Woodring College of Education
Candidate / Cooperating Teacher / University Supervisor / Internship Dates
Directions: Please refer to the Early Childhood Internship Evaluation Scoring Rubric when completing this form. This rubric provides detailed descriptions for teacher candidates at each of the following levels: E=Exceeds Expectations (3 points each); M=Meets Expectations (2 points each); D=Does Not Meet Expectations (1 point). A minimum score of 78 is required to pass the preschool internship.
Planning-Domain 1 / E / M / D / Supporting Evidence1. / Develops learning objectives, which are appropriate for the subject and grade level and are connected appropriately to the standards.
(NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Approaches)
2. / Plans appropriate and logically sequenced instructional strategies (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Approaches)
3. / Plans for differences in individual needs, abilities, and interests.
(NAEYC Standard 1a: Child Development)
4. / Establishes communication with families to discuss child’s goals, share progress and for collaborative decision-making. (NAEYC Standard 2c)
5. / Plans for appropriate assessment, analysis of results and maintenance of records. (NAEYC Standard 3b 3c: Assessment)
6. / Plans lessons that demonstrate a respect and understanding for cultural and linguistic diversity. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Approaches)
7. / Plans lessons that reflect some understanding of the diversity of families and community characteristics (NAEYC Standard 2c)
Overall rating for planning (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (19-21 points); Meets Expectations (14-18 points), Does Not Meet Expectations (0-13 points).
Describe one strength in the area of planning:
Area in planning for further development:
Instruction-Domain 2 / E / M / D / Supporting Evidence1. / Implements effectiveinstruction forstudentsusingknowledge ofcontentandappropriate standards. (NAEYCStandard4c)
2. / Establishes, communicates,andmaintainshighexpectations for studentachievementandparticipation. Studentsaregiven opportunities andsupporttoassumeresponsibility fortheirown learning. (NAEYCStandard4c:Effective Approaches)
3. / Provideslearningexperiencesthatallowstudentstoformconnections betweenthespecificsubjectareaandother disciplines.(NAEYCStandard5a: Content Knowledge)
4. / Assistsstudentsinconnectingsubjectmattertoeverydaylife.
(NAEYCStandard5c: Content Knowledge)
5. / Usesinstructionaljudgmentintheimplementationof lessons. (NAEYCStandard5c: Content Knowledge)
6. / Usesavarietyofinstructional strategiestoactivelyengageall students.(NAEYCStandard4b:Effective Approaches)
7. / Integrates technology appropriately into teaching and learning. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective approaches)
8. / Uses a variety of instructional strategies to foster children’s conversation and language development. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Teaching; 5b: Meaningful curriculum)
9. / Provides inquiry-based experiences whichencouragecritical thinking,problemsolving, reflection, informeddecisionmaking,and/or creativity.(NAEYCStandard4b: Content Knowledge)
10. / Usesavarietyofassessments to identify child’s strengths, evaluateand guidestudentlearningandtomodifyinstructionasneeded. (NAEYCStandard 3b:Assessment)
11. / Uses variety of documentation to communicate to children, families and colleagues (NAEYC Standard 3b, 4b)
12. / Uses appropriate voice tone and inflection to deliver instruction effectively (NAEYC Standard 4a: Effective Approaches)
Overall rating for instruction (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (33-36 points); Meets Expectations (32-24 points), Does Not Meet Expectations (0-23 points).
Describe one strength in the area of instruction:
Area in instruction for further development.
Environment-Domain 3 / E / M / D / Supporting Evidence1. / Promotespositive, collaborativepeer interactions understanding how to build community among children(NAEYC Standard4a:Teaching)
2. / Demonstrates positive interactions with children and understands this is the foundation of an effective learning relationship (NAEYC Standard 4a)
3. / Createsandmaintainsapositiveandsafeclassroom environmentconduciveforlearning.(NAEYCStandardlc:Child Development)
4. / Demonstratesconfidenceandpoise when managingan effectivelearning environment using a positive guidance approach.(NAEYCStandard4b:Teaching)
5. / Establishesandmaintainseffectiverules, procedures, and routines.(NAEYC Standard1c:ChildDevelopment)
6. / Provides forsmoothtransitionsbetweenactivitiesand implementsintroductionsandclosuresinlessons.(NAEYC Standard4b:Effective Teaching)
7. / Plans and arranges physical environment to promote inquiry with attention to aesthetics, learning goals and the use of materials. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Teaching)
Overall rating for environment (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (19-21 points); Meets Expectations (14-18 points), Does Not Meet Expectations (0-13 points).
