June 2016
Pupil Premium Analysis
Financial Year / Amount of Pupil Premium Funding / Percentage of FSM Students / Number of Students eligible for the Pupil Premium2014/5 / £53,295 / 67.92% (Percentage only includes those students who are single or dual- main registration) / 63- Figure derived from census report on SIMS from Spring 2014 census
2015/6 / £58, 468 (2015-16 Initial Funding)
£33, 659 (2015-16 In- Year additional funding)
£92,097 (Total for 2015-16 Financial Year) / 50.32% (Percentage only includes those students who are single or dual- main registration) / 119- Figure derived from report on SIMS updated from Dfe Key to Success website.
2016-17 / £86,488 (2016-17 Initial Funding) / TBC / TBC
Intervention Pupil Premium used for / Amount allocated to the intervention/ action (£) / Intended outcomes: What will it achieve if successful? / Impact: What was achieved?(Did the intervention result in students reaching their target grade?)
Outreach sessions / £65 a session / Students to achieve their next sub level in maths and English. / Maths 35% working on or above in maths.
English 62% working on or above in English.
Krunch / £30 an hour / OCN unit in personal development and life skills / Students have become more self-aware and confidence.
Coneygre Arts Centre / £50 per two hours / To pass the ASDAN music award in silver and hopefully gold. / Student has passed silver and virtually passed Gold award in ASDAN. 100% passed Silver.
Key Stage 3 Interventions
Wednesbury Campus
Theatre Visit for English / £450 / After reading A Christmas Carol they saw the play / All the pupils achieved their targets.
Swimming Lessons / £1070 / Part of the Keeping safe module so that all pupils are able to swim. / Pupils are able to swim a width of the pool.
New Reading books for Accelerated Reading / £600 / Reading levels to be improved / Improvement in reading to improve attainment in English
My Maths / £250 / Maths skills improved and Independent Learning skills gained / All pupils progress improved.
Attendance Reward Trip / £280 per term / % attendance for the Campus increases / Attendance is steadily improving
Nurture Group Resources / £250 per term / Pupils are open to honest dialogue with staff while doing “family type activities / Pupils are willing to interact with staff after a block of Nurture sessions
Rock Climbing at Portway Leisure Centre / £40 per pupil for half a term / Work on confidence and self-esteem also physical skills / Pupils all achieved the target that was set at the beginning of the sessions
1-1 Work with behaviour key worker / One session a week
Staff time per 30 mins
£15 per hour for LSP’s
£25 per hour for teachers / Work through the issues that have gotten them to this point and give pupils strategies for change. / There has been a reduction in behaviour incidents for most pupils.
1x Malthouse session per week / Cost of one 1 hour session a week per pupil plus transport cost for Pupil Premium pupils
£1406.30 / Teamwork
Goal setting
Self esteem / Motivation in lessons has improved. Achievement has improved and attendance has improved.
2x Whole day sessions at Malthouse / Cost of a 2 whole days for 8 Pupil Premium pupils
£308.34 / Endurance / Successful Endurance certificate achieved.
Smethwick Campus
My Maths / £48 / Improve/expand all students skills in number / Most students basic maths skills improved by 1 sub level
Education City / £654 per year / Improvement in literacy and English skills / Progression in English levels over time
Accelerated reader / £158.51 per year / Improvements in reading and comprehension / Progression in reading and comprehension skills
1:1 Intervention- English / £501.80 / Overall English level progression / Improvement in English Comprehension
Art / Staffing Cost – Sarah Stokes DY3 -£110 per 2 sessions
Art resources / Improvement in behaviour, social skills, confidence and self-esteem enabling return to mainstream.
Increases awareness of actions and consequences providing transferable skills to be used in schools and the wider community.
Creative skills developed whilst boosting self-esteem. / Students have ‘come out of their shells’. They hold conversations with staff and have built good relationships with both staff and peers .
Creative Academies / £1400 / To be able to compose, produce and record music linked to Literacy.
Express their emotions through art / Ultimately students will be able to gain an Arts award.
Offsite Activities / Develops team building skills, good sportsmanship and promotes physical fitness and teamwork. / Students have developed good relationships with their peers, staff and visitors. Greater interest in sports and social activities.
Biking Busters / Free / Confidence in road skills, self-esteem, Map Skills and Maths / Map reading skills, bike maintenance, road safety, team work.
Yearly Bus Pass / £285 per student per year (£95 per term)
Tividale Campus
Art / Staffing Cost
Art resources / Improvement in behaviour, expression, social skills, confidence and self-esteem enabling return to mainstream.
Increases awareness of actions and consequences providing transferable skills to be used in schools and the wider community.
Creative skills developed whilst boosting self-esteem. / Students have ‘come out of their shells’. They hold conversations with staff and have built good relationships with both staff and peers at Tividale (particularly student D). Student E is due to be reintegrated into school.
Attendance of student B, C, D, F and G has improved.
Bus pass / £9.25 per week per student. / Students travel to and from school using public transport arriving on time at intended destination. / Students B to G have improved their attendance and timekeeping.
Off-site Activities / £90 per term per student / Develops team building skills, good sportsmanship and promotes physical fitness and teamwork. / Students have developed good relationships with their peers and staff. They are becoming good team players even to the point of guiding other students.
With the exception of student A, all students are more able to follow instructions impacting positively on their behaviour in campus.
Additional Maths and English Support / Staffing costs / Student A progress: 2 steps in maths and English.
Student B: progress 2 steps in maths and no progress in English
Student C: 47 steps in maths and 26 steps in English.
Student D: progress 3 steps in maths and no progress in English.
