A.2 Pet 1:20,21 (READ)
B.Most believe the human author whom God used to reveal this book was James, the brother of the Lord.
C.Mt 13:55 (READ)
Half-brother of the Lord
D.Jn 7:5 (READ)
E.Acts 1:14; 1 Cor 15:7 (READ)
After the resurrection, he was included among the believers.
F.Acts 12:17; 21:18; Gal 1:19, 2:9 (READ)
II.To Whom Written:
(:1) (READ)
Christians who probably had a Jewish background and who were widely dispersed.
III.When Written:
Approximately 40-65 A.D.
IV.Some Apparent Purposes:
A.First, to provide practical instructions on how to live the Christian life
1.This rich book has been called “The Gospel of Common Sense”.
2.Let’s look at a brief overview of the book to see its practical nature.
I.Chapter 1:
A.The value of trials and tribulations
B.The source and nature of temptations
C.The power of the word of God to save souls
D.Be DOERS of the word, not hearers only.
E.Pure and undefiled religion
II.Chapter 2
A.The sin of showing favoritism or being prejudiced
B.The kind of faith that saves (living, active, obedient)
III.Chapter 3
A.Misuse of the tongue
B.True, godly wisdom contrasted with worldly, devilish wisdom
IV.Chapter 4
A.Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
B.The importance of humility
C.The shortness and unpredictability of life
And the importance of including God and His will in our plans
V.Chapter 5
A.Sins of some rich people and warnings to them
B.The Christian attitude toward mistreatment by others – patience
C.The power of prayer
D.Our duty to try to convince a fellow-Christian in sin to repent
B.Here is a second purpose of the book.
It is to give a description of the person who has faith and what they are like.
1.For example, if one CLAIMS to be religious, he must AIM to be religious.
2.If one’s faith does not perform, there is cause for alarm.
3.A person who claims to have faith can use this book to examine himself.
He can see where he really stands.
4.It is not enough for one to SEEM to be RELIGIOUS.
He must also SHOW himself to be RIGHTEOUS.
5.Please consider this description of the person who has faith.
He is the following:
1.(1:21) (READ)
Not simply one who BELIEVES the word, but one who RECEIVES the word.
2.(1:22) (READ)
Not one who simply HEARS the word, but one who HEEDS it.
3.(1:24) (READ)
Not one who simply BEHOLDS himself, but BEHAVES himself.
4.(1:25) (READ)
Not one who simply LOOKS into the law, but LIVES according to the law.
5.(1:27) (READ)
Not only one who seeks to BE GOOD, but also to DO GOOD.
6.(2:1) (READ)
One who has RESPECT FOR persons and not RESPECT OF persons.
7.(2:18) (READ)
One who not only SAYS, but also SHOWS that he has faith.
8.(3:10) (READ)
One who not only CONSIDERS his tongue, but also CONTROLS his tongue.
9.(3:17; 4:1) (READ)
One who seeks WISDOM from above and not WAR with brethren.
10.(5:1-11) (READ)
One who seeks PATIENCE above PROSPERITY.
11.(5:12-18) (READ)
One who concentrates on PRAYER as part of the cure for PROBLEMS.
12.(5:19,20) (READ)
And one who seeks to SAVE SOULS and cover SINS.
According to James, the person who has faithdoes several things:
Properly REGARDS himself
Properly REACTS to trials
Properly REALIZES the nature of temptation
Properly REVERES God
Properly RESPONDS to the word
Properly REPRESENTS true religion
Properly RESPECTS others
Properly REFLECTS his faith in works
Properly RESTRAINS his tongue
Properly REVEALS heavenly wisdom and REJECTS earthly wisdom
Properly RESISTS strife and conflict
Properly RECOGNIZES God in his plans
Properly RELATES to material things
Properly RETAINS the right attitude
Properly REFRAINS from profane speech
Properly RELIES on prayer
Properly RESTORES the erring
The person who has faith properly REGARDS himself (READ)
I.How did James describe himself?
A.As a SERVANT of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Literally, a bondslave
B.That is, one who gives himselftotally to the will of God and His beloved Son.
C.Do I see myself as one who is totally dedicated to the Lord and the doing of His will?
D.As a Christian, James knew that he was not his own.
E.1 Cor 6:20 (READ)
F.Who paid the price?
G.What was the price?
H.According to the price that was paid, how much is each Christian worth to the Father and Jesus?
I.That should bring joy and peace to each faithful Christian!
It should also create a proper sense of the tremendous value of each faithful Christian!
J.Considering the price that has been paid for each of us, what do we owe the Lord?
The person who has faith properly REACTS to trials (READ :2-12)
I.James says the person who has faith reacts to trials (difficulties and suffering) in the following ways:
F.Let’s analyze each of those points in more detail.
II.First, according to :2, we should react to trials POSITIVELY.
A.More specifically, what does God say we should count it when we fall into various kinds of trials?
1.Count it all JOY!
2.Does that sound like the advice of men?
3.Man’s normal reaction to such trials is to complain and feel persecuted.
4.But God tells us to count it all joy!
B.Joy is gladness, delight, cheerfulness.
1.(Phil 4:4) (READ)
Joy is based upon our relationship with God.
2.Thus, if our relationship with God is right, the faithful Christian can LEARN to rejoice.
That is true in even the worst of circumstances.
Circumstances such as trials and suffering
a.Acts 5:40-42
b.Acts 16:22-25
3.This is like the other difficult things in Christianity.
This is an attitude that we must work diligently to develop.
4.This response of joy does not come naturally or easily.
5.We can only develop it in several ways:
a.First, meditation on the word of God;
b.Second, prayer;
c.And third, practice
C.Here is one thing that will help us to develop such a joyful attitude.
It is to recognize that there are BENEFITS associated with such trials.
D.One of those benefits is seen in :3 & 4.
God tells us that we should react to trials PATIENTLY. (READ)
III.More specifically, God tells us that the trying or testing of our faith can produce patience or endurance.
A.Thus, patience is one benefit of trials.
1.But, is patience developed by all who experience such trials?
2.Then, what determines whether we develop patience through the trials of life?
3.We must face them with faith.
That is, a trusting, obedient attitude toward God.
4.When we do that, we learn something.
We learn that we can be victorious over trials.
We can do that if we maintain our faith in God.
5.Then we can face the next trial with confidence and PATIENCE!
6.And each victory we win makes us stronger and more patient.
B.In :3, God speaks of the “TRYING” of our faith.
1.Please consider the meaning of the word translated “trying”.
Metal is passed through a very hot furnace of fire.
The waste material comes to the top and is scooped off.
This process is repeated several times.
The best, purest metal is thus separated from the impurities.
Eventually, only the pure metal is left.
What does the very hot furnace of fire represent? (The trials of life)
Those trials can help purify us and strengthen us.
If we trust in God, we can use those trials to help reduce our spiritual impurities.
Eventually, we will become more and more like puresilver or gold!
C.So, one of the benefits of the trying of our faith is PATIENCE.
We can develop it if we maintain the proper attitude during trials.
IV.Still another benefit of trials is shown in :4.
A.It comes through the development of patience.
If we develop patience, we will gradually become “perfect” and “complete”.
1.The word translated “perfect” means full-grown.
It means mature.
It means well-suited for a purpose.
2.And the word translated “complete” means entire.
It means healthy.
It means withoutmajor blemish.
3.Thus, here is the process.
As we develop patience through trials, we will become spiritually mature.
We become better suited for God’s purposes.
We become withoutmajor blemish.
4.Obviously then, the development of patience is a life-long process!
5.God does not expect us to develop it overnight.
6.But He does expect us to be working on developing patience every day!
B.So, our dealing with trials in a faithful, trusting way has several important benefits:
- First, it helps us to develop patience.
2.Second, it helps us to become spiritually mature, complete, withoutmajor blemish.
C.But there are other benefits of trials and suffering.
Those benefits will help us learn to rejoice in such difficult situations.
D.Some of those benefits are seen in the following passages.
1.1 Pet 1:6-9 (READ)
a.Prove genuineness of our faith
b.Praise, honor, and glory at Jesus’ coming
c.Receiving the end of our faith – the salvation of our souls.
2.1 Pet 4:12-16 (READ)
a.When His glory is revealed, we will be glad with exceeding joy.
b.We are blessed.
c.We glorify God.
