Watershed Management Website Survey
Thank you for agreeing to review the New Jersey Watershed and Water Quality Website prepared according to EPA Contract # 424671. This website was prepared for the use of watershed and environmental groups including schools and universities. The overall purpose of this grant was to develop, enhance and maintain a website on watershed issues relevant to New Jersey and also to provide a means for volunteer water monitoring groups to enter and share data online.
The website main page can be found at:
The website elucidates topics on watershed issues and information for the general public and school environmental education efforts, serving as a reservoir for basic watershed information including contact information for watershed groups, as well as links to online relevant information sources. It also enables information sharing by volunteer water monitoring groups who can enter and share data online. The website consists of two parts: a Watershed Learning Center and a Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Center.
Funded by a grant from the US EPA Region II, this grant was carried out by Rutgers University Center for Information Management, Integration and Connectivity, in partnership with New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute, and Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership, with input from East Brunswick Public Schools.
It was motivated by US EPA’s 2001 “Protecting and Restoring America’s Watersheds,” which calls for watershed education campaigns to advance use of internet-based education. In New Jersey, as in other states, the watershed approach is becoming the dominant paradigm in environmental protection. Thus, there is widespread need and benefit for model websites for watershed management education.
With that in mind, we ask that you review this model website to consider how your school, group or agency might utilize the site, and share your opinions by completing the applicable portions of this questionnaire.
Again, thank you for your time and thought with this new model watershed management website. We hope that it may become an asset to schools and groups throughout the State of New Jersey. Please contact me with any questions.
Jeannine Der Bedrosian
New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute
Email: (best way) or Telephone (H) 732.238.6279
Watershed Management Website Survey
Please categorize your affiliation, such as an individual or member of a group or school
Involvement of School: (XX next to applicable answers)
Type of School:
High School
Involvement – Adult(s) or Student(s): (XX next to applicable answers)
Business employees
Service groups
Environmental groups
Sports groups
If you are affiliated with a school, watershed, or any other environmental organization monitoring, please answer the following portions which do or may apply to your situation:
Name of Organization:______
Please describe the location of your organization:
PART I Watershed Learning Center
The New Jersey Watershed and Water Quality Website consists of two parts; these questions relate to the Watershed Learning Center portion of the site. Please place an “X” to the right of the applicable answer
1. Do you currently or do you anticipate using this model Watershed Learning Center for the education, formal or informal, of your group, class, self or school? Yes No
Are you currently aware of or involved with some of the watershed issues in your local area? Yes No Would you like to be? Yes No
Would this website enhance involvement in or a greater understanding of local watershed issues in your area? Yes No
Do your or your organization consider, or do you anticipate it will consider, land use and habitat issues? Yes No
If so, would this website enhance a greater understanding of these issues? Yes No
Do you or your organization consider, or do you anticipate it will consider Native and Non-native Organisms, invasive species, or related issues? Yes No
If so, would this website enhance a greater understanding of these issues? Yes No
Do you or your organization consider, or do you anticipate it will consider Biological Diversity or Endangered or Threatened Species and/or related issues? Yes No
If so, would this website enhance a greater understanding of these issues? Yes No
Does your organization consider, or do you anticipate it will consider the human effect on watersheds including nonpoint source pollution, and/or related issues? Yes No
If so, would this website enhance a greater understanding of these issues? Yes No
Do you or your organization consider, or do you anticipate it will consider the drinking water or groundwater issues in watersheds and/or related issues? Yes No
If so, would this website enhance a greater understanding of these issues? Yes No
Would any of the General Education Links be of interest or assistance to you or your organization? Yes No
If so, could you list 1 – 5 links or topics which you or your organization might explore further?
Would you or your organization utilize any of the information in the “Info Resources” such as the: List of Watershed Organizations or the Water Quality Resources Links? Yes No
If so, could you suggest how you might use them, as well as any additional comments on this part of the website?
Will your organization utilize the Glossary of watershed terms? Yes No
Are there any terms which you feel should be added? If so, please list:
Do you have any additional comments? (can also use back of paper or separate page in WORD format at the end).
Thank you for completing Part I of this questionnaire. Please continue to Part II if your organization anticipates or is involved in Volunteer Water Monitoring.
PART II Watershed Management Website Survey
The New Jersey Watershed and Water Quality Website consists of two parts; these questions relate to the Monitoring Center portion of the site.
If you or your group are involved in volunteer water monitoring or anticipate involvement in volunteer water monitoring, please answer the following portions which do or may apply to your situation.
1. Please describe the location of your water monitoring project:
Main Contact
# of Staff
# of Active Volunteers
Program Affiliate(s)
2. Data may be used for: (XX next to applicable answers)
Watershed planning
Local decision making
Nonpoint Assessment
Problem Identification
Habitat Restoration
Water Classification/Standards
305(b) ______note: contribution of data to assessments (data can contributed to the state’s overall report known as the National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress (305(b) report)
Other: ______
3. Data may be used by: (XX next to applicable answers)
Advocacy groups
Local government
State government
Federal government
University scientists
Your own organization
4. Other topics your group discusses or studies: (XX next to applicable answers)
Aquatic Plan Management
General Rural Issues
General Urban Issues
Surface Water
Shoreline restoration
5. Can you estimate # of Stations sampled or projected to be sampled?
6. Can you estimate # of Waterbodies sampled or projected to be sampled?
7. Can you characterize Sampling Data as follows:
Specify frequency - daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semi-annual) ______
Months in Sampling season:
8. Which parameters do you anticipate you or your organization to be measuring: (XX next to applicable answers)
Water Temperature
Dissolved Oxygen
Secchi Transparency
Aquatic Vegetation
Coliform Bacteria
9. Which other activities would you or your organization be interested in: (XX next to applicable answers)
Debris Cleanup
Photographic Surveys
Pipe Surveys
Watershed Mapping
Sediment Assessments
Site Inspections
Habitat Assessments
Other ______
*Optional information
Your Name:
Phone number
Your E-Mail Address:
Additional comments on Part I Watershed Learning Center, if any:
Additional comments on Part II Water Monitoring Center, if any:
AGAIN, Thank you for helping to make this project a success with your shared comments and opinions.