Learning Prep High School

Policies and Procedures

High School

Policies and Procedures

Student/Parent Handbook


1507 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02465, (617) 965-0764

2017– 2018 School Year

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Please take time to read the High School Policies and Procedures Student/Parent Handbookwith your child. In accordance with Chapter 766 Rules and Regulations, parents must be aware of and in agreement with the rules and behavioral consequences that are in place. The Handbook can be found on our website Should you require a hardcopy of the Handbook for High School Policies and Procedures, please contact the school directly. One is also available for your review in the Main Office area upon request.

Learning Prep School staff asks that home and school work together in order to effect the maximum potential from all of our students. Our policies and procedures are carefully designed to provide the best overall experience to our entire community of learners. Parents and staff can be important partners in helping students successfully meet school expectations, thereby building lifelong skills useful in future academic, social, and career settings.

Please complete the form attached to this letter and return it to your son/daughter’s health teacher as soon as possible.Thank you for your cooperation, and please feel free to call if you have any questions.


Gretchen PetersenCynthia Manning

High School Program CoordinatorHigh School Principal

Table of Contents

Section 1:Philosophy (Pages 5 - 6)

Section 2:References and Reminders (Pages 6 - 8)

Section 3:Attendance Policy (Pages 8 – 10)

Section 4:Grading Policy (Pages 10 - 14)

  • Homework (Pages 12 - 13)
  • LPS Notebook System (Page 14)

Section 5:Graduation Requirements (Pages 14 - 16)

Section 6:School Community Policies and Procedures (Pages 16 – 29)

  • Electronic Devices Policy (Pages 16 - 17)
  • Acceptable Use Policy for Technology (Pages 17 - 19)
  • Student Records Policy (Pages 19- 20)
  • Conditions & Limitations of Confidentiality (Pages 20 - 21)
  • Health Care Policy (Pages 21 - 25)
  • Wellness Policy (Pages 25 - 27)
  • Federal Lunch and Milk Program (Page 27)
  • Transportation (Pages28)
  • Unexpected Early Dismissal (Page28 - 29)
  • Rules for Participation in Interscholastic Sports (Page 29)
  • Eligibility Requirements for Students Holding Student Offices (Page 30)
  • Fundraising (Page 30)

Section 7:Bullying Prevention (Pages 30 - 33)

  • Definitions (Pages30 - 31)
  • Protocols (Page31-32)
  • Determinations (Pages 32 - 33)

Anti-Hazing Policy (Pages 33 - 34)

Section 8:Student Discipline (Pages 34 - 43)

  • Detention (Page34)
  • Suspension (Pages 35 - 36)
  • Beverages (Page 36)
  • Dress Code (Page 37)
  • Valuables (Page 37)
  • Internet Usage (Page 37 - 38)
  • Glossary of Terms (Pages 38 - 40)
  • State Regulations: 3 – 5 Days Suspension (Page40)
  • State Regulations: 3- 5 Day Suspensions – 10+ Suspensions (Pages40)
  • Suspension/Expulsion for a Felony Charge or Conviction (Pages 40 - 42)
  • Conditions/Procedures for Termination (Pages 42)

Guidelines for Searching Students (Page42)

Policy and Procedure for Behavior Support (Pages 43 - 46)

Physical Restraint Policy (Pages 46 - 52)

Section 9:Civil Rights Policy (Pages 52 – 55)

  • Definitions (Pages 52 – 53)
  • Reporting Procedures (Pages 53 – 54)
  • Investigation (Pages 54 – 55)

Section 10: Registering a Complaint for Education and Care (Page 55)

Section 11:IDEA Regulations Regarding IEPs (Pages55)

Section 12:Work Study and Transitional Guidance Rules and Policies (Pages56-60)

Section 13:Signature Page (61)


History and Goals:

The Learning Prep School (A Division of the Little People's School hereafter referred to as the Learning Prep School or LPS) has been serving language and learning disabled students from over 140 communities in Massachusetts in an innovative educational milieu since 1970.

Learning Prep School [LPS] is a private day educational program located in West Newton, Massachusetts for special needs students conforming with Mass. Public Law 766 and Federal Law 94-142. LPS serves students ages 8-22 in its elementary, middle and high school programs. All of our students have secondary handicapping conditions (i.e., ADHD, ADHD, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, Asperger’s, right hemisphere disorders, etc.). No student at LPS has a primary diagnosis of behavioral disorder, emotional disturbance or developmental disability.

In order to service the students, LPS also provides occupational therapy, speech therapy and counseling programs, as well as a comprehensive after school program (approximately 200 students currently participate).

The depth, scope and success of Learning Prep's programs are virtually unique in the country. Sixty percent of students who enter LPS early in their academic lives return to mainstream settings. Older students who enter LPS at the high school level are encouraged to fulfill their potential - for most, this means going on to higher education; for some it means engaging in competitive work or continued vocational training after graduation.

At LPS, the emphasis is on literacy, functional competence and the ongoing development of language. The foundation of the LPS curriculum is language acquisition. Language skills are not taught in remedial classes; rather students are exposed to a language-based curriculum that integrates the teaching of language skills in all subject areaswithin a supportive context of coordinated adaptive, social and therapeutic (related) services.

LPS affords students the opportunity to take their place in society as productive individuals. At LPS, students who once thought of themselves as failures become active learners who come to believe in themselves.

Educational Philosophy:

The premise of Learning Prep School's elementary, middle and high school programs is that most language impaired students do not learn language incidentally from the environment, as do non-impaired students. Language impaired students demonstrate deficits in the acquisition of language as well as in their ability to access the competencies they have acquired. In addition, their ability to understand the social and non-literal meaning of language is often impaired. To address these problems, LPS provides language impaired students with specially designed instructional programs within a safe, secure and highly structured classroom setting.

At LPS, students are taught in small classes of 6-8 students with similar functional language levels, similar compensatory needs and similar academic skills. In each class, students work on the same subject, on the same level, simultaneously. Students and teacher work cooperatively and interactthroughout the entire lesson. In this way, language is constantly stimulated and structured. Teachers use multi-sensory (i.e. visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic) teaching modalities to reinforce learning and to accommodate a variety of learning styles.

Teachers tailor instructional materials for all subjects to the reading levels of each student group. In all classes, students work on their reading, writing and communication skills while they learn the basic content of a particular subject. This fosters the development of a student's responsibility for his/her learning. Instruction ranges along a continuum from direct and teacher-controlled to independent activities, whether the class is reading or career education. The program actively engages the student in the learning process. This includes teaching students to reflect on their ability to learn, to recognize success and progress and to advocate for themselves. In addition, the faculty helps students access their prior knowledge in all learning situations and guides them to generalize, integrate and transfer new content and skills in a variety of contexts.

Since 1970, Learning Prep School has been an innovative and safe educational environment for students with language-based learning disabilities, developing language skills in elementary through high school students. Understanding that language is the basis for all learning, LPS’ unique curriculum integrates the instruction of expressive and receptive language skills in all subjects within the supportive context of coordinated adaptive and social services, including speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, motor skill development, pragmatics, counseling services, pre-vocational training, and work/study programs. LPS’ program actively engages students in all steps of the learning process, including teaching students to reflect on their ability to learn, identify their styles of learning, and recognize their successes and progress. Faculty members help students access their prior knowledge in all learning situations, guiding them to generalize, integrate, and transfer new content and skills across the curriculum in a variety of contexts. Our time-proven methods foster the gradual release of responsibility for learning and behavior, leading to student independence. With such precisely-focused intervention, our students learn to read and write while mastering the skills necessary for daily living. Learning Prep graduates choose further schooling or opt for productive employment, providing them with the foundation they need to live independently with success.

Learning Prep students have language-based learning challenges as their primary disability. As a result, many students come to us with a history of school failure and social difficulties. Oftentimes these children are dependent learners, unable to learn intuitively from their environment or acquire skills by watching others. Subsequently, a majority of our students have no compensatory strategies for their learning challenges. At Learning Prep, students are able to make significant gains because they are taught in a safe environment at their own pace, in small classes grouped by skill level that utilize direct teaching methods. Social Thinking is infused into all aspects of the curriculum, and Thinking Maps are used throughout the school to foster cognitive development and higher-level thinking skills. Students who once saw themselves as failures can evolve into active learners who are able to master the skills necessary for independent living.

School Switchboard: The school telephone number is 617-965-0764. The school FAX number is 617-527-1514. Parents/Guardians may leave a voice mail message for teachers at any time; voice mail extensions are listed on student schedules. Teachers may also be reached via email using the teacher’s first initial and last name @learningprep.org (e.g., ). Absences must be reported to the absentee line(attendance, transportation, early dismissals, lunch money) at ext. 111 by 8:30 a.m. The school office is open between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Student Admittance Forms:

The following forms must be submitted annually for each student:

1.Verification Emergency Form

2.Photo of Child

3.Behavior Support Policy and Procedure

4.Early Dismissal Drop Off

5.Field Trip release Form

3.Disability/Psychological Form

4.Health History

5.Private Physician's Examination (not more than 12 months old)

6.Medication Permission Form

7.Medication Permission Form Over the Counter Medication

8.Confidentiality of School Health records

9.School Lunch Application, if applicable

8.Field Trip Participation Permission


10.LPS Rules and Policies can be found on the LPS website- signature page download and sign

Receipt of Student Policies and Procedures: We ask that before the start of the school year, every parent and student familiarize themselves with this packet in its entirety. In order to insure this has been done, we ask that parents and students sign and return the“Signature Page” located in the front of this booklet. This page mustbe returned to the administrative support office at Learning Prep School at the start of the school year.

