RFQ No: 17CPU011

Role: Servicedesk Analyst

Closing Date: 2:00 pm 1st Feb 2018

Contract Start Date: 22 Jan 2018

Contract Duration/End Date: 1st Mar to 31st Aug extn 1st Sep to 30 Jun 19

Resume in Word format.

  • Direct email
  • Respond quickly as the number of candidates allowed to be put forward maybe limited.
  • On request by the Client, you must comply with the Commonwealth security clearance process, including obtaining the level of security clearance required by the Client. If costs relating to obtaining the level of security clearance required are not paid by the Client, then the Applicant will be required to pay the cost.


10. / Services/work required / Service Desk Analyst
The ICT Service Desk Analyst will provide responsive, reliable, and respectful ICT support and service to Comcare staff, within the Service Level Agreement timeframes and as directed. ICT Support duties include:
-managing incidents and requests using the IT ServiceManagement Softwaresystem.
Deliver ICT support to Comcare’s staff and stakeholders for enterprise and corporate systems and triage incidents for escalation as required.
-Deliverconsistentlyhighcustomerservicewhilestrivingforahigh level of first contactresolution.
-Ensure customers are kept up to date on the status ofreported incidents and servicerequests.
-Resolveincidentsandcompleteservicerequestswithinestablished timeframes in accordance with Service Level Agreements and as directed.
-Contribute to information sharing within the team by documenting processes and standard operating procedures as required and proactively update the Knowledge Base for both client andsupport staff.
-Focus on team goals and objectives while effectively contributingto teamoutcomes.
Description / Details
-Work collaboratively with other support teams to ensure aquality outcome forclients.
-Contributetoahealthyandsafeworkingenvironment,modelling ethical behaviour and practices consistent with the APS Code of Conduct and APSValues.
-UtilisecomputerbasedsupporttoolssuchasCherwelltolog, update, and resolve incidents and servicerequests.
-Ensure processes and procedures are adhered to andapproval is sought prior to proceeding when required for resolving incidents and servicerequests.
-UseraccountadministrationinMicrosoftActiveDirectoryand Exchange in accordance with Comcare’s ICTPolicies.
Skill Set:
Demonstrated IT analysis, problem solving and resolution skills.
-A demonstrated ability to manage competingpriorities.
-Abilityto quicklyacquirenewskillsandputthemintopractice.
-Personal drive, self-motivation and teamworkskills.
-Excellent customer serviceskills.
11. / Selection criteria / Please provide a resume (Max 5 pages) outlining the skills, experience and knowledge that your candidate can bring to the role against the services and skill set in Item 10.


Name / First Name / <response>
Surname / <response>
Gender / <response>
Your mobile number / <response>
Your email / <response>
Date of birth / <response>
Home address / <response>
Availability / <response>
Rate (Excluding GST and Agency Fee) / RATE SET BY THE CLIENT$35/hour ex-gst
Citizenship Status / Australian Permanent Resident Work Visa
Security Clearance / Clearance Level: / <response>
Date Granted: / <response>
Department: / <response>
Department contact: / <response>
Referee 1 / Name: / <response>
Professionals relationship to you:
Referee 2 / Name: / <response>
Professionals relationship to you:

Please provide a resume (Max 5 pages) and a ‘selection criteria response’ outlining the skills, experience and knowledge that your candidates can bring to the roles against the services and skill set in Item 10. MAX HALF A PAGE.

Business Address: L21, Suite 3, Goldfields House, 1 Alfred Street, Sydney, NSW-2000, Mailing address: Po.Box 153 Civic Square, ACT -2608,

Ph: 02 6108 3661, Fax: 02 6108 3662, E-mail: , ABN: 92 129 869 174