FACULTY BULLETIN – Volume 7, Issue 7, January 2007 ConcordiaUniversity, St. Paul
Faculty Bulletin can be accessed directly from the Academic Affairs web page: (Or go to the Faculty/Staff Portal, click on “Academic Affairs, and then click on Faculty Bulletin. The bulletin will emphasize faculty policy and business issues, upcoming events, professional development opportunities, and DEADLINES. News items for the faculty and the Concordia community are publicized through the weekly CSP Update. It is expected that faculty will fully read the Faculty Bulletin and respond, if requested. Articles for publication in the Faculty Bulletin may be submitted via email to at least three working days prior to publication. The next issue will be sent on February 1, 2007. The submission deadline for articles for the next issue is January 26, 2007
Prepare for Our future… The liturgical season of Epiphany is upon us!
Let us share the good news within our community and globally!
The mission of ConcordiaUniversity, St. Paul, a university of The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod, is to prepare students for thoughtful and informed living, for dedicated service to God and humanity, for enlightened care of God's creation, all within the context of the Christian Gospel.
In this Issue:
- Upcoming Calendar Events
- Blessed Are You!
- Academic Affairs Report
- University-wide Faculty meeting will be held Tuesday, January 16 – add to your calendar and watch for updates!
- Now’s the Time to Complete Your eLumen Assessments & eLumen Update Changes the Look!
- March 1 is the deadline for Submission of Course Revisions for 2007-2008 Academic Catalog
- Undergraduate Student Research Fellowships and Mini-Grants
- FifthAnnualConcordiaUniversity Research and Scholarship Symposium Wed., April 25 from 10:30-noon in BEC. Encourage your students – for details see full article. Registration deadline: March 29, 2007 and Poster Submission Deadline: April 12, 2007
- 46th Council of Graduate Schools Annual Meeting, December 6-9 in Washington
- Former CSP faculty member and dean of the faculty, Dr. Emily L. Moore, has recently received two honors
- Former CSP director of the Minority Teacher Education Program, Louis Zachary, 77, died Friday (Dec 29th)of pulmonary embolism. He was employed at CSP from 1970 to 1975. Funeral services are scheduled for noon Saturday, January 26, at St. Peter’s A.M.E.Church, 401 E. 41st St., Minneapolis. Visitation is at 11 a.m.
- 2007-2008 – Academic Calendar – Revised – found at end of the Faculty Bulletin
- Faculty Senate and Faculty Policies News: Stay Informed! Check out the Faculty Senate website.
5. News from the FacultyScholarshipCenter Stay Informed! Check out the new FacultyScholarshipCenter website
- News from the Library
- The World is Flat News – Study Guide, Photography Exhibition, Bag Lunch Discussion, & 2007-2008 Nominations!
- Report from the Academic Events Committee– Call for departmental student honorees/Add spring academic events to your Outlook calendar. See article for full details.
- Announcing two Writing Contests
- Honorary Degree Nominations Sought by Faculty Honors Committee – deadline extended
- Classroom Usage Information for Spring 2007 and offer to help with AV!
- Accessing eLumen – full instructions are at the end of this bulletin.
- Approved 2007-2008 Academic Calendar. Revised by Registrar Jody Ragan. 1.24.07– at end of this bulletin
- Upcoming Calendar Events –MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
January 2007
January 8- DEADLINE: SUBMITTING NOMINATION for the 2007-2008 Book of the Year
January 11, 2007- Upcoming Exhibition: RACE at the MN Science Museum – World Premiere on January 11, 2007 - go to for more information.
January 15, Mon. - Martin Luther King Day – Offices Closed – Classes not in session
January 16, Tue., 10 – 11 am- University-wide Faculty Meeting – LTC214 and 215
January 17, Wed. - 2nd semester classes begin- Coll. of Arts & Sciences, Education, Vocation & Ministry
January 21, Sunday ,3:30 p.m.- “Sundays in Buetow Faculty Recital:” Dr. Monica Murray, lyric soprano
January 23, Tues. - Last day to add or drop a first half semester course without record
January 25 – February 21- Photo Biennial Exhibition: “Night”-ConcordiaArtGallery; Reception: Jan. 25-4:30-7 pm
January 30, Tues. - Last day to add or drop a full semester course without record
February 2007
February 11, Sunday, 3:30 p.m.- “Sunday’s in Buetow Faculty Recital:” Dr. William Ford,saxophone
February 15- Writing Contests deadline – see Dec. 2006 Faculty Bulletin for details.