Student E: progress 8 steps in maths and 16 steps in English.
Student F: 4 steps in maths and 8 steps in English. / All progress in maths is outstanding. Interventions are in place for students who have made no progress in English.
Information Sharing / Staffing costs / All stakeholders pulling in the same direction to meet Students’ needs.
Student B, C and D have a TAF in place.
Student E has child in need.
Student F has child protection. / All stakeholders are kept informed with regular meetings or contact. All students are making progress academically and behaviourally, some are making outstanding progress.
Physical Well-being Intervention / £90 per term per student / Develops team building skills, good sportsmanship and promotes physical fitness. / Students are making good and outstanding progress academically and behaviourally.
School Nurse intervention / Staffing / Promote, sexual and mental well-being. / Students confidence has grown. They have built new relationships at both the campus and their mainstream school.
Students have a greater knowledge of the wider world and social norms.
There is still room for improvement with other students
Drugs and Bullying Intervention / Staffing / Raise awareness of bullying and drugs. / There was some evidence suggesting that student C may have been involved with the smoking of marijuana. Evidence now suggests that student C is no longer involved in this.
Intervention around youth offending- knife crime and violence / Staffing / Raise awareness of the consequences of knife crime and violence. / Students have calmed down considerably. They have also taken part in restorative justice sessions.
Individual support with learning needs / Staffing costs / For student C Appropriate provision will in the place / Student has appropriate provision named and is successfully integrated into new placement.
Staff involvement to liaise with relevant agencies / Staffing costs, transport / Student is able to focus, reduced impulsivity and facilitate progression in learning and behaviour / Student is able to focus, reduced impulsivity and facilitate progression in learning and behaviour.
Education City / £654 per year / Improvement in literacy and English skills / Progression in English levels over time
Accelerated reader / £158.51 per year / Improvements in reading and comprehension / Progression in reading and comprehension skills
Outreach / Resource and staffing / To reengage and return to campus / Ongoing. Students are attending sessions so attendance is improving.
Key Stage 4
Alternative Provision Curriculum
The PP Funding has been used this year to establish the KS4 Enrichment Programme to:-
a)Provide greater opportunity for Collaborative Learning
b)Increase the school Timetable
c)Provide additional Academic /Pastoral Mentoring
d)Reduce Group Size in Campus
e)Increase Sporting Participation / Raw figures per student per term are:
Bus pass - £100
Lunch - £60
Activities - £240
Additional Mentor Support - £120 / The intended outcome of the Enrichment Programme included:
a)Increasing no of hrs offered at KS4 to full entitlement of 25hrs /wk.
b)Provide students with independent travel opportunities
c)Improve individual attendance and engagement.
d)Provide opportunity for additional Pastoral Support.
e)Reduce barriers to education such as transport and meals therefore closing gap between PP students and non PP students
Impact 1
Increase in attendance from 67 % to 76% (West Brom) and 62% to 64% (Tipton) on the same time period last year.
Impact 2
Students have become moreconfident and competent travellers and therefore more prepared for independent travel across the Borough to college or work next year.
Impact 3
An 80% increase in uptake of students accessing a wider range of Physical Activities on a weekly basis compared to poor uptake last year
Impact 4
Increased opportunity for Academic Mentoring from Mentors and Tas who deliver additional lessons, support and guidance at designated points throughout the week. 95% of students on or above TMG in English and 85% in Maths (West Brom) 85% of students on or above TMG in English and 81% in Maths (Tipton)
West Bromwich Campus
Behaviour Mentoring / £30 per week, once per week / Improved Behaviour and Attendance during Spring 1 and Summer 2 . Target achieved but placement has since broken down reverting to reduced engagement.
NOVA / £60/day / Student 1 – Intervention unsuccessful. Placement terminated. 0% attendance
Student 2 – Intervention unsuccessful. Placement terminated 16% attendance.
Students 3 – 3 days Mechanics placement. 89% attendance and positive behaviour report.
Making Learning Work / £80/day / Students 3 – 3 daysMechanics placement. 83% attendance and positive behaviour report.
Cinema Trip to see Selma during National Film Week / £10 Travel costs
£80 Staff hours / 5 students able to use ideas from the film as stimulus material for Functional Skills Speaking and Listening Exam. 100% pass rate.
Cinema Trip to see Race: The Story of Jessie Owen / £10 Travel costs
£60 Staff hours / Awaiting analysis of Film Reviews.
PREVENT Workshop / Awareness of the PREVENT Agenda raised with all Yr 10 students in school.
Easter Revision Programme / 2 days
£160 for 4X Mentors
£300 for 2XTeachers / 80% of the students targeted attended the sessions.
Improved preparation for GCSE exam which had 100% attendance for Maths and English.
Additional 1 to 1 Mentoring / 7 X Mentors / Of the students that have received additional intensive support, all except one has remained in f/t education and completed KS4
Tipton Campus
Off- site provision / £50 per session- Coneygre Arts Centre / To Improve attendance and reengage pupil into education
Behaviour and willingness to learn / Attendance increase from previous figure and social skills improved.
English- Improve reading age and vocabulary / £1724.50 / Improve reading age and vocabulary / Accelerated reading now in place in all units supported by English Teacher at Tipton Campus.
Krunch / £45 per day / OCN unit in personal development and life skills / Two students have completed awards successfully.
Students were much more engaged and wiling to partake in further development work to take place in the unit – much calmer approach.
FAB LAB event at Sandwell College / £350.00 / Develop communication skills, social skills, increased numeracy skills / Positive feedback and interest in the programme, will source it again for pupils who will benefit from the intervention.
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