Council Tax Resolution
A.Members are invited to Recommendthat:
1.The Council calculated as its Council Tax Base for the year, in accordance with Section 31B (3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended ( the Act ), and reported to the Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Management & Finance on10th December 2014.
a)the amount calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31B, as its Council Tax Base for the year:52,221.50,
b)the amounts calculated by the Council as the amounts of its Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its areas to which one or more special items relate.
Part of the Council's Area / Tax Base
Aislaby & Newsham / 94.09
Carlton / 306.13
Castleleavington / Kirklevington / 496.83
Egglescliffe & Eaglescliffe / 2,929.50
Elton / 133.67
Grindon / 1,323.86
Hilton / 202.15
Ingleby Barwick / 7,120.09
Long Newton / 335.72
Maltby / 142.11
Preston / 554.55
Redmarshall / 147.25
Stillington & Whitton / 326.50
Thornaby / 5,293.09
Wolviston / 382.76
Yarm / 3,185.09
Billingham / 8,713.90
2.The amounts for the year that were approved by the Council on 25th February 2015 in accordance with Section 31A of the Act :
a)The aggregate amount that the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) (a) to (f) of the Act:£400,365,818.
b)The aggregate amount that the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) (a) to (d) of the Act:£329,865,212.
c) The amount by which the aggregate at 2 a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2 b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its council tax requirement for the year: £70,500,606.
d)The basic amount of Council Tax for the year, being the amount at 2.c) above , divided by the amount at 1.a) above, calculated in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts); £1,350.03.
e)The aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act: £649,128.
f)The basic amount of Council Tax for those parts of the area to which no special items relate: £1,337.60.
B.Members are invited to Note:
3. a) Parish Precepts are:
Part of the Council's Area / 2015/16 / Band D
Precept / Equivalent
£ / £
Aislaby & Newsham / 0 / 0
Carlton / 4,520 / 14.76
Castleleavington / Kirklevington / 10,652 / 21.44
Egglescliffe & Eaglescliffe / 53,340 / 18.21
Elton / 0 / 0
Grindon / 12,000 / 9.06
Hilton / 1,856 / 9.18
Ingleby Barwick / 138,172 / 19.41
Long Newton / 11,764 / 35.04
Maltby / 2,362 / 16.62
Preston / 5,029 / 9.07
Redmarshall / 2,500 / 16.98
Stillington & Whitton / 7,257 / 22.23
Thornaby / 103,950 / 19.64
Wolviston / 10,619 / 27.74
Yarm / 93,359 / 29.31
Billingham / 191,748 / 22.00
b) Parish Funding Allocations are:
Part of the Council's Area / 2015/16
Funding Allocation
Aislaby & Newsham / 0
Carlton / 22
Castleleavington / Kirklevington / 348
Egglescliffe & Eaglescliffe / 5,446
Elton / 0
Grindon / 0
Hilton / 129
Ingleby Barwick / 3,445
Long Newton / 236
Maltby / 138
Preston / 471
Redmarshall / 118
Stillington & Whitton / 1,243
Thornaby / 36,050
Wolviston / 533
Yarm / 6,141
Billingham / 23,509
4.Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland has stated the sum of £10,771,185in a precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Act; this translates into the following sums for each Council Tax Band:
Band / Sum
A / 137.51
B / 160.42
C / 183.34
D / 206.26
E / 252.10
F / 297.93
G / 343.77
H / 412.52
5.Cleveland Fire Authority has stated the sum of £3,674,304in a precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Act: this translates into the following sums for each Council Tax Band:
Band / Sum
A / 46.91
B / 54.72
C / 62.54
D / 70.36
E / 86.00
F / 101.63
G / 117.27
H / 140.72
  1. Members are Recommended to set amounts of Council Tax for the year, being the aggregate of items 2 (f) 3,4 and 5 above in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each category of dwelling in each area as shown at Appendix D(1),D(2),D(3).
  1. Members are also invited to Note
  1. Each year the Secretary of State in accordance with Section 52 Local Government Finance Act 1992 will determine a limit for council tax rises. If an authority proposes to raise taxes above this limit they will have to hold a referendum to get approval from local voters.
  1. The limit for council tax rises applicable to the authority as set by the Secretary of State for 2015/16 is 2.0%.
  1. Members are asked to Note that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2015/16 is not excessive in accordance with the principles approved under Section 52ZB Local Government Finance Act 1992 and D above and that a referendum is not required.
/ Tax Base approved under the Scheme of Delegation on the 10th December 2014.
The Council’s total expenditure for the year including Parish Precepts
The total income to be raised by the Council in the year plus movement on revenue balances and grants
The Council’s Council Tax Requirement for the yearincluding Parish Precepts
The average Tax at BandD, including the Parish precepts.
The total of all Parish precepts.
Stockton-on-Tees Borough’s Basic Tax
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Tax
Cleveland Fire Authority Tax
Total Council Tax bill levels, including Borough, Police & Crime Commissioner, Fire Authority and Parish elements
Determination whether Council tax rate is excessive


Appendix D(1)

Council Tax - Parish Demands
Item / Parish / Band
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
£ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
1 / Aislaby and Newsham / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
2 / Carlton / 9.84 / 11.48 / 13.12 / 14.76 / 18.04 / 21.32 / 24.60 / 29.52
3 / Castleleavington / Kirklevington / 14.29 / 16.68 / 19.06 / 21.44 / 26.20 / 30.97 / 35.73 / 42.88
4 / Egglescliffe / 12.14 / 14.16 / 16.19 / 18.21 / 22.26 / 26.30 / 30.35 / 36.42
5 / Elton / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
6 / Grindon / 6.04 / 7.05 / 8.05 / 9.06 / 11.07 / 13.09 / 15.10 / 18.12
7 / Hilton / 6.12 / 7.14 / 8.16 / 9.18 / 11.22 / 13.26 / 15.30 / 18.36
8 / Ingleby Barwick / 12.94 / 15.10 / 17.25 / 19.41 / 23.72 / 28.04 / 32.35 / 38.82
9 / Long Newton / 23.36 / 27.25 / 31.15 / 35.04 / 42.83 / 50.61 / 58.40 / 70.08
10 / Maltby / 11.08 / 12.93 / 14.77 / 16.62 / 20.31 / 24.01 / 27.70 / 33.24
11 / Preston / 6.05 / 7.05 / 8.06 / 9.07 / 11.09 / 13.10 / 15.12 / 18.14
12 / Redmarshall / 11.32 / 13.21 / 15.09 / 16.98 / 20.75 / 24.53 / 28.30 / 33.96
13 / Stillington & Whitton / 14.82 / 17.29 / 19.76 / 22.23 / 27.17 / 32.11 / 37.05 / 44.46
14 / Thornaby / 13.09 / 15.28 / 17.46 / 19.64 / 24.00 / 28.37 / 32.73 / 39.28
15 / Wolviston / 18.49 / 21.58 / 24.66 / 27.74 / 33.90 / 40.07 / 46.23 / 55.48
16 / Yarm / 19.54 / 22.80 / 26.05 / 29.31 / 35.82 / 42.34 / 48.85 / 58.62
17 / Billingham / 14.67 / 17.11 / 19.56 / 22.00 / 26.89 / 31.78 / 36.67 / 44.00


Appendix D(2)

Council Tax - Borough and Parish Demands
Item / Parish / Band
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
Factor / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 / 18
£ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
1 / Aislaby and Newsham / 891.73 / 1,040.36 / 1,188.98 / 1,337.60 / 1,634.84 / 1,932.09 / 2,229.33 / 2,675.20
2 / Carlton / 901.57 / 1,051.84 / 1,202.10 / 1,352.36 / 1,652.88 / 1,953.41 / 2,253.93 / 2,704.72
3 / Castleleavington / Kirklevington / 906.02 / 1,057.04 / 1,208.04 / 1,359.04 / 1,661.04 / 1,963.06 / 2,265.06 / 2,718.08
4 / Egglescliffe / 903.87 / 1,054.52 / 1,205.17 / 1,355.81 / 1,657.10 / 1,958.39 / 2,259.68 / 2,711.62
5 / Elton / 891.73 / 1,040.36 / 1,188.98 / 1,337.60 / 1,634.84 / 1,932.09 / 2,229.33 / 2,675.20
6 / Grindon / 897.77 / 1,047.41 / 1,197.03 / 1,346.66 / 1,645.91 / 1,945.18 / 2,244.43 / 2,693.32
7 / Hilton / 897.85 / 1,047.50 / 1,197.14 / 1,346.78 / 1,646.06 / 1,945.35 / 2,244.63 / 2,693.56
8 / Ingleby Barwick / 904.67 / 1,055.46 / 1,206.23 / 1,357.01 / 1,658.56 / 1,960.13 / 2,261.68 / 2,714.02
9 / Long Newton / 915.09 / 1,067.61 / 1,220.13 / 1,372.64 / 1,677.67 / 1,982.70 / 2,287.73 / 2,745.28
10 / Maltby / 902.81 / 1,053.29 / 1,203.75 / 1,354.22 / 1,655.15 / 1,956.10 / 2,257.03 / 2,708.44
11 / Preston / 897.78 / 1,047.41 / 1,197.04 / 1,346.67 / 1,645.93 / 1,945.19 / 2,244.45 / 2,693.34
12 / Redmarshall / 903.05 / 1,053.57 / 1,204.07 / 1,354.58 / 1,655.59 / 1,956.62 / 2,257.63 / 2,709.16
13 / Stillington & Whitton / 906.55 / 1,057.65 / 1,208.74 / 1,359.83 / 1,662.01 / 1,964.20 / 2,266.38 / 2,719.66
14 / Thornaby / 904.82 / 1,055.64 / 1,206.44 / 1,357.24 / 1,658.84 / 1,960.46 / 2,262.06 / 2,714.48
15 / Wolviston / 910.22 / 1,061.94 / 1,213.64 / 1,365.34 / 1,668.74 / 1,972.16 / 2,275.56 / 2,730.68
16 / Yarm / 911.27 / 1,063.16 / 1,215.03 / 1,366.91 / 1,670.66 / 1,974.43 / 2,278.18 / 2,733.82
17 / Billingham / 906.40 / 1,057.47 / 1,208.54 / 1,359.60 / 1,661.73 / 1,963.87 / 2,266.00 / 2,719.20
18 / Areas without Parish Councils / 891.73 / 1,040.36 / 1,188.98 / 1,337.60 / 1,634.84 / 1,932.09 / 2,229.33 / 2,675.20


Appendix D(3)

Council Tax - Total Demand (Borough, Parishes, Police and Fire)
Item / Parish / Band
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
£ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
1 / Aislaby and Newsham / 1,076.15 / 1,255.50 / 1,434.86 / 1,614.22 / 1,972.94 / 2,331.65 / 2,690.37 / 3,228.44
2 / Carlton / 1,085.99 / 1,266.98 / 1,447.98 / 1,628.98 / 1,990.98 / 2,352.97 / 2,714.97 / 3,257.96
3 / Castleleavington / Kirklevington / 1,090.44 / 1,272.18 / 1,453.92 / 1,635.66 / 1,999.14 / 2,362.62 / 2,726.10 / 3,271.32
4 / Egglescliffe / 1,088.29 / 1,269.66 / 1,451.05 / 1,632.43 / 1,995.20 / 2,357.95 / 2,720.72 / 3,264.86
5 / Elton / 1,076.15 / 1,255.50 / 1,434.86 / 1,614.22 / 1,972.94 / 2,331.65 / 2,690.37 / 3,228.44
6 / Grindon / 1,082.19 / 1,262.55 / 1,442.91 / 1,623.28 / 1,984.01 / 2,344.74 / 2,705.47 / 3,246.56
7 / Hilton / 1,082.27 / 1,262.64 / 1,443.02 / 1,623.40 / 1,984.16 / 2,344.91 / 2,705.67 / 3,246.80
8 / Ingleby Barwick / 1,089.09 / 1,270.60 / 1,452.11 / 1,633.63 / 1,996.66 / 2,359.69 / 2,722.72 / 3,267.26
9 / Long Newton / 1,099.51 / 1,282.75 / 1,466.01 / 1,649.26 / 2,015.77 / 2,382.26 / 2,748.77 / 3,298.52
10 / Maltby / 1,087.23 / 1,268.43 / 1,449.63 / 1,630.84 / 1,993.25 / 2,355.66 / 2,718.07 / 3,261.68
11 / Preston / 1,082.20 / 1,262.55 / 1,442.92 / 1,623.29 / 1,984.03 / 2,344.75 / 2,705.49 / 3,246.58
12 / Redmarshall / 1,087.47 / 1,268.71 / 1,449.95 / 1,631.20 / 1,993.69 / 2,356.18 / 2,718.67 / 3,262.40
13 / Stillington & Whitton / 1,090.97 / 1,272.79 / 1,454.62 / 1,636.45 / 2,000.11 / 2,363.76 / 2,727.42 / 3,272.90
14 / Thornaby / 1,089.24 / 1,270.78 / 1,452.32 / 1,633.86 / 1,996.94 / 2,360.02 / 2,723.10 / 3,267.72
15 / Wolviston / 1,094.64 / 1,277.08 / 1,459.52 / 1,641.96 / 2,006.84 / 2,371.72 / 2,736.60 / 3,283.92
16 / Yarm / 1,095.69 / 1,278.30 / 1,460.91 / 1,643.53 / 2,008.76 / 2,373.99 / 2,739.22 / 3,287.06
17 / Billingham / 1,090.82 / 1,272.61 / 1,454.42 / 1,636.22 / 1,999.83 / 2,363.43 / 2,727.04 / 3,272.44
18 / Areas without Parish Councils / 1,076.15 / 1,255.50 / 1,434.86 / 1,614.22 / 1,972.94 / 2,331.65 / 2,690.37 / 3,228.44
Police Precept included - all areas / 137.51 / 160.42 / 183.34 / 206.26 / 252.10 / 297.93 / 343.77 / 412.52
Fire Precept Included - all areas / 46.91 / 54.72 / 62.54 / 70.36 / 86.00 / 101.63 / 117.27 / 140.72