March 2007
March 1- Submission Deadline: Course Revisions for inclusion in 2007-2008 Academic Catalog to Registrar
April 2007
April 26- The Faculty/Staff Recognition Dinner. Mark your calendars! More information to follow!
2. Blessed Are You!
- Thank you to Bruce Corrie for serving as moderator at the December 2006 Book of the Year Brown Bag Lunch. Again, the Brown Bag Lunch Discussion was a stimulating event.
- Best wishes to Jesse Stremcha, director of Alumni Relations, has accepted a new position as associate director of the Alumni Annual Fund at CarletonCollege in Northfield, MN. Jesse has been a great support not only to CSP alumni, but also to the whole Concordia community and will be missed. CSP has been blessed by his presence, commitment, and leadership.
- Best wishes to Christopher Dennis, undergraduate admission counselor, who will end employment at Concordia University on Jan. 12th. Christopher has been a blessing to the Office of Admission and has built many positive relationships with current and prospective students. CSP will miss Christopher’s commitment and dedication to the mission of Concordia University.
- Academic Affairs Report
- University-wide Faculty Meeting: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 10:00 – 11:00 am – LTC214 and 215 – Add to your Outlook calendar – watch for updates!
- Now's the Time to Complete Your eLumen Assessments & eLumen Update Changes the Look!
As you loginto eLumen to complete your Assessments–see full instructions at the end of Faculty Bulletin --
you might find that eLumen looks a little different. eLumen was updated earlier this month. Don't worry, the course assessments have not been changed, there are just some new functions that you will hear more about in coming months. Attached is an updates eLumen user guide that will direct you through the newly named links. If you have any questions, please contact your college assessment coordinator or Amy Gort. Amy Gort,
- March 1 is the deadline for Submission of Course Revisions for 2007-2008 Academic Catalog.
- Undergraduate Student Research Fellowships and Mini-Grants
The deadline for applying for summer 2007 fellowship and mini-grantfunds is March, 15 2007. The fellowships are designed for student-faculty teams to participate in an intense 3- to 4- week full-time research experience. There is $2500 available which includes stipends for the student and faculty member and research supplies. Smaller mini-grant awards (up to $500)can be used to support mentored research-related activities. For more information and application materials visit the FSC website ( ). Amy Gort,
- FifthAnnualConcordiaUniversity Research and Scholarship Symposium
Students will have the opportunity again to share their research and scholarship with the campus community on Wednesday, April 25 from 10:30 to noon in the BEC. Please talk to students who have done research and scholarship in the fall semester about the opportunity and keep the date in mind when planning projects foryour spring courses. The presentations can be posters, videos, or displays. Encourage (maybe even require?) your students to participate. It is a great chance for them to share their talents. The deadline for registering for this year'ssymposium is March 29, 2007and the poster submissiondeadlineofApril12, 2007 to allow time for printing. Amy Gort,
- 46th Council of Graduate SchoolsAnnual Meeting, December 6-9 in Washington 650 graduate school deans, including Philip Tesch, CSP's Dean of the GraduateSchool,from across the U.S. and Canadaattendedthe 46th Council of Graduate SchoolsAnnual Meeting, December 6-9 in Washington. It was the organization's largest ever meeting. Themeetingaddressed some of the biggest issues and trends in graduate education, as well asthe role of graduateschoolsin developing the highly-skilled professionals necessary to compete in the 21st century global economy.The professional master's degree is rapidly emerging as a growth area, often in conjunction with a local corporate partner. Featured speakers included U.S. Comptroller General David Walker and authors Suzanne Berger, K. Anthony Appiah, and Richard Florida.
- Former CSP faculty member and dean of the faculty, Dr. Emily L. Moore, has received has recently received two honors
- Dr. Emily Moore has been appointedProvost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at DillardUniversity, New Orleans, Louisiana, a private, historically black, comprehensive undergraduate liberal arts institution. The university continues to recover from Hurricane Katrina which submerged much of the campus in 4-10 feet of flood waters. Dillard has completely restored 5 of its major academic buildings, as well as the cafeteria and its largest residence hall. Among the academic buildings is now a state- of-the-arts science facility with plans for more improvements.
- On December 7th, Emily received Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences, 2006 Faculty Award in International Achievement for her HIV/AIDS research in grassroots communities.
- Former CSP director of the Minority Teacher Education Program, Louis Zachary, 77, died Friday (Dec 29th)of pulmonary embolism. He was employed at CSP from 1970 to 1975. He also served as a deputy commissioner of human rights for Minnesota and professor of sociology and dean of students at MinneapolisCommunity College. He grew up in the Rondo neighborhood and was an accomplished virtuoso bass baritone and sang in the Metropolitan Male Chorus of Minnesota. Zachary also was active in the St. Paul Urban League, the Rondo Days festivals, the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, and the Monitors. He earned his bachelor’s degree at MankatoState, a master’s at the University of WI-Madison and a Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. Funeral services are scheduled for noon Saturday, January 26, at St. Peter’s A.M.E.Church, 401 E. 41st St., Minneapolis. Visitation is at 11 a.m.
4. News from the Faculty Senate Stay Informed! Check out the new Faculty Senate website.
Don’t miss out on important information about changes affecting you and your students. Information about the faculty senate and policy committees can be found at Stay informed and let your elected representatives know your thoughts about the issues being debated.
Currently you can view the scheduled meeting dates for Faculty Senate and Faculty Policy Committees and the list of senators and committee members. There will be NO faculty senate in January 2007.
Dr. Debra Beilke, Chair of the Faculty Senate,
5. Notes from the FSC
- Spring 2007 schedule for Wednesday convocations
As you plan your Spring 207 courses, please consider making Wednesday convocation presentations part of your required course activities. We have a broad selection of themes and presenters; I am confident that one or more would make a positive addition to your course(s). (Of course even if a presentation doesn’t exactly match your class, I hope to greet you there anyway . . . )
You’ll note that several presenters have been kind enough to provide a synopsis of their presentation. Still have Q? Please contact Thomas Saylor, .
Spring 2007 – Wednesday convocation presentations (10:10 – 11:00)
07.Feb, BEC, 'CSP grads in action' series
Clarence Jones, CSP graduate
Co-sponsored by Office of Diversity
Convocation title is "Destined for Greatness" Post modernism, faith, fear, shifting demographics, relationships, education, debt, parents, healthcare, war, and questions about “What does the future hold for me”? In a world that is increasingly shifting and realigning itself to the latest fads, how do you work with the diversity and be true to yourself and your values? How can we learn to appreciate those who we meet on this journey called life and grow from our interactions?
21.Feb, LTC 218/219
Dr Aaron Drevlow, director, GreatRiverCharterSchool, St Paul
“Bringing Montessori-based education into a public school environment”
07.Mar, BEC, selection of CSP Student Senate
RevKelly Chatman, Senior Pastor/RCFL Director, RedeemerLutheranChurch /RedeemerCenter for Life, Minneapolis
Rev Chatman will speak on the challenges and rewards of urban ministry
Learn more at RedeemerLutheranChurch web site:
21.Mar, BEC,2007 Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow
Thomas D. Boyatt, Former U.S. Ambassador; President of the Foreign Affairs Council
“Power and Perception in the Gulf War”
Learn more:
11.Apr, BEC, ‘CSP faculty present’ series
DrRich Carter reflects on his 2005-06 sabbatical experience in India
“Disturbing India: an interdisciplinary, interactive exploration.”
By images and simulations participants will consider some of the challenges of Indian life today. A particular focus will be ways in which the Christian Gospel challenges India and India challenges traditional understandings of the Gospel. The presentation is paired with a photography exhibit showing in the Buetow Gallery, scheduled for 26 March to 13 April.
18.Apr, BEC
Dr Jeffrey P. Kahn, Director and Maas Family Chair in Bioethics, University of MinnesotaMedicalSchool
Learn more:
- Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow for Spring 2007—Thomas D. Boyatt
Once again, we will welcome to campus a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow. Perhaps you recall meeting our previous two Fellows, Anita Perez Ferguson (2005) and Stephen Vetter (2006).
When will Thomas D. Boyatt be on campus? He is scheduled for Mon 19 – Wed 21 March 2007
As in 2005 and 2006, our Fellow will be available for presentations to your classes. A glance at his areas of expertise reveals he would be an excellent resource for many, many courses—regardless of the college in which you teach.
à U.S. foreign policy in the 20th century; foreign policy after the Cold War; the U.N. at a crossroads; politics and foreign policy in the 2004 election; the Middle East peace process; the war on terrorism; power and perception in the Gulf War and the Balkans; Chile; international trade and finance; Foreign Service careers; women in the Foreign Service; pre-Colombian and Aegean bronze age pottery; African masks.
