Board of Directors Meeting
Conference Call:September 1, 2011
1. Board President Jim Barrile called the meeting to order at 3:08PM.
Board members teleconferenced in were Jim Barrile,Sue Spollen, Lin Galeucia, Alan Seghezzi and Tom Grande (signed on at 3:22PM).
Teleconferenced in from Evergreen Management Inc (Management): Association Manager, Lorie Paquette and Tom Ducharme (left meeting at 4:23PM).
2. Financial Reports: Management submitted the 2012 Draft Budget to include the Full Time Manager and Maintenance personnel. After discussion, the Board unanimously moved to table the 2012 Draft Budget until the Board had an opportunity to discuss.
3. Maintenance Committee:
3.1. Building 23: The Board reviewed the proposals from Barnett Building Contractors, dated
8/31/11 to repairs Units 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, and the Associations portion of the rot
repairs to Building 23. The Board requested the following:
- Association’s portion should include french drains at the back of the building only.
- Barnett may need to remove Landscaping and will be his responsibility to repair.
- Make sure the owner’s receive the proposals and understand this is their responsibility. Chuck Barnett to follow up with owner’s on an individual basis.
- Owners should understand there may be a split with their neighbor on cost.
- The Association will require a signed copy of the contract from the owners.
- EMI to provide a Project Manager for a fee.
Rob Barletta will be coordinating this with the owners. A copy of the contracts should be
sent to Rob Barletta.
Tom Grande signed in on call at 3:22PM.
3.2.Building 23 Painting: Management informed the Board, Caroselli Painting has been
scheduled to paint Building 23 at the end of October.
3.3. Rot Repair Cycle: The Board provided Management with the next set of buildings scheduled
for rot repair. The buildings are as follows: 1, 24, 25, 27, 28, & 29. The Board requested
Management reach out to Lighthouse Construction. Lin Galeucia is gathering bids and has
requested Management provide him with 3 other vendors who would be interested in bidding
on the rot repair.
3.4. Paint Cycle: The Board requested Management gather a bid from Caroselli Painting as well
as 2 other vendors to paint Buildings 1, 24, 25, 27, 28, & 29 in the Spring of 2012. The
Board reported the prep work of taping off windows was not being done.
Samoset Condominium Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2011
Page 2.
3.5. Roof Repairs: Unit 55, 120, 125, 90, and Clubhouse. Management reviewed proposals
from Fix My Roof Now (Chris Prior) to make repairs to the roofs. After discussion, the
Board unanimously moved to approve the repairs to the Clubhouse and Unit 90. The Board
requested Management gather a proposal from Chris Prior to re-shingle the entire roofs for
Units 55, 120, & 125.
3.5.1. The Board is gathering proposals to re-shingle all the roofs with a 30-35 year
architectural shingle. The plan would take place over a period of 6 years.
3.5.2. The Board requested Management continue to use Chris Prior to repair roofs until
new contractors are found. Management informed the Board the shingles currently
on the building are discontinued and the roofers are having a difficult time matching
them up. The Board suggested Management reach out to Lighthouse Construction
for the type of shingle he is currently using.
3.5.3. Interior Roof Repairs: The Board reviewed the policy for repairing interior damage
done after roof leaks. After discussion, Lin Galeucia moved, seconded by Tom
Grande to hold the owners responsible for the interior repairs based on the By
Laws. The motion passed unanimously.
3.6.Management reviewed the proposal from Four Corners, dated 9/2010 to install curbing by
the mailboxes to resolve run off problem in Units 120A and Office. After discussion, Lin
Galeucia offered to meet with Four Corners to review the proposal and discuss the other
possible options.
3.7. Roadways/walkways: The Board discussed developing a plan of action. Lin Galeucia
reminded the Board that Management has previously put together a proposal. The
Maintenance Committee will put 2 additional proposals together in the Spring of 2012.
Sue Spollen suggested areas that had holes need to be patched before winter. Lin Galeucia
suggested only areas that absolutely need it.
4. Landscaping Committee:
4.1. Sue Spollen provided a written update.
4.2. Snow Removal – Walkways: The Board requested Management send out the notices to all the
owners requesting an update on their shoveling needs in preparation for winter.
5. Waterfront Committee:
5.1. Seagull devices: Jim Barrile reported the seagull devices do not seem to be working and
believes someone is turning them on and off. It is believed some owners are bothered by the
noise. Jim Barrile suggested they be removed and stored for winter. Board will table and
revisit in the winter months.
Samoset Condominium Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2011
Page 3.
6. Old/New Business:
6.1. Recycling: The Board requested Management reach out to Waste Management and gather a
proposal for recycling.
6.2. Delinquent Payments: The Board discussed the procedure for late payments and owners being
charged a late charge & interest charge based on the By-Laws. The Board discussed putting
together a procedure in writing between the Management Office and the Board to remove
privileges to those who are delinquent on their account.
6.3. Security System: Jim Barrile reported on the status of the security system in the clubhouse and
indicated that Tom Makmann was involved with installing the Security System. Jim reported
that the system has never worked correctly. The Board requested Management contact Tom
Makman and request any information he has be turned over to the Management office as soon
as possible.
6.4. Boat Rules: The Board tabled reviewing the boat rules to include a separate fine schedule until
the next meeting. A plan will be brought forward by the Waterfront Committee then reviewed
by the Board.
6.5. Keys: The Board reviewed the option of changing out the keys to the property. After
discussion, Jim Barrile moved, seconded by Tom Grande to change out the locks on the
property. The motion passed unanimously. Lin Galeucia to provide direction to EMI to
include instructions on padlocks.
6.6. Pool Fence: Lin Galeucia suggested the fence was not in compliance with the code to include
the interlocking gates. Lin will follow up with the code.
6.7. Storage of Pool Chemicals: Lin Galeucia reported his concerns with the storage of pool
chemicals. After discussion, Lin Galeucia suggested the Association have the Fire Department
conduct a safety inspection. Lin Galeucia also requested continued training and
documentation be present as a safety precaution.
6.8. Grills: Management reported the Fire Department would be conducting a walk through of the
property for owners in violation of the grill ordinance. Management to provide Board with
report of owner in violation once received from Fire Department.
6.9. Fire Alarm Systems: Management reported the status of the Fire Alarm Systems.
6.10.WIFI: The Board discussed the need for the WIFI system. The Board will look at options with
optimizing equipment.
6.11. Insurance: Lin Galeucia suggested the Board have a Risk Management Assessment done on
the property. The Board requested Management provide them with all the contact information
for the Insurance Company.
Samoset Condominium Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2011
Page 4.
7. Management Report: Administrative
7.1. The next scheduledboard meeting: Jim Barrile will reach out to Management with the next
available time.
8. Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:45PM with the
unanimous consent of those present.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorie Paquette
Association Manager