Tattershall with Thorpe
Parish Council
Parish Clerk
Mrs Karen Elliott
Lapwater Cottage, Louth Road, West Ashby, LN9 5PS
Tel: 01507 581101 e-mail:
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council, to be held on Tuesday 7th March 2017at 7.15pm at the Tattershall CAP and Library, Tattershall.
There will be a 15 minute public forum prior to the first item on the agenda, when members of the public may raise any matters of interest in the parish, and may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is also requested during this period.
Public Forum
1Chairman’s Report
2To Resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given
3Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and requests for Dispensations
4Notes of the last meeting, on7th February 2017 to be approved and signed as the minutes
5To co-opt Mr P Adams as a parish councillor
6Clerks report on matters outstanding and correspondence
a)Manning Trophy nominations
b)Date for public amenities meeting.
c)Report from litter picking event on 4/3/17
d)Fly the Flag for the commonwealth 13/3/17
e)Date for next Parish Council Surgery
7Request for leave of absence – Mr Singleton Cragg
8Proposal for ashes plot in closed Churchyard (see attached)
9To discuss the condition of the grass in the Market Place
10Donation request from 2nd Coningsby Guides
11S106 update
12Parish Council website (SB)
13Proposal to purchase event poppies for display at Remembrance 2017 @ £
14Tattershall Village Hall representatives 2017-2018
15Proposal to Support Jubilee Park
16Proposal to buy new Christmas Tree Lights £111.67 + vat
17Proposal to purchase litter pickers £
18Bin at Sluice – latest from ELDC
19Historic England Church Wall repairs – update
20Planning Matters:
a)S/175/00122/17 – 11 Sleaford Road, Tattershall
21Financial Matters:
a)Approve Payment of Accounts – see attached sheet and bank reconciliation.
22Reports from outside meetings
23Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies
24Items for next Agenda and date of next meetings
a)Full Council from 7.15pm Tuesday 4th April2017
Signed:…………………………………………… Mrs K M Elliott (Clerk) Date: 28th February 2017.