3.Rom 5:3,4 (READ)
a.We glory in tribulations.
b.Tribulation produces perseverance.
c.Perseverance produces approved character.
d.Approved character produces hope.
4.Rom 8:16,17 (READ)
a.If we suffer with Him - we will be glorified together.
5.2 Tim 2:12 (READ)
a.If we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him.
E.So, hopefully, meditating upon these benefits of trials and suffering will help us.
It will help us to LEARN to count it all joy when we experience them!
F.Several other passages should help us to bear up under trials with a more faithful and joyful attitude.
1.1 Cor 10:13 (READ)
2.Phil 4:13 (READ)
3.Rom 8:28 (READ)
G.Thus far, we have seen that the person who has faith reacts to trials:
1.First, positively.
2.And second, patiently.
Third, the person who has faith reacts to trials PRAYERFULLY. READ
A.In :5, God tell us something important.
If we lack wisdom, we should ask of Him and it will be given to us.
1.This is a clear reference to our asking God for wisdom in prayer.
2.And God promises that He will grant our request for wisdom.
3.What a wonderful blessing it is to know that God answers such prayers!
4.And to know that He grants this and all blessings “liberally” (generously).
5.Furthermore, He does not reproach or rebuke us when we ask for wisdom.
B.Wisdom is the ability to judge soundly.
1.It is the ability to use facts or knowledge in the best possible manner.
2.In this context, something is clear.
The specific kind of wisdom needed is to understand the benefit of trials.
3.And to learn to count it all joy when we experience them.
4.This kind of wisdom does not come from worldly sources!
5.One way such wisdom comes is from God in response to prayer.
C.However, careful study of the Bible shows that wisdom is developed in many other ways.
These ways involve effort on our part:
- Psa 119:97-99 (READ)
2.Prov 1:3 (READ) connected with instruction.
3.Prov 2:1-6 (READ)
4.Prov 4:11 (READ)
5.Prov 29:15 (READ)
6.Prov 30:3 (READ)
7.Eccl 8:16 -Solomon applied his heart to know wisdom (even after God granted his wish for wisdom).
II.In :6-8, God places conditions upon His promise to grant wisdom through prayer.
A.First, we must ask IN FAITH.
This involves several things:
1.Firm reliance upon the Lord
2.Trust in Him and His word
3.Willingness to strive to obey His commands fully
4.If we don’t have this kind of faith, God will not grant our request.
5.Cf. Jn 15:7 (READ)
B.Second, we must ask without doubting.
1.There should be no inner debate on our part.
2.Some people believe at first that God will fulfill His promises.
Then, the next minute they doubt that He will fulfill them.
3.We can’t be constantly changing our mind between trusting God and doubting Him.
If we waver like that, God says we will not receive anything from Him!
C.What a wonderful thing it is to know that if we do our part, God will do His part!
D.But, what a sobering thing it is to recognize that if we do not do our part, Godwon’t do His part!
III.In summary then, the person who has faith properly REACTS to trials:
- Positively
C.And prayerfully
Fourth, the person who has faith reacts to trials PROUDLY. (READ)
A.Every Christian can rejoice in the midst of trials.
That includes the Christian who is lowly or poor.
And it includes the one who is rich.
B.The poor, faithful Christian can rejoice in that he is SPIRITUALLY RICH.
1.God says he is exalted.
He is exalted because he is a brother.
That is, he is a child of God.
2.(Gal 3:26,27; Rom 6:3,4)
Indeed, each Christian is in Christ.
(Eph 1:3)
And thus we have access to allspiritual blessings.
3.Those wonderful blessings are worth more than all the material things in the world!
C.The rich, faithful Christian can also rejoice in trials.
IF he humbles himself (“humiliation”).
1.He willhumble himself if he recognizes some things about material riches.
a.First, they can’tsave his soul!
b.Second, they won’tlast forever.
Instead, those riches will pass away, just like the grass in the field.
2.And the materially rich Christian needs to be humbled by another fact.
He himself will die, just like the grass of the field!
3.But as long as the rich person remains humble, he can be saved from his sins.
4.And he can rejoice in the rich SPIRITUAL blessings of being God’s child!
D.Thus, both the poor and rich Christian can react proudly to trials.