Emergency Information: Prior to the first day of school, all students must have a yearly updated “Emergency Verification Form” annually on file in the administrative support office. Students without a properly completed form on file before the start of the school year (or the start of their enrollment in our program) will not be allowed to continue the school year until this information is on file in the administrative support office (this includes the yearly medical information [M.G.L. c. 76, § 15]).

Please note that parents/guardians are responsible for making the school aware of any change of information on the “Emergency Information Form.” Addresses, home and work phone numbers, the emergency contact person, and insurance policy numbers must be kept current.

Change of Address: If you move during the school year, you must inform the administrative support office of your new address.

Communication Regarding Educational Progress:

  • Term warning notices are mailed to parents/guardians approximately halfway through each term for the purpose of alerting parents/guardians to concerns regarding educational progress. Parents/Guardianswith concerns about student progress are encouraged to contact teachers directly.
  • Reports are mailed within two weeks of the close of each marking period. Parents/Guardians should contact the school if they do not receive these regular reports of a student’s progress.
  • Specific dates indicating the end of each grading period appear on the school calendar.

School Property: Students are responsible for all school-owned property, including books and other materials/equipment loaned to them. Reimbursement is required for the full replacement value of any school property damaged or lost.

Daily Attendance: Regular attendance and class participation is essential in order to benefit from the educational program. Parents/Guardians and students should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the attendance policy in this “Policies and Procedures”packet.

Student Personal Items: The school will not take responsibility for items lost or stolen; students are solely responsible for their safekeeping. Students who bring money, personal items, or electronic devices to school do so at their own risk. Items that would be distracting during class time, such as stuffed animals, dolls, etc. should remain in the student’s backpack during the school day. This does not refer to small fidget items that are utilized by students in classes. The Administration reserves the right to determine what is appropriate regarding these items.

Students involved in sports outside of school: Students may participate in sports/activities offered by their sending community high school. Students who will need to leave school early because of these activities must submit a form to the high school principal before the school year ends, for the following year. Parents and students should familiarize themselves with the policy regarding sports/activities.

Cheating: Cheating of any kind will result in disciplinary consequences, including a possible suspension. Plagiarism, copying, and attempting to turn in old work for current work are all considered forms of cheating and will be treated as such.

Restraining Order Policy: If a student or his/her family has involvement with a restraining order the following must take place:

  • A copy of any pertinent restraining order should be submitted to the principal by a parent/guardian; the copy will be placed in the student’s private records.
  • Parents must also send a copy of a restraining order to the local police at:
  • Newton Police Department, 1321 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02465

School Calendar: A current School Calendar is on the website. Please note the school hours: 7:53 a.m. to 2:23 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Experimentation and Research: The Learning Prep School is not involved in any type of experimentation and research. If, in the future, the school were to become involved in such experimentation, parents would be notified and a separate release form would be sent requiring their signature before their child would be allowed to participate.

Inclement Weather: School closing announcements will be made over AM radio stations WBZ, WRKO and WBMX FM in addition to television Channels 5 and 7 and through Auto Alert the Emergency Notifications Service. If inclement weather forces an early dismissal, and you are not at home, your child will be sent to the home of the person you have designated as an alternative.

Fundraising/Publicity: Throughout the year, Learning Prep may participate in fundraising events and/or activities. No child or family is required to participate in fundraising. Students and families are also not required to participate in publicity of the school.

Human Sexuality Curricula: Learning Prep will also, when applicable, notify parents of upcoming curriculum that primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues. After receiving such notice, if there are questions or concerns regarding the curriculum, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s counselor. Program instruction materials for said curricula shall be made reasonably accessible to parents, guardians, educators, school administrators and others for inspection and review. Parents and guardians are afforded the flexibility to exempt their child(ren) from any portion of said curriculum through written notification to a school administrator. No child so exempted shall be penalized by reason of such exemption.


The laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts require regular attendance in school. Consistent attendance is absolutely necessary for students to receive the maximum benefit from their education.

The Learning Prep School regards daily school attendance an essential school requirement:

  • Each student is expected to maintain 95% attendance for the entire school year. Excessive absenteeism may result in academic failure, may endanger a student’s eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities, and may negatively impacta student’s eligibility to participate in the work/study program.
  • The administration discourages families from taking vacations outside of regularly scheduled school vacations. It is imperative that students are in class to receive direct instruction. When students are not present in class they cannot gain the knowledge and skills presented and as a result, find make-up work extremely difficult. Each extra vacation day will be treated as an unexcused absence and the student will receive a zero for each unexcused absence.
  • Although attendance in school is a requirement for course completion, Learning Prep School understands that serious illness and family crisis will occasionally necessitate a student’s absence from school. When an absence of this nature occurs, the parent/guardian must submit a written request to the attendance coordinator asking that the absence be excused.

To Notify LPS of an Absence: