Delrey Doings
*School Calendar*
September5th, 2011(Monday)- Labor Day-Schools Closed
September29th, 2011(Thursday)- Rosh Hashanah- Schools Closed
*From the Principal’s Desk*
A warm welcome back to all students, parents and staff! A new school year presents opportunities for various beginnings- new classes, new faces and often new materials. Our program is what it is because a group of dedicated and inspiring staff have a common goal- To do what is best for every student.
Good communication between the school and the parents is the key to the success of the school program. Let’s work together and make 2012 our best school year!
*Welcome New Employees*
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to the following new staff thathave joined the Delrey family:
Bonnie Allen- Physical Therapist
Ann Savage- Occupational Therapist
Channel Maye- Teacher’s Aide
Ja’Meda Reaves- Special Education Teacher
*Delrey Students and Their Families*
The following students are celebrating their birthdays in September and we wish them a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
- Aaron BarksdaleJr. - Sept. 4th - 7 years old
- Trinique Thompson- Sept. 6th - 12 years old
- Michael Addison- Sept.10th - 16 years old
- Nicolas Toatley Scott- Sept. 20th- 8 years old
- Justin Virts- Sept. 24th - 7 years old
- Gabrielle Decker-Sept. 25th - 5 years old
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*Parent Staff Organization (PSO)*
Our Back to School Night will be on Wednesday, September 14th at 6:00 p.m. Please save this date. Food will be provided. Additional information coming soon!
*Fund Raisers*
The Fund Raising Committee thanks you for your support of our fund raising activities. Following is a list of fund raisers for the 2011/12 School Year:
- New Fund Raiser to Benefit Parents of Students In Need of Funds For Special Equipment - Saturday, September 10th, 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. See attached flyer.
- Kids Stuff Entertainment Books – Books will be available to view at Back To School Night. Books will be sent home and orders taken from September 19 through September 30th. Cost is $25.
- Quarter Auction – We are trying to schedule a Quarter Auction in the fall.
- Cabin Fever Party/Chili Competition – February, 2012
- Mayfair – May 12, 2012 – This year, we will not have a Stroll N Roll. The Stroll N Roll will be replaced with a different competition that will occur during the school week prior to the Mayfair. Students will earn points and the winner will be announced at the Mayfair.
- Ledos Pizza – 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month – Ledos will donate 10% of sales (eat in and carry out) to Delrey. Please remember to tell them that you are from Delrey so that we will receive credit for the order.
Look for additional information regarding fund raisers as the time gets closer to the event and we lock in dates.
If you would like to be on the Fund Raising Committee, please contact Fran Ring.
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Please continue to send in your Box Tops For Education. They can be found on various products including Kleenex brand tissues (the coupon is on the bottom of the box). Please check all products that you use to see if they have a Box Top For Education coupon, clip it and bring it to Delrey. The school receives cash for the box tops and all of the money is used to purchase items for classroom use.
Look for additional information regarding fund raisers as the time gets closer to the event and we lock in dates.
If you would like to be on the Fund Raising Committee, please contact Fran Ring.
Please continue to send in your Box Tops For Education. They can be found on various products including Kleenex brand tissues (the coupon is on the bottom of the box). Please check all products that you use to see if they have a Box Top For Education coupon, clip it and bring it to Delrey. The school receives cash for the box tops and all of the money is used to purchase items for classroom use.
Giant A+ Bonus Bucks:
It is time once again to update your designation for the Giant A+ Bonus Bucks. Every time you use your Giant Bonus Card, our school will earn A+ Bonus Bucks which convert into cash each month. However you must designate Delrey School to receive the credit for your purchases. Designations may be made online at or at your local Giant store. To make the designation online, under “Join The Program”, select register your card. Then enter the first 3 letters of your last name and your Giant Bonus Card Number, then click on “Continue to Listings”. Under the “Express Option”, type our school number (01569). Click on Register then “Confirm my Information”.
*Nursing Department*
To all parents:
Discretionary medication forms which need parent signatures, as well as order forms and action plans which need physician’s signatures, have been sent to the appropriate homes from the nursing department. If you received these, please return them promptly! We cannot adequately serve your child without the completion of these forms.
Thank you.