Iman Mohamed Elshair
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2014 PhD in International Economics, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Dissertation Title :" Essays in International Macroeconomics", supervised by Professor Cedric Tille and defended in front of Professor Charles Wyplosz, professor at the Institute, Professor Cedric Tille and Professor Phillipe Bachetta, external reader from the University of Lausanne.
The dissertation is made up of three essays:-
The first: "The Impact of Alternative Monetary Policies on the Welfare of Heterogeneous Agents."
The second: "What determines the degree of Oil pass-through to Domestic Gasoline Retail Price?"
The third: "The Impact of oil Price Shocks on Sectoral output."
2006 M.Sc. in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
Thesis Title: “The New Institutional Economics: Its Applicability to Collective Action in the Egyptian Agriculture Sector”, supervised by Professor Mona El Baradei and co-supervised by Professor Adla Ragab
1997-2001 Bsc. in Economics (Minor: Statistics), English section, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
1984-1997 Primary, Preparatory and Secondary education at Ramses College For Girls, Ex. American College For Girls, with additional studies in the English language.
Special Fields of Interest: International Macroeconomics, Oil Price Shocks and Subsidies.
Marital status: married
Languages: Arabic Native - English Excellent - French good
Publications :
- الاقتصاد المؤسسي الجديد مع التركيز علي امكانيات تطبيقه في مجال العمل الجماعي في قطاع الزراعة المصري (2007) ، شركاء التنمية للبحوث و الاستشارات والتدريب.