Minutes of the meeting of Fitz Park, Hope Park & Town Field Charitable Trusts held in the Council Chamber on Thursday 8thMarch 2012at 7.30pm.




Councillor Ian Hall


David EtherdenMartin JordanDenstone Kemp

Susan LeightonAndrew LysserDuncan Miller

Martin Pugmire Keith Taylor

Also present were Lynda Walker (Trust Clerk) and James Hewitt (Head Gardener), 1 member of the press and 7 members of the public.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burn and Lywood (holiday) and Councillor Titley (work).

  1. Minutes

RESOLVED that the Chairman sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12thJanuary 2012 (pages 12 - 13).

  1. Proposal for Pump Track at Fitz Park

RECEIVED report of the Clerk.

RESOLVED that approval be granted to site a ‘Pump track’ at the rear of the Football Club at Hospital Field. Further RESOLVEDthat a Project Committee be set up to:

  • Carry out consultation to agree a preferred design for approval by the Trust
  • Raise the necessary funding including preparing applications for submission by the Trust
  • Put together a planning application for submission by the Town Council as Trustee

and that Councillors Miller and Burn represent the Trust on the Project Committee.

  1. Friends of the Parks – Future Plans

Elizabeth Barraclough outlined work carried out to date and presented plans for improvements to the ‘sensory garden’ area of Fitz Park on behalf of the Friends of the Parks Group. The Group were thanked for all their efforts so far.

It was agreed to bring item 9 on the agenda forward for consideration.

  1. Wooded Area at Hope Park

Councillor Jordan requested that consideration be given to thinning out the trees in the ‘natural’ area of Hope Park to assist with drainage.

RESOLVED that a Working Group comprising the Chairman, Councillor Jordan, the Head Gardener and Elizabeth Barraclough carry out a site visit and bring a recommendation back to a future Trust meeting.

  1. Perimeter Lighting to Fitz Park Footpath

RECEIVED a request from Keswick Athletic Club to provide perimeter lighting in Fitz Park at the Club’s expense.

RESOLVED that the request be approved in principle subject to a detailed design being agreed, with a preference for lighting which creates minimal light pollution.

  1. Chairman’s Report

RECEIVED the Chairman’s report.

  1. Reinstatement of Wivell Park

RECEIVEDsketches from the Environment Agency showing proposed reinstatement of Wivell Park/Penrith Road verges following completion of flood defence work.

RESOLVED that theoffer to plant flower beds be accepted with thanks.

  1. Hope Park Improvements

RECEIVED the Clerk’s report on funding of improvements to Hope Park together with a report on tenders received for the renovation of the toilet block.


i)that the tender from Lonscale Building & Joinery Ltd in the sