Batch : 2012-14
The Summer Training Program (STP) forms an important component of education at PIMR, Indore. It is an attempt to bridge the gap between the academic institution and corporate world. Under this, the students must undertake 6weekstraining at any organization during the Intervening period between close of Semester II and commencement of Semester III. The training, which would be a simulation of real work environment, requires the students to undergo the rigor of professional environment both in form and substance. It exposes them to technical skills, and helps them to acquire social skills by drawing them into contact with real professionals.
For proper coordination and ensuring organized and smooth conduct, each student will also be guided by Faculty of the institute. A representative of the industry/organization also guides the student and assists the faculty in monitoring the student's progress.
STP is a vehicle for introducing students to real-life situation, which cannot be simulated in the classroom. Therefore, STP assignments must necessarily be those of direct interest to the host organization. Students are encouraged to take up time bound multi-disciplinary and goal-oriented assignment involving team work. Solutions to various problems confronted in the assignment might be open-ended, involving an element of analytical thinking, processing and decision-making in the face of insufficient data parameters and uncertain situations. Students are advised to read the contents of the handbook carefully prior to commencement of Training.
(a)The title of the project along with the name of company and place should be sent to the placement cell so as to reach us by June 15, 2013. If a student fails to send this information, it will not be included in the profile to be printed in the brochure.
(b)Within 15 days of the completion of the summer training, you have to submit a report in consultation with your faculty guide by July 30, 2013. The report should cover all aspects of your summer training along with certificate of training and feedback form. The student should prepare the summer training reports on the formats given for the type of training the student has undergone. The reports are required to be submitted to Summer Training Coordinator. In case of delay in submission of report, receipt of certificate or feedback forms, the student must contact the Summer Training Coordinator before July 30, 2013, failure to the same shall result in non-completion of the summer training component.
(c) General Training
1.History of the organisation and objective.
2.Organisation structure.
3.Financial performance (including quantitative aspect) and position, costing methods and analysis of statement.
4.Personnel: Recruitment process, personnel polices training and development, welfare activities.
5.Production/Operations: Products/services offered, layout of the facility, quality control, material planning and control, future plans.
6.Marketing: Areas of operation, competitors, market share, advertising and sales promotion.
7.Strengths and Weakness of the organisation.
8.Suggestion – discussion with management.
9.Any other special point observed by you.
(d)Special Project Undertaken
Chapter I : Introduction
Write briefly on points 1-9 as the introduction of the organisation.
Chapter II :Methodology
Introduction of the project
a)The study and its objectives
b)The sample
c)The tools :(1) For data collection (2) For data analysis
Chapter III : Results
Chapter IV : Discussion/Interpretation of results
Chapter V : Suggestions and Conclusion
Chapter VI : Implication of the study
(c)A copy of the certificate from the company is to be submitted to the Summer Training Coordinator by July 31, 2013.
(e) Group Projects Undertaken:
In case of group projects the student is required to ensure that the sample, data collection, results and discussion should not be similar in any two project reports. Duplication of reports is not permitted even in case of group projects\ assignments. In case of any similarity in project report submitted, the student will be awarded zero marks.
Executive Summary Report
Executive summary report is a one page summary of STP report required to be submitted by the student to Summer Training Coordinator. This report would be used along with Resume of student for placement purpose. Students should take utmost care in writing the report. Further the students are advised to retain a copy report with them for future use. Summer training is a compulsory part of internal assessment.
Summer Project Marks:100 marks
For Company Guide :25 marks
Faculty guide :25 marks
External Viva :50 marks
•The colour of cover page of the Project Reportshould befor Green MBA (Full Time), Pink for MBA (IB),Blue for MBA (MM), Lemon Yellow for MBA (FA) and White for MBA (PA).It is compulsory to mention the Class, Section and Scholar No. on the front cover page along with the program.
•Two hard bound copies shall be submitted by the students.
•Only PIMR logo should be used.
•Page number is compulsory in the project report.
•Text Guidelines:
Font:Times New Romans
Font Size :14 for headings and 12 for text
Students will have to bear all expenses of summer training including travel, food, stay, etc. he/she can, however , accept facilities voluntarily provided by the organisation in terms of free transportation bus, concessional food, guest facility, stipend, medical facility.
100% attendance during STP is mandatory. However, if for any genuine reason a student is not in a position to report to the STP organization on any day, he/she should obtain formal permission for leave of absence as per the rules and regulations of the STP organization. Permission should also be taken from the Faculty Guide.
The students are required to report in the institute latest by July 15, 2013 for their classes. In case of any delay in reporting to the institute, the attendance for the duration will not be considered and will be solely the responsibility of the student himself/ herself.
