Additional physical, medical or learning problems / No significant additional problems / Some additional problems but these can be managed by the staff on-site with the benefit of some additional advice / Needs additional specialist input in order to manage the problems
Hearing levels / With a well-maintained processor and in good listening conditions, has access to sound across the speech frequencies down to whisper level / With a well-maintained processor, has access to a good proportion of speech information. A rise in background noise makes a noticeable difference to ability to hear. Processor not yet fully programmed / Has limited access to speech information via the processor
Use of the processor/ hearing aids / Wears the equipment at all times. Notices and reports faults / Wears the equipment well but does not report faults independently / Consistent processor use not established
Social communication / Is a confident communicator. Happy to communicate with other children and familiar adults and usually able to get their message across even if formal language system is very limited
Makes good use of non-verbal communication such as facial expression, gesture, body language
Understands at age appropriate level that we use different kinds of language and behaviour in different settings / Communicates well with other children in informal settings but can be unsure in less familiar situations
Communication is sometimes a problem but willing to try and get their message across if something interests them
Sometimes immature or inappropriate language or behaviour but usually tries to conform / Unsure about communicating outside very safe and familiar settings and routines
May give up quickly or display difficult behaviour when communication breaks down. Has few strategies to fall back on
Very limited social understanding-behaviour can often be inappropriate or withdrawn
Green / Amber / Red
Attention / Is able to attend and concentrate at a level similar to the range of children within the class / Finds it difficult to concentrate for long in a large group-attention wanders and misses much of the information.
In 1:1 and small group settings, attention levels within the range for age group / Attention level limited. Unable to sustain attention independently in a group situation.
Attention skills emerging in 1:1 and small group settings
Listening/ Understanding / Can listen and respond to other children in group work. Listens and participates in large group discussions
Understands spoken language at a similar or slightly simpler level to the other children in class / Can listen well to a single speaker but finds it difficult to follow the flow of conversation around a group
Understands most of the language of everyday class routines
When new information introduced, speaker’s language needs to be simplified, both vocabulary and sentence structure. Understanding needs to be checked individually / Can listen to a single speaker who is working to hold their interest
Understands the language linked to a few class routines
Lacks the understanding to learn effectively from talk within a large group setting. Needs high level of individual input to prepare for new topics and to consolidate learning
Green / Amber / Red
Spoken language / Is able to take part in partner-led conversations across several turns. Can’t sometimes say why they haven’t understood and ask for more information
Grammar and vocabulary within range for age
Can use spoken language to learn alongside other children / Enjoys conversations on topics of their choice. Sometimes shows when they don’t understand by looking puzzled or saying, ‘what?’
Spoken language significantly different from other children but sufficient to communicate simple ideas
Needs adult support to facilitate learning through talking / Can have simple conversations providing they are in charge of the topic and partner follows their lead quite carefully
Spoken language restricted. May rely on non-verbal communication or alternate language system
Learns primarily through direct experiences. Beginning to use spoken language to comment on what is happening and to express needs
Speech clarity / Speech clear enough to be understood by most people / Most speech can be understood by careful listeners if the context is known / Speech is often difficult to understand even by careful listeners
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Traffic Light Planner by The Ear Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License