Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG

Tel: 01268 733071

Fax: 01268 570214


Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman

19th January 2018

Newsletter 671

Dear Parent/Guardian,


The Ofsted report is finally out and as you can see we continue to be ‘a good school’. The report highlights many strengths and I would confess to feeling very proud of the achievement of my staff in maintaining such high standards and for the excellent support they give to children, particularly given the current pressures on schools along with all public services. I have always maintained that we aim to give a broad education that along with the traditional areas of reading, writing and maths, supports social skills, a strong curriculum and pupil well-being and it is pleasing that the report recognises this. I am pleased that the report also recognises our desire to continue to improve and as such it is a staging post and not an end in itself. The report is on the school website and will be uploaded to the Ofsted website in a week or so.

Infant Closure

The infants had 60 children absent today with sickness so were forced to close as a precaution to prevent any further spread of infection. Absence in our school was within the normal levels with only a few children reported absent due to sickness. Despite this I did take advice from the local authority who agreed that there was no reason why we should close today. At the current time we have no reason to suspect that we will need to close on Monday (sorry children!) but of course, should the situation change we will let you know. Mrs Francis and I have over 50 years teaching experience between us and neither of us can recall a situation like this before.

Chaos on Market Road

Yes, of course the driver who caused chaos by trying to overtake cars waiting at the zebra crossing last night was out of order, and I understand that the police have dealt with him accordingly. That said, it was clear that several children were allowed by their parents to run across the crossing without proper supervision, including some who were clearly very young and I would like to thank the parents who took the time to bring this to my attention. I am sure it is only a tiny number of parents who do this but again do we have to wait for a tragedy to get the message over to everyone?

3PR Parking

Speaking of which I have been working hard with the local council to try to improve the situation outside and will be sending a letter out soon with some news about a new scheme we are launching to try to improve matters.

Swimming Gala

Congratulations to the squad who competed at the first round of the swimming gala on Tuesday. The children were a credit to the school and displayed good sportsmanship. We will post the results on our website as soon as they are released. The finals will take place at William de Ferrers in the summer term.

Year 6 Residential Meeting for Parents

We will be sending letters home, regarding the residential trip, on Monday.


I would just like to remind all parents that we do not allow the use of mobile phones in school. This includes at breakfast club and after school clubs. Should children bring phones into school they need to give these in for safekeeping. Where we have to remove phones from children we will return them to the children’s parent/guardian at the end of the school day. Parents will need to come to the reception to collect them.

Named clothing

Please make sure all items of clothing, including coats, are named. This is to ensure, should your child misplace anything, it can be returned.

Safer Internet Meeting for Parents – Monday 5th February 6.00 – 7.30pm

Reminder: On Monday 5th February we are holding our annual safer internet meeting for parents. This is one area where the landscape changes virtually daily so I would strongly recommend parents attend even if you have already been to a session in the past couple of years. Debbie Schofield who runs the session will be able to give you an up to date picture of how best to protect your child.


Payment details and dates are on the website (‘Other letters’ and ‘Club’ – Spring Term 2018).

Earrings and after school clubs

In line with Essex County Council guidelines, children must remove their earrings for all sporting activities. This includes P.E. lessons, before and after school activity clubs. We are unable to tape them or remove your child’s earrings for them.

Letters/Events (Please see the school website for further information)

Year 6 Anglia Ruskin University – 6E Monday 5th February, 6W and 6F Wednesday 7th February.

6E visit to the CLC – Wednesday 31st January 9.00 – 12.00pm. If you’re able to help on this visit please contact the office, thank you.

Parent Forum – Wednesday 7th February at 2pm

Parent Lunches

Please arrive at reception by 12.10pm. Both parents and children are to order dinners. We cannot accept any late orders as the parents lunches have to be ordered in advance.

Whilst it’s nice to see parents having lunch with their children, when you have finished and your children go out to play, please leave the hall promptly as we need the seats for the other children. Thank you for your co-operation on this.

5F – Thursday 25th January - We cannot take any more orders.

5E – Thursday 1st February – We cannot take any more orders.

6W – Thursday 8th February - Parent orders and payment must be returned by Thursday 25th January.

6F – Thursday 22nd February – Parent orders and payment must be returned by Thursday 1st February.


Assemblies start at 9.00 a.m. and last around half an hour, including time for a cup of tea or coffee.

3F – Friday 26th January

3E – Friday 2nd March

3W – Friday 27th April

Headteacher Award

This week’s award went to Reece Collins (3F) for helping keep the lunch box trolley tidy.


Congratulations to:

Jemma Hawkes (5W) and Ruby Maynard (5W) who both came 2ndin their Winter Guard Competition in Stoke and Jemma Hawkes who received her first gymnastic award at Swallow gymnastics.

Stay well this weekend!

Mr. T. Flitman


Working For Everyone