 2016 on their teams will not be allowed to play.
8.6: Ratification of State Teams carried.
8.7: State Team Co-ordinator to send emails to State Team Players to ask for their vote on whom they would like to be their Captain at the Australian Darts Championships.
8.8: Darts ACT acknowledge letter of concern sent in by Alison Cox. Board to investigate Alison’s concerns.
8.9: Send DA Controller letter stating above concerns.
9: Sponsorships and Grants: A generic letter requesting sponsorship has been made up.
10: Key Points for WEB:
10.1: Jason for web and FB, If anyone interested in playing Junior darts to contact Jane Cullen and also to be added to contacts list. Done.
10.2: Next Sausage sizzle on 22nd May 2016 at Hervey Norman (Fyshwick) need members to help cook
11: Next Meeting: 24th May 2016 @ Canberra Southern Cross Club @ 7.30pm.
Meeting Closed: 10.05pm