Conduct and Behaviour
The students during STP are placed in the role of ambassadors of PIMR. The Institute would always expect students to maintain professional and social imprints of high standards in the organization.
PIMR expects the students to abide by the rules and regulations of the place of work during training. It is particularly important to be regular, punctual and well mannered at work. During the period of training the student shall be subject to the leave rules of the STP organization and should ensure strict adherence to the timings of the organization.
Unprofessional behaviour, misconduct, indiscipline, irregularity at work and unsatisfactory performance will lead to cancellation of STP.Students may also not be permitted to register in Semester III resulting in the loss of at least one academic year.Besides this, any other form of academic action PIMR might deem fit to impose.
Every student is assigned a Faculty Guide at the beginning of the STP. The role of the Faculty Guide is to enable the student to undertake a meaningful project, provide the necessary academic guidance, and to facilitate evaluation, along with the aid of the company guide, while STP is in progress. The Faculty Guide will be involved at all stages of the project.
During these interactions, the student would be informed about his/her performance, progress in the project, his/her strengths and weaknesses as observed through various evaluation components and also ways for improvement. However, the student also has the responsibility to seek clarification from the respective faculty on all the above aspects regularly.
Students must facilitate the meeting of Faculty Guide and the Company Guide regularly. This would help the Faculty Guide to assess the student's progress in his/her respective project and the quality and quantity of work put in by the student. These meetings would also help the Faculty Guide to judge the behaviour of the students in the organization, and the relationship the student maintains with the other executives/ staff of the organization.
A student must discuss with the faculty the progress made in his/ her work and also seek clarification of any doubts related to his/her work with the Company Guide and professional experts.
•Before beginning your assignment check if any of your seniors had earlier. undergone STP at the same organization. If yes, do collect the report submitted by those trainees and study them carefully. Copies of such reports would be available at PIMR.
•Apart from providing an exposure to real work situations, the STP is also an opportunity of learning the art of information/data identification, classification, acquisition, processing and presentation.
•Projects under the STP could be of a significant importance to the host organization -in terms of their objective of "Technical Documentation" aiming at updating or modernization of information systems etc. Therefore, proper care should be taken while documenting the project. The Faculty Guide may be consulted for any problems faced during the process.
•The project reports submitted by the students must be prepared by themselves. Any resemblance of the project report will be dealt very seriously and the student will not be awarded any marks for the same.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research
2, Education & Health Sector, Scheme No. 54
Phone : 4012244, 4012222 • Fax:0731- 4012256
For the academic guidance for the Summer Training, you can contact your Faculty Guide or Coordinator Summer Training.
For any other help you can also write to:-
After the completion of the project, the student is required to get the Summer Feedback form filled by your company guide. The business card of your guide should also be attached to the feedback form. Feedback form should be signed and sealed by the company guide. The feedback form should reach the Placement Cell latest by July 31, 2013.
Wishing you all the very best.
Prof. Amrita ThakreProf Incharge – Summer Training / Ms. NiveditaWagle
Executive Placement Officer
Batch : 2012-14
Dear Sir/Madam,
Warm Greetings from the Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
At the outset, we would like to thank you for mentoring our student, during the Summer Training. Summer Training project is intended at providing the students an exposure to the corporate world where they can understand the various functions and thereby get a better insight for their career growth. This industry experience is instrumental in making student more focused and helps in smooth transition in the corporate world.
This association also helps the Institute to understand the current practices and the requirement of the industry. Hence, in order to strengthen this relationship and gear up our students to face the corporate challenges, we seek your support.
We request you to kindly take out a few minutes from your busy schedule and give us a feedback about your protégé. Your inputs will be of a great value addition, for the students and the Institute. The feedback from your end is a part of internal evaluation/ marks of the student. It is compulsory for the student to submit the certificate of training and feedback for evalution.
Thanking You.
Prof. Amrita ThakreProf Incharge – Summer Training / Ms. NiveditaWagle
Executive Placement Officer
Student Name: / ______/ Class & Sec. : / ______Company: / ______/ Project Title : / ______
Company Guide : / ______/ Faculty Guide : / ______
HR Name: / ______ / HR Contact: / ______
HR email: / ______
1. / Satisfaction on meeting the project schedule
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
2. / Satisfaction on the methodology used
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
3. / Satisfaction on the progress of the project
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
4. / Capability to apply functional knowledge and adopting multi-functional approach to real life business problems
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
5. / Reading/Referencing of literature related to project work
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
6. / Quality findings and observations of the student in the interim report
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
7. / Presentation Skills
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
8. / Overall effectiveness in the oral communication
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
9. / Ability to perform in a team
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
10. / Innovation Quotient
Rating / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10