This booklet provides general guidelines for Midshipman Marine Air-Ground Task Force LCE Cruises. The goal of MAGTF is to introduce midshipmen to the capabilities, mission, and ethos of the Marine Corps. The primary means of accomplishing this goal is for you to interact closely with the Marines, officer and enlisted, of your unit.
Get to know the Marines in your unit. Find out their background and experiences in the Marine Corps as well as their motivation for becoming a Marine. Observe the leadership styles and techniques of the unit’s noncommissioned officers. Exercise initiative and take advantage of any down time to explore the equipment, facilities, and routine operations of your unit.
Each midshipmen will be assigned to a company grade officer who will oversee implementation of this program. These officers hold positions that you could soon find yourself in, so pay close attention to their role in the unit and its leadership. The following items should be completed as the unit’s schedule allows. Discuss those items not performed/observed with an officer from that section or department.
Command Deck- Conduct in-call with Battalion CO/XO (arrange with adjutant)
- Discuss role of the Battalion SgtMaj
- Discuss unit legal requirements with XO/legal officer
- Understand an individual’s rights under Article 31 of UCMJ
- Become familiar with the limitation on a CO’s NJP award authority
- Discuss role of the intel section with regard to unit mission
- Discuss threats relevant to the unit’s mission
- Observe unit intel brief
- Discuss mission of the battalion, relation to higher and adjacent missions
- Discuss relation between the battalion and other elements of the MAGTF
- Observe unit operations meeting
- Discuss DRRS-MC report with ops staff
- Discuss unit training and exercise employment plan (TEEP) with ops staff
- Discuss annual Marine training requirements with ops/training staff
- Discuss LM-2 report with supply/logistics staff
- Observe/participate in a weapons sight count
- Learn to detail strip and perform routine maintenance on M16A4/M4 service rifle
- Observe/participate in crew-served weapons maintenance
- Observe/participate in vehicle maintenance routine
- Learn the capabilities and typical employment of the unit’s tactical communications equipment
- Observe/participate in communications operator training
- Observe/participate in an equipment inventory
- Learn security requirements for cryptological equipment
- Stand duty with the OOD
- Observe security checks
- Observe/participate in barracks walkthrough
- Observe morning and evening colors
- Discuss mission of the platoons and different companies of the unit, relation to higher and adjacent missions
- Learn the capabilities and TTPs for the different types of companies, their sections/platoons, and and their equipment
- Discuss role of the Co. 1stSgt, Co. GySgt, and platoon sergeants
- Discuss training schedule with platoon commander or platoon sergeant
- Discuss counseling and fitness report requirements with a platoon commander or the company commander
- Discuss enlisted cutting scores, counseling, and proficiency/conduct marks with a SNCO
- Participate in unit PT
- Observe weekend/holiday safety brief