Describe one strength in the area of environment:
Area in environment for further development:
Professionalism-Domain 4 / E / M / D / Supporting Evidence1. / Demonstratesoral,written,and/ornonverbalcommunication consistent withtheexpectationsofacollegegraduate. (NAEYC Standard 6b)
2. / Createsapositiverapport withstudents,parents,colleagues, administrators,mentorteacher,and supervisors upholding a professional disposition. (NAEYC Standard 6c: Professionalism)
3. / Presentsselfinaprofessionalmannerintermsofappearance,attitude, attire,andconduct.(NAEYCStandard6c:Professionalism)
4. / Isreceptivetoconstructivecriticismfromthementorteacher, supervisor, andadministratorsandincorporatesfeedback.(NAEYC Standard6c:Professionalism)
5. / Discusseslessonplanswiththementorteacherwellinadvanceofthe lesson andintegratesfeedbackasappropriate.(NAEYC Standard6c: Professionalism)
6. / Ispreparedtoteacheachday.(NAEYCStandard6b:Professionalism
7. / Maintainsanappropriatelevelofprofessionalethicsin termsof personalconduct, FERPA requirements, policies, and procedures**, academicintegrityandemotionalmaturityin the schoolsetting. (NAEYC Standard6d:Professionalism)
8. / Uses self-reflection to evaluate instruction to plan positive outcomes for children. (NAEYC Standard6d:Professionalism)
**A Does Not Meet Expectations rating on this item may result in failure in the internship.
Overall rating for professionalism (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (22-24 points); Meets Expectations (16-22 points), Does Not Meet Expectations (0-15 points).
Describe one strength in the area of professionalism:
Area in professionalism for further development:
Additional Early Childhood Education Competencies / E / M / D / Supporting Evidence1. / Language Arts:Integrates listening,speaking,reading,and writingacrossadevelopmentalcontinuum.Usesanintegrated approachtoincludecontentfromotherdisciplines. (NAEYC Standard5b:Content Knowledge)
2. / Science:Engagesstudentsinsimpleinvestigations, including makingpredictions,gatheringandinterpretingdata, recognizingsimpleproblemsanddrawingconclusions. Usesan integratedapproachtoincludecontentfromotherdisciplines. (NAEYCStandard5b:Content Knowledge)
3. / Mathematics:Engagesstudentsinexperiencesthatinclude operations, algebra,geometry,measurement, dataanalysis,and probability.Usesanintegratedapproachtoincludecontent fromotherdisciplines.(NAEYC Standard5b:Content Knowledge)
4. / SocialStudies:Providesexperiencesingeography, history, economics, andsocialrelations/civicsacrossadevelopmental continuum.Usesanintegrated approachtoincludecontent fromotherdisciplines.(NAEYCStandard5b:Content Knowledge)
5. / Creative Arts: Provides experiences to promote visual arts, theatre arts, and music/movement integrated into the curriculum. (NAEYC Standard 5b: Content Knowledge)
Overall rating for Early Childhood Education (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (14-15 points); Meets Expectations (10-14 points), Does Not Meet Expectations (0-9 points).
Describe one strength in the area of Early Childhood Education Standards:
Area in professionalism for further development:
*A minimum score of 78 is required to pass the preschool internship.
The below narrative is an important supplement to the above ratings. The narrative should include, but is not limited to: (1) a description of the internship setting, (2) a summary of key experiences gained, and (3) any supporting or clarifying information regarding the intern’s performance.
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 6/22/15 WWU is an equal opportunity institution.