Friends of Lake Villa District Library

Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2016


Bob AmburgeyChris McDonald

Barbara BerczynskiJean Mueller

Janet BrakelJoAnn Nobler

Judy FilipowiczJanet Peterson

Ron GorskiSue Vogl

Virginia KoerberEllen Wing

Meeting was called to order at 5:29 by Ellen Wing.

Meeting Minutes

Janet Petersonmoved to accept the meeting minutes of October 20, 2016. Virginia Koerberseconded. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Ellen Wing presented the Financial Report. Ron Gorski moved to pay the request for payment and Judy Filipowicz seconded. Janet Peterson made a motion to accept the corrected Financial Report. Jean Mueller seconded. Passed.

Old Business

Thank a Vet Sale

The Thank a Vet Sale was successful. The only problem was that the township tables came after set-up.

Friends discussed ideas for the next Thank a Vet book sale. Suggestions included a live veteran or military movies to remind customers of our goal of raising money to help vets.

New Business

Veteran Group to Donate Proceeds of the Thank a Vet Sale

Bonnie Cataldowas looking into various veteran charities. JoAnn Nobler brought in literature about Midwest Veterans Closet in North Chicago. Bob Amburgey and Barbara Berczynski will visit the facility on Friday.

Ron Gorski moved that we donate $300 to the Veterans Closet pending evaluation. Virginia Koebler seconded. Passed.

Volunteer Dinner

Instead of a dinner to honor active volunteers, Ellen Wing suggested a lunch. Friends chose Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at Reflections.

Lobby Table

Friends discussed ways to improve the lobby table for book sales. Suggestions included better signage for the moneybox and seasonal decorations for the table.


Friends received a thank you letter from Joyce Mesrobian. She was happy with the selection of children’s book and bought many to send to the children of Flint, Michigan.

Friends received a thank you letter from Jeannine Leonhart. After the sale, Jeannine took remaining children’s books to be distributed to needy children through Open Arms.

Janet Brakel announced that the Lake Villa District Library staff would be in the Lake Villa Christmas Parade on Saturday, November 26. Friends were invited to march with the library group.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20. Motion to adjourn was made by Bob Amburgey with Janet Petersonseconding.

Upcoming Events

Monthly meetingThursday, January 19, 2017 5:30