Sarasota Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Volume II, Issue 3 BULLETINMarch, 2007
Query for 3rd Month
Participation in Meetings
Do your resident members attend meetings regularly and punctually?
To what extent are your meetings for worship attended by persons not in membership, and are they welcomed and encouraged to continue attendance?
Are your meetings for business held in the spirit of love, understanding, and forbearance? Do you seek the right course of action in a patient search for unity?
Do you take your share in them?
Do you maintain your respect for others as persons however strongly you may differ in opinion?
Do you help in the financial support of the meeting?
It's hard to believe that it's March already. The air is thick with tree pollen, clocks have been set ahead to "save" daylight, and preparations are underway for the upcoming Quaker Market. I want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to support the Quaker Market in whatever way you can. There is a need for donations: books, furniture, clothing, housewares, tools, etc. as well as a need for volunteers to help with set up, work the sale, staff the tables and booths, prepare refreshments, and help with clean up afterwards. If you are able to help in any way please sign up in the First Day School room or contact Sharon Fitzpatrick. As Sharon pointed out last week, since our young Friends are learning about the Quaker testimony of Cooperation in First Day School, this is an excellent way for adult Friends to lead by example. Hope to see you at the Quaker Market on March 21 from 9:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M.
In the light,
Rolf Hanson
February 18, 2007
Present: Carol Bechtel, Bob Condon, Marie Condon, Eric Connors, Donald Cumming, Anne DeArment, Dan DeArment, Kathy DeGrenier, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Sallyann Garner, Dave Hilsheimer, Charlotte Mansur, Ed Martin, Fern Mayo, Pat Murphy, Fran Palmeri, Pat Weston, Winifred Windriver.
The meeting began at 11:30 A.M. Because of the illness of Rolf Hanson, the Meeting was presided over by former Clerk Fern Mayo. The queries and advice under Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business were read by Carol Bechtel. “We always fall short of the queries,” offered one Friend. As Recording Clerk, Carol read the numbered Minutes from the January meeting, following with a summary of the pertinent non-minuted points from the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Because of illness in both the Hanson Sundberg and Mansur Connors families, the transition to a new treasurer is not complete and there was no printed report. However, Co-treasurer Eric Connors reported that the Meeting spreadsheet for 2007 has been set up and is current. Investment of the $5000 rainy day fund (Minute 1:01:06) will take place soon.
The first committee report was from Peace and Social Concerns, given by Clerk Sharon Fitzpatrick. The committee requested that half of the scholarship budget by used to help Erica Schoon, who is going to Tanzania in the summer. Friends questioned whether $100 would be of much assistance.
Minute 1:02:07: The Meeting decided to use the $200 scholarship budget fund to support Erica Schoon’s summer trip to Tanzania to do social service work.
The committee referred a recommended purchase of a subscription to the journal Nonviolence to the Library Committee. Sharon reported that the group expected to ask for Meeting House space for an Education and Action Center, currently a subcommittee of the Southwest Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice, is busy working on forming their board and seeking 501c status and is not ready yet to meet with Meeting members. Plans for Quaker Market are proceeding, with speakers set.
Changing hats, Fern Mayo gave the Ministry and Worship Committee report. She reported that the committee did not have any new ideas on a permanent religious education time, and that any Friends who did should contact a member of the committee. Inquirers will meet next Sunday during and after potluck, she hoped with a table outdoors. Following Jerry Frost’s class, which was very well received, there will be other programs in the before-meeting time slot. Those attending Kody Hersh’s evening class recommended him if he does another in future. The committee may do a survey to learn what Friends would like to see scheduled for future adult classes.
Fern read a letter from Sallyann Garner, requesting either sojourner or dual membership in the Meeting.
Minute 2:02:07: Sarasota Monthly Meeting accepts into membership Sallyann Garner, as a dual member along with her membership in Lake Forest Monthly Meeting, part of Illinois Yearly Meeting. Having appreciated her participation for several winters, we are happy to have Sallyann as an official part of our Meeting.