We can do that if we keep in mind our positionin Christ.
E.So, the person who has faith reacts to trials in several different ways:
1.First, positively;
2.Second, patiently;
3.Third, prayerfully;
4.And fourth, proudly.
Fifth, the person who has faith reacts to trials PERSEVERINGLY. (READ)
A.God says the Christian who endures temptation or trials is “blessed”.
B.The word translated “blessed” here is a rich one.
1.It refers to a state of mind.
2.It includes several things:
a.Being content;
c.And looking forward to something wonderful.
d.This state of mind is based upon doing God’s will.
e.And thus being approved by Him.
3.Mt 5:10-12
C.It is also important to study the meaning of the word translated, endures”.
1.This word means, “...to patiently and triumphantly endure.”
It means, “to show constancy under.”
It is the patience that can bear things, not justaccepting the fact that you must suffer.
Instead, we bear such things with a great hope.
Rienecker and Rogers; Linguistic Key To The Greek New Testament
D.Thus, you and I should patiently and confidently face trials filled with the great Christian hope.
E.We must know that trials are the fire that tests our faith.
And that trials can strengthen our character.
F.We must know that we areblessed when our faith is tested and found approved.
G. In addition, we must be assured that we will receive the crown.
1.Literally, the winner’scrown.
This crown was given to those who won a difficult struggle like a race.
H.And this crown is a crown of life.
That is, eternal life in Heaven with God!
I.That crown is only promised to those who love the Lord.
1.Jn 14:15 (READ)
2.We must also love Him enough to endure such trials patiently and triumphantly!
3.Rev 2:10 (READ)
4.2 Tim 4:6-8 (READ)
J.What great motivation for reacting to trials PERSEVERINGLY!
VI.Summary of the first two sections of our outline:
The person who has faith:
Properly REGARDS himself
Properly REACTS to trials:
a.First, positively
b.Second, patiently
c.Third, prayerfully
d.Fourth, proudly
e.And fifth, perseveringly
(1:13-16)Properly REALIZES the nature of temptation. (READ)
I.In these verses, James discussed the nature of temptation.
He did that by showing the following four things:
First, the ORIGIN of temptation
Second, the ORDER of temptation
Third, the OUTCOME of temptation
Fourth, our OBLIGATION in view of the nature of temptation
First, the ORIGIN of temptation
God does nottempt any person to do wrong.
B.He is not the source of temptations.
Instead, the source is man.
D.We are drawn away by our own desires(lusts).
Second, the ORDER of temptation
A.First, there is the desire(lust).
Lust is unlawfuldesire for some object or person.
1.Sometimes evil thoughts arise in our mind.
2.It happens to all of us.
3.It is not a sin to be tempted like this.
4.Heb 4:15 (READ)
5.Whether we sin or not is determined by what we do with those evil thoughts, those temptations.
B.Next, there is the drawing away.
That is, being “enticed” or allured to take action.
But we canchoose toresist this enticement!
James 4:7 (READ)
1 Pet 5:8,9 (READ)
C.Then there is the sin.
The actual doing or thinking something that violates God’s law.
1.We sin when we dwell on and yield to an evil thought.
- We sin when we put that thought into action.
3.When we do these things, desire has conceived and brought forthsin!
Third, we see the OUTCOME of temptation, if we yield to it.
A.When sin is full-grown, it brings forth death.
B.Clearly, this is spiritual death.
Spiritual death is separation from God.
C.Isa 59:1,2 (READ)
D.Eph 2:1 (READ)
E.Rom 6:23 (READ)
Finally, we see the OBLIGATION in view of the nature of temptation.
A.The person who has faith is obligated.
We are obligated to avoid being deceived in this matter of temptation.
B.We must remember that God does nottemptman to sin.
1.If we believe that Godtempts man to sin, we are allowing ourselves to be deceived.
C.Rather, man is drawn away by his own lust and enticed!
VI.Practical application:
A.1 Jn 2:15,16
B.Prov 4:23
C.Mt 5:8
D.Phil 4:8
(1:17,18)The person who has faith properly REVERES God (READ)
- To revere God is to show deep respect and honor to Him.
II.The person who has faith should have deep respect, love, and honor for God for several reasons.