Contact Thomas SaylorNOW to reserve your class period (or periods). Note that schedules for the last two Fellows filled completely, so please make your reservations now, while you’re finalizing course syllabi and weekly plans.
Meet this year’s Fellow: THOMAS D. BOYATT
Former U.S. Ambassador; President of the Foreign Affairs Council
Brief bio: Thomas Boyatt entered the Foreign Service in 1959, serving as Vice Consul in Antofagasta, Chile; Economic Officer at the American Embassy in Luxembourg; and Political Counselor at the Embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus. In 1969, Ambassador Boyatt received the State Department’s Meritorious Honor Award for risking his life to save passengers and negotiating their release in Syria during the 1969 hijacking of a plane—on which he was a passenger—by Palestinian guerrillas. He also received the William R. Rivkin Award for his leadership in promoting peace on Cyprus, and the Christian A. Herter Award for his contributions to diplomacy. After retiring from the Service, Ambassador Boyatt became Vice President of Sears World Trade, then President of U.S. Defense Systems. He has served as a Trustee of Princeton University and on advisory boards at Princeton, Kentucky, and Georgetown. He lectures frequently in the U.S. and abroad. In 2004, Secretary Colin Powell appointed him to the State Department’s Advisory Committee on Leadership and Management. He is now the CEO of the Foreign Affairs Council, a non-partisan group concerned with U.S. diplomacy, and chairs the Political Action Committee of the American Foreign Service Association. Thomas Saylor,
6. News from the Library - Faces of Change coming to CSP
Faces of Change, a stunning photo and essay exhibit will be coming to ConcordiaUniversity during January and February. This stunning ethnographic study illustrates the richness and thick description that only a qualitative study can uncover. It documents the changes in a small rural Minnesota community which has undergone a large influx of refugees in the last decade, and the changes in the immigrants who came to the community of Pelican Rapids, MN. It is impossible to examine these photos and read the stories of these 22 citizens of Pelican Rapids without being transformed. For more information, go to:
7. The World is Flat News - Remember the world may be flat, but the CSP community has texture, diversity, and YOU!
- Study Guide: go to to see updated information about the Book of the Year, The World is Flat
- Photography Exhibition: The World is Flat: Book of the Year Photography Exhibition will be held February 4-Feb. 23 (Buetow Music Gallery). Concordia photography students have created portraits of labor that complement the ideas about the future of employment discussed in Thomas L. Friedman’s, “The World is Flat.”
- You are invited! The next monthly Book of the Year Brown Bag Lunch Discussion will be held Wednesday, February 7, from 12 noon to 1 pm in LTC218. Lisa Whalen will be the facilitator for this lunch. Bring your lunch! Come to the 5th Book of the Year Brown Bag Lunch to learn and discuss thought-provoking topics relating to the Book of the Year!
- Upcoming Brown Bag Luncheons in the Spring-1st Wednesdays, 12 noon to 1 pm in the LTC218 Mark your calendars!
- March 7 with Julie Jochum Gartrell
- No Brown Bag Lunch in April
- May 2 with Richard Brynteson.
- Nominations Open for 2007-08 Book of the Year
The 2007-2008 Book of the Year selection process has begun. Faculty, staff and students are welcome to submit nominations for the next book.See the Faculty/Staff Portal for selection criteria.Please include the following information in your Book of the Year nomination:
- book title, author name
- publication date, publisher, ISBN number
- curriculum areas that could connect to the book
- rationale for nomination
- if available, professional review of book
- list price, number of pages, hard back and/or soft cover
- other information, such as book awards received, listed on the New York Times Best Seller list, etc.
- The nomination deadline is Monday, Jan. 8, 2007. Please send all nomination materials electronically to Barb Sommers at . Questions also may be directed to her by phone x8730 or email.
- Report from the Academic Events Committee - Call for departmental student honorees/Add the spring academic events to your Outlook calendar!
Department Heads: Names of student departmental honorees and/or scholarship/award winners for the 2006 -2007 (academic year) Academic Honors Convocation are due to David Mennicke, chair of the Academic Events Committee by Wednesday, February 21, 2007,. (All names MUST be submitted electronically.) In addition to any annual departmental designated scholarships and awards, departments may select a student or students to be honored for outstanding work in their academic discipline; departments are encouraged to be highly selective in choosing the honoree.