November 16, 2018
Marge and Homer Simpson
53 Evergreen Terrace
Springfield, Texifornia
L6M 4R3
Dear Homer and Marge,
The following quote is forFern Ridge Landscaping to installa landscape in your yard as per the recent consultation with, and according to the accompanying landscape design by Sean James.
Job Proposal #1– ‘Hardscaping the Drive Area’
We will be installing Mega Bergerac Interlocking Stone as the paving surfaces with monolithic stone steps where necessary.A pattern will be cut into the drive with paths created to the east door and west walkway.
Interlocking Stone$
Total (Before HST)$
Job Proposal #2– ‘Hardscaping the Front (North) Area’
A path will be created up the north side of the house with a step up from the driveway level.Megaflag pathways will be incorporated to create bridge stones for the downspout runoff.It’s one step up from the front path.The path will slope slightly up to the front (north) door and hold level to the back patio.Excavated soil will be partially used to build up so the gardens slope up from the fence to the path.Areas around the interlock will be over-seeded with premium seed and top-dressed with CPM* for a durable, drought and pest resistant turf.
Interlocking Stone Pathway363 ft2$
Total (Before HST)$
Job Proposal #3– ‘Hardscaping the Back’
The back patio will be constructed with a step down from the back door onto one large (32”) step, and then down onto the main patio.Armor stone will retain the south and west edges of the patio.This will leave four steps down onto the grass if/when we use some of the excavated material to build up around the west and north sides of the patio and re-sod.(The patio will be pulled in six feet from that shown on the plan.)Areas around the interlock will be over-seeded with premium seed and top-dressed with CPM* for a durable, drought and pest resistant turf.
Interlocking Stone684 ft2$
Stone Steps31 linear ft.
Armor Stone
Total (Before HST)$
Job Proposal #4 – ‘Gardens – Curb to Proposed Shed’
Low maintenance gardens will be created from the front south edge of the property across the front and back to the proposed shed.Plantings are designed to have year round interest relying on natives in many cases.All gardens will be mulched with Composted Pine Mulch*.River rock swales will be created from the downspouts to improved aesthetics and prevent erosion.
Garden Installation$
Total (Before HST)$
Job Proposal #5 – ‘Gardens – The Back Yard’
As with the front yard, plantings will be installed, focusing on low maintenance and year round interest as well as privacy.There is an even heavier focus on natives since it borders on a natural area.We will be adding additional plants from the plan as groundcovers under north plantings including daylilies, beebalm, sunflowers, monkshood.
Garden Installation$
Total (Before HST)$
Job Proposal #6 – ‘Shed’
We’ll choose a beautiful cedar shed, with your help, from Costco, (believe it or not the best value/quality combo), and install it as per the plan.
Shed Installation
Total (Before HST)$
Job Proposal – ‘Garden Maintenance’
We will be providing monthly maintenance for your previously installed landscape. This includes weeding, pruning and edging of all garden beds. Please note that as we have the advantage of maintaining this site from its completion there is no price increase for the initial visit as the site has not been neglected over the winter. In addition, since the site will have fresh mulch already upon completion we have not included a cost for mulching the site (as it will likely not be needed for some time), but will be included in future quotes when it is deemed necessary.
Garden Maintenance
Total (Before HST)$
[include pictures of stonework patterns if applicable]
The costs outlined above represent a firm quote and will be valid for 90 days from presentation, after which some items may be re-priced.Additional work would be carried out on a labour plus materials basis priced as necessary.Remember, we must charge the Harmonized Sales Tax in addition to the above quoted price(s).One-half of the total would be due in advance to cover materials with the remainder due immediately upon completion.Payment would be due in full at those times. Payments in arrears longer than 14 days from the date of project completion will incur a “Late Payment Penalty” at the rate of 5% per month beginning immediately after the passing of the 14 day period.
Changes to work:If the landscaper or client requests a change to the agreed work, a written change must be agreed upon after discussing the change. The written change order will detail the changes agreed to and the estimated cost. Both client and landscaper must sign this agreement.
Rainy Day Clause: Landscaping is an outdoor endeavor that is subject to weather conditions.Due to safety or quality concerns, work can be delayed at anytime due to inclement or dangerous weather.Fern Ridge reserves the right to remove crews off of a job site in such circumstances.Should that be the case Fern Ridge Supervisors will notify the client in a timely manner.
Plant Material Guarantee:Any new plant material is guaranteed for two years from the date of installation and workmanship and materials are guaranteed for a period of three years from the date of installation, provided adequate care is given by the homeowner.The attached plantlist overrides the plan in terms of numbers and varieties.Fern Ridge reserves the right to substitute plant material for reasons of availability or culture.Size of plants may vary depending on availability.Costs are subject to adjustment + or – due to availability of particular materials, sizes and with possible substitutions as necessary based on availability or for cultural reasons.
Stonework Guarantee:Our stonework comes with a three-year warranty against settling and moving. The reason we can offer such a warranty is because we spend the time compacting the base, (6 – 8” which extends 6” beyond the stone), in increments of two inches, use edging restraint and finish with polymeric sand to prevent weed growth.
*Composted Pine Mulch is an organic mulch which combines shredded pine bark – an off-cast of lumber manufacturing – with rich, multi-sourced compost which is then turned together to kill weeds and disease.It is an excellent way to add nutrients, suppress weeds, preserve soil moisture and improve aesthetics.CPM lasts two years, roughly, after which it should be reapplied annually to keep soil structure healthy and make weeding easier.
**HPB – High Performance Base is a material for bedding under interlock or stonework, which is superior to screenings or ‘A’ gravel since it drains well yet manipulates like screenings.Draining water away from the stonework is the best way to ensure the longevity of the project since it eliminates freeze/thaw.It compacts thoroughly as well.
When choosing a landscaper, there are many things to consider. We have full liability insurance and all our employees are covered by Worker's Compensation.All our waste materials are dealt with responsibly by recycling, composting, or chipping as much as possible.
Fern Ridge cannot be held responsible for unanticipated subsurface conditions. Upon excavation, if it is discovered that there are conditions that will impede our ability to work efficiently and effectively, you will be notified and any extra time will be billed on a labour plus materials basis.
This agreement shall become binding upon the Contractor’s written acceptance hereof or upon Contractor commencing performance and upon such acceptance or commencement of performance this shall constitute the entire agreement and be binding upon the parties hereto, there being no covenants, promised or agreements, written or oral, except herein set forth.This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns.Please sign below and return one copy to Fern Ridge Landscaping if you wish us to go ahead with the work.Please let us know as soon as possible whether you are interested or not.If you have questions regarding the rates or the payment plans, just give us a call.If you have any concerns or require any clarifications, feel free to call any time.Thank you for your business.
Sean James NPDDated
President of Fern Ridge Landscaping
I, the undersigned, agree to the proposal(s) ______as outlined above.
X ______ ______
Client SignatureDated
Appendix 1
Botanical NameCommon NameSizeCondition#Comment
Abies concolorSilver Fir125cmB&B5blue, soft needles
Betula nigraRiver Birch175cmB&B1feathery pinkish bark, res.
Picea glaucaWhite Spruce150cmW.B.5wildlife & screen
Pinus strobusWhite Pine 150cmW.B.5wildlife & screen
Acer X freemanii ‘Jeffersred’Autumn Blaze Maple40mmW.B.1vigorous, great fall color
Quercus palustrisPin Oak40mmW.B.1Nice form, red fall color
Tilia americanaBasswood150cmbare root4good texture,
Ulmus X ‘Homestead’Homestead Elm40mmw.b.1yellow fall color, elegant form