Fern also read a traveling letter from Seaville Monthly Meeting in New Jersey introducing their clerk, Diane Metz and husband Bob, who will be residing in Venice for 2 months. Lastly, Ministry and Worship will contribute a section on financial stewardship as spiritual practice for possible use in the Trustee’s stewardship letter.
Clerk Fran Palmeri reported for the Earth Care Committee. Because of illness, the workday scheduled for February 17 did not occur. It was decided to combine that event, which had been planned to begin the garden and compost bin, with the general workday on March 3. The committee is discussing possible field trips, and hopes to begin publishing in the newsletter a monthly green living tip, that Friends of all ages could contribute to.
In the absence of Clerk Lesley Jacobs, Dave Hilsheimer reported for the Meeting HouseCommittee. The workday on March 3 will be from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M., with a simple lunch provided. Ed Martin explained why the porch beams are rusting (they were probably inadequately painted, but as designed, water condenses inside the beams and runs out the drip holes) and will continue to follow up on this and other items, such as door handles, with the contractor. Eric Connors’ offer to the committee, of his knowledge of the local building trades, was gratefully accepted. The issue of whether to replace the nonfunctioning copier is being discussed by the committee.
There were no other committee reports.
Old Business: In response to Phoebe Anderson’s queries regarding the relationship between Southeastern Yearly Meeting and Friends United Meeting, it was suggested that the Meeting resend the report following our work on that issue last year. A meeting among Fern, Rolf, Carol and possibly Jim Weston will be scheduled to review changes in the SEYM Faith and practice.
New Business: Pat Murphy announced that Lyn Cope, SEYM administrator, often sends bulletins of interest to Friends via email. Pat offered to obtain names of local Friends who wish to receive these, by announcing after meeting, in the newsletter, and on the website.
The meeting closed with silence at 12:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Bechtel, Recording Clerk.
EARTHCARE: Clerk: Fran Palmeri
The garden is underway! The committee met and agreed to purchase four earth boxes in which we will plant herbs and summer heat resistant edibles. Ann Sundberg is taking care of this. Six more boxes will be bought in September and planted with cool season edibles such as greens. We hope to provide people in the Meeting with organic produce. Also, Sharon Fitzpatrick, with the able help of Mitchell Farmer, has set up the composting system. Shade grown coffee was also discussed. We will ask the children to measure it into bags. But WE NEED someone to help with the $$$ and accounting. Can anyone out there help us?
Living Gently On The Earth, Tip of the Month:
Tired of junk mail clogging your mailbox and recycle bin? Email the following address and your name can be removed from mailing lists:
Clerk: Sharon Fitzpatrick
Southwest Florida Coalition For Peace and Justice has a School Garden Volunteer Team, which is likely to morph into supporting more ecological efforts than just the gardens, such as aiding teachers who do water quality testing with their students, etc. Please see Sharon Fitzpatrick, if you are interested, or go to the
Call for volunteers in school garden program on 3/19 at Booker Middle School
4/14 at Red bug slough festival
Check for other events
Save trees and time!
Three-Month Quaker Calendar
April 2007
4/1/07Trustees/Finance meet before Worship
Meeting for Worship 10:00 am
Adult Religious Education 11:30am
4/2/07 Peace & Social Concerns Committee Meeting, 6:30pm
4/4/07-SEYM Yearly Meeting
4/8/07United Methodist Life Enrichment Center (LEC), Leesburg, FL
Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Committee Meetings 11:30am
4/13/07-Sarasota Friends Campout at Little Manatee
4/15/07River State Park
4/15/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Business Meeting immediately following
4/22/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Potluck 11:30
Adult Religious Education
4/29/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
May 2007
5/6/07Trustees/Finance meet before Worship
Meeting for Worship 10:00 am
Adult Religious Education 11:30am
5/13/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Committee Meetings 11:30am
5/20/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Business Meeting immediately following
5/27/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Potluck 11:30
Adult Religious Education
June 2007
6/3/07 Trustees/Finance meet before Worship
Meeting for Worship 10:00 am
Adult Religious Education 11:30am
6/10/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Committee Meetings 11:30am
6/17/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Business Meeting immediately following
6/24/07 Meeting for Worship 10:00am
Potluck 11:30
Adult Religious Education