„Bilingual education. Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners” Project
co-financed by the European Union with the European Social Fund

Recruitment Rules and Procedures

„Bilingual Education. Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners” Project

co-financed from the European Union resources with the European Social Fund Priority 4 Higher Education and Science, Measure 4.1.Strengthening and development of didactic potential of universities, and increasing the number of graduates from faculties of key importance for knowledge-based economy, Sub-measure 4.1.1 Strengthening the didactic potential of higher education institutions



1)These Rules and Proceduresspecify the basic terms and conditions for participation in the „Bilingual Education. Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners” Project.

2)The main objective of the Project is to improve the quality of education by preparing, launching and implementing a new graduate full-time programmein English in bilingual education for students training to become teachers, including:

a)Improvement of knowledge and key competences development for 50 students and 15 teachers in CLIL, Bilingual Education, assessment of student teaching effects, information and communication technics;

b)Implementing a module programme of studies in English, to enrich the experience of the University of Warsaw teaching staffin using the research projectand an individual portfolio in training for the teaching profession;

c)Enhancing the transnational cooperation between the partner higher education institutions educating teachers: the University of Warsaw and Univerza v Ljubljani, Umeå Universitet and the University of Jyväskylä

3)The terms used in these Rules and Procedures shall have the following meanings:

Project – the project entitled„Bilingual Education. Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners” in the Human Capital Operational Programme Priority 4Higher Education and Science, Measure 4.1 Strengthening and development of didactic potential of universities, and increasing the number of graduates from faculties of key importance for knowledge-based economy, Sub-measure 4.1.1 Strengthening the didactic potential of higher education institutions.

Partner 1–University of Warsaw ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 02-927 Warszawa. Also referred to as the Project Leader (L)

Partner2 – University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Partner3– Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia

Partner 4 -Umeå Universitet, Sweden

S – first year student of the graduate programme in the new teacher speciality:Teaching English to Young Learners

T – teacher participating in seminars, meetings, lectures and workshops and the supervisor of student practice in the schools and preschools which will participate in the Project

Sch – school where teaching practice for the teacher specialty students are conducted

PSch – preschool, where teaching practice for the teacher specialty students are conducted

Project Office – University of Warsaw,Faculty of Education, ul. Mokotowska 16/20, 00-561 Warszawa


Project Participants

  1. The Project is addressed to:

- 50first year students ofthe graduate studies in the new teacher speciality: Teaching English to Young Learners, delivered as part of the Project

- 15Tfrom Sch and PSch which are to participate in the Project.

2. Project duration: from 03.03.2014 until 26.06.2015.

3. Project participation requirements include: submission of the application form (enclosures nos 1, 2, 3 hereto), the declaration of participation (enclosure no4 hereto), theHuman Capital Operational Programme Project Participants personal data (enclosure no 5 hereto), the Participant’s consent for the personal data processing(enclosure no 6 hereto) and the Participant’s consent for the use of image (enclosure no 7 hereto). Further, S and T qualified to participate in the project are obliged to sign a Project participation agreement.

Recruitment conditions and criteria

  1. Educational institutions recruitment conditions and criteria (SchandPSch)
  2. Sch and PSchrecruited in open enrolment:

- Project meeting of L with employers (Sch and PSch)

- mailing,

- information on L’s website.

  1. Acceptance criteria for Sch or PSch:
  2. scope of experiencein supervising S practice
  3. Sch or PSch acceptance criteria:
  4. Project participation agreement signed
  5. approval for conducting student practice at Sch or PSch[1]
  6. approval for integrating the content and language in English at 2-3 hours per week.
  7. supervision of a T from Sch or PSchduring the teaching practice.


  1. T recruitment conditions and criteria
  2. T recruited in open enrolment:
  3. mailing,
  4. information on L’s website
  5. T admission criteria:
  6. Teacher practicing teaching integrated with language instruction, teacher of bilingual grades I-III
  7. English teacher ofclasses I-III (or at a preschool) with the number of lesson units required by the core curriculum (minimum 2hours per week), capable of close collaboration with the early school education teacher in those classes[2].
  8. integrated education teacher (I-III class teacher) qualified in English at level B2 or higher.[3]
  9. cover letter and CV
  10. experience in supervising S practice S
  11. T admission criteria:
  • Master’s degree
  • contract, certified ornominated T
  • order of application receipt
  • Project participation agreement signed
  1. S recruitment conditions and criteria
  2. S admission criteria
  3. completed undergraduate studies, confirmed with a diploma
  4. certificates of English proficiency level B2 or higher
  5. cover letter in English
  6. interview[4]
  7. S admission conditions:
  • meeting the recruitment criteria
  • order of application receipt
  • Project participation agreement signed.


Recruitment process

  1. The following participants shall be admitted to the Project:

- 50 S

- 15 T (together with their Sch or PSch)

  1. Project applications shall be received in the recruitment process by the following deadlines:
  2. S until30.09.2014
  3. Tuntil 30.09.2014
  4. S and T Participant shall be selected at the meeting of the Recruitment Committee composed of the representatives of Partner 1.
  5. The Recruitment Committee meeting shall result in the finallist of S and T Participants which shall be posted on the Project’s website and shall also be available at the Project’s Office. Additionally, S and T shall be informed by e-mail.
  6. A standby list shall be created.



  1. Support provided to the Project Participants shall cover:
  2. Assistance in creating a new curriculum of studies (for all Project Participants)
  3. Scientific internship participation (for10 S)
  4. Weekend lectures for all Project Participants
  5. Bilingual Literacy
  6. Teacher Professional Development
  7. Language Assessment/CEFR
  8. Weekend workshops for all Project Participants
  9. Introduction to language assessment
  10. Developing tools for language assessment
  11. Introduction to bilingual literacy
  12. Introduction to CLIL
  13. Using children literature in a language classroom. The library lesson with ELL
  14. Introduction to teaching phonetics with young learners
  15. Introduction to action research
  16. Learning disabilities and language learning
  17. Teacher portfolio
  18. Participation in an international conference promoting the Project’s results
  19. Further, the Project Participants shall be provided with:
  20. free educational materialsand catering at all meetings, seminars, lectures and workshops;
  21. free conference materials and catering during the international conference;
  22. certificates upon the completion of workshops, lectures, seminars and conferences.


Rights and obligations of a Project Participant

  1. S and T are obliged to participate in activities (seminars, meetings, lectures,workshops) provided in the Project, to confirm their attendance on the list of attendance, and to complete Project forms, questionnaires, reports, summariesand other documents required in theProject. Theformal completion of the Project by a participant requires attendance in at least 80% of Project activities:
  2. students and teachers at the weekend lectures and workshops.

2. Absence from educational activities can be excused in a written form.


Withdrawal principles

  1. A Participant may withdraw from the Project while it lasts, by written statement providing the reason for such withdrawal.
  2. Should a Project Participant withdraw from the Project or exceed the number of unexcused absent hoursallowed, the Participant shall be deleted from the list of Project Participants.
  3. Should a Participant withdraw or be deleted from the list of persons admitted to the Project, his/her place shall be taken by a person from the standby list.


Final provisions

  1. T and S use the support provided in the Project free of charge. The costs of transportation and accommodation are not covered with the Project’s budget.
  2. T and S shall be obliged to abide by these Rules and Procedures.
  3. Partner 1 reserves the rightto amend these Rules and procedures during the Project.
  4. Issues not provided for herein shall be resolved by Partner 1.
  5. These Rules and procedures shall come into force as of 01.06.2014.


Enclosure no 1 – Application form for S

Enclosure no 2 – Application form for T

Enclosure no 3 – Application form for Sch and PSch

Enclosure no 4 – Declaration of participation

Enclosure no 5 –Human Capital Operational Programme Project Participants personal data

Enclosure no 6 – Participant’s consent for the personal data processing

Enclosure no 7 – Participant’s consent for the use of image



[1]Approval of the English teacher’scooperation with the early school education teacher, so that T can bring S to CLIL classes

[2]English teacher must be able to introduce CLILbeyond the obligatory English classes in co-operation with the early school teacher. Approval of the headmaster is required. As the student practice supervisor the teacher must be able to bring a student to classes with CLIL at 5 hours per week (e.g. 2 hours CLIL in English classes and further 3 in the early education classes)

[3]Headmaster’s approval is required for integrating content and English language instructionin 2-3 hours per week.

[4]In case of a foreign S: referral by the home higher education institution, undergraduate studies diploma, cover letter