Yr. Group Reception Bolton- by- Bowland CE Primary School
Curriculum Map 2016-2017
Dinosaurs /Celebrations and Festivals
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT / Rules, making friends, participating in school life, feelings. / Getting help, making friends.COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE
/ Listening to stories and rhymes. Using language, turn taking, responding to stories.News telling, show and tell.
Role play – Dinosaur Museum / Creating roles, exploring sounds, words and text.
News telling, show and tell
Role play – Santa’s workshop/Nativity
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT / Games – rolling and kicking, moving safely. / Gymnastics – Travelling, negotiating space.
/ Linking sounds and lettersMark making
Responding to stories and making up their own
Creating imaginary roles / Develop simple stories
Writing for different purposes e.g. lists, stories
Rhyming strings, Letter sounds
Blending sounds to read simple words
Enjoying a range of books
/ Shape, space and measureCounting
Recognise numerals, use number names
Count objects
More / less / Match numbers to quantities
Count reliable
Name and describe shapes
Position, direction and movement
Ordering by length and height
UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD / Family customs and routines, Harvest
Dinosaurs – naming dinosaurs, prehistoric lands. / Our bodies, keeping healthy, healthy foods.
EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN / Exploring sounds and instruments + singing with others
Representing events, people and objects
Malleable materials - Creating 3D figures / Colour mixing + choosing colours for a purpose
Combining media
Responding to feelings, ideas and experiences
Small-world toys Nativity play
Yr. Group Reception Bolton- by- Bowland CE Primary School
Curriculum Map 2016-2017
/Our School and local area
/ Listening to storiesFollowing and giving instructions, Organising ideas
Role play – Pirate Ship / Anticipating and responding to key events
Following and giving instructions
Showing awareness of others’ needs
Role play –Tourist Information Office/House/ school
/ Counting and ordering numbersAddition and subtraction
Exploring shape, space and measure
Data handling, pattern. / Counting, comparing and ordering numbers
Addition and subtraction
Position and movement, measures.
Length and time. Money.
LITERACY / Discuss characters, role play, rhyme, writing stories
Pirate stories, poetry and listening to information, messages in a bottle, / Sequencing events, write letters, compare fact and fiction,
Retelling stories.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD / Learning about Pirates, looking at treasure maps.
Special people and Easter / Our school and surrounding area,
The village of Bolton- by- Bowland
Gymnastics / Games
Dance – combining movements
EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN / Music: Composing, playing and singing.
Using different types of materials in art to create different effects, Junk modelling / Music: Learning new songs and instruments.
Looking at work of artists.
Printing, painting, observational drawings.
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT / Being healthy, how we keep healthy, healthy eating. / Learning how to keep safe, making choices.
Yr. Group Reception Bolton- by- Bowland CE Primary School
Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Fairies and Frogs
/Creepy Crawly Carnival
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT / Our changing world, personal safety and relationships. / Personal growth, change, our bodies.PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT / Games
Athletics / Athletics
/ Listen to stories, Respond to what they have readUse language to recreate roles, Extend vocabulary.
Role Play: Castle / Listening to stories
Conveying thoughts and ideas
Expressing opinions and giving reasons
Role Play: Mini Beast investigation lab
/ Stories about Fantasy worlds – fantasy settings, objects and characters. Write own version of storiesCastles - Information
Instructions / Mini Beast Information texts
Bug Poems
Writing signs, posters and labels for their role play area.
Invitations to an ugly bug ball.
Descriptions of the minibeasts.
MATHEMATICS / Time, counting, addition and subtraction, 2D shape, data handling, pattern, number recognition and ordering. / Counting, capacity, comparing numbers, 3D shape, direction, money, time, number and number problems.
UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD / Learning about knights and castles, Kings and Queens. / Investigating, identifying insects and looking at their habitats. Butterfly lifecycle.
EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN / Investigating and evaluating products
Making using textiles / Drawing, painting, using collage and textiles.
Yr. Group 1/ 2 Bolton- by- Bowland CE PrimarySchool
Curriculum Map 2016-2017
Topics /Dinosaurs
/Our school & local area
/Fairies and Frogs
/Creepy Crawly Carnival
/ Traditional RhymesNon Chronological Reports
Fantasy Stories / Instructions
Classic Poems
Stories from other Cultures / Poems on a theme
Stories on a theme / Stories set in schools
Persuasive poster (Y2)
Other fiction (Y1) / Recounts
Traditional Tales
Poems for learning by heart / Stories by same author
Non Chronological reports
Poems with a structure
/ Number and place valueAddition and subtraction
Properties of shape
Position and direction
Multiplication and division / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Properties of shape
Position and direction
Problem solving
Multiplication and division / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Properties of shape
Problem solving
Multiplication and division / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving
Multiplication and division / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving
Multiplication and division / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Problem solving
Multiplication and division
SCIENCE / Animals – survival and growth / Plants: Plant growth.
Health: how we grow and stay healthy. / Living things and their habitats,
Animals: survival and growth. / Properties and uses of materials
HISTORY / The prehistoric age. / Christmas Story / Famous Pirates / The history of our church/ school/ Pudsey’s leap/ King Henry VI (War of the Roses) / Knight and Castles, timelines. Norman Castles. / Blackburn Museum Victorian Beetles Loan collection
Yr. Group 1/ 2 Bolton- by- Bowland CE Primary School
Curriculum Map 2016-2017GEOGRAPHY / Where did Dinosaurs live? / Where is India?
Where is Israel?
Bethlehem? Nazareth?
North Pole? / Pirate Islands
Pirate treasure maps / Our local area, the village of Bolton- by- Bowland.
Maps / Why and where castles were built.
Local castles / Minibeast hunt – mapping around the school grounds
MUSIC / Rhythm and Pulse – through listening and using percussion. / Christmas songs for school play.
Music for Hannukah & Divali
BBC – Divali – Rama & Sita / Sea shanties
Sailors Hornpipe / Pulse & rhythm / Pitch – high and low sounds with voices and instruments. / Different styles of music.
Nursery rhymes & action songs, playing instruments, performing.
PE / Games 1
Games 2 / Games
Gymnastics / Gymnastics
Swimming / Swimming
Dance / Games
Athletics / OAA
ART & DT / Dinosaur collage, making fossils, dinosaur skeletons, observational drawings of fossils. / Christmas cards and calendars,
Painting and drawing.
Using textiles. / Designing pirate flags. / Observational drawings.
Exploring the work of other artists. / Building castles.
Designing coat of arms, flags and shields. / Symmetrical pictures.
Flower/ grass/ seed collage.
RE / Harvest
God and Creation / Jewish Celebrations
Christmas Gift bringers / Jesus was special / Easter: New life / Saints and Followers / Baptism
COMPUTING / We are painters / We are celebrating / We are treasure hunters / Setting the scene – word processing / We are researchers / We are Zoologists
PSHE / Emotional health and well-being:
Communicating feelings, managing feelings, planning ahead, negative behaviour, getting help. / Healthy lifestyles: making choices, influences on health, maintaining health. / Drug awareness: learning about medicines, safety and making choices. / Sex and relationship education (SRE):
Personal growth, change and reproduction,
Our changing world, personal safety, relationships.
FRENCH / Simple Greetings, name phrases, numbers and colours, responding to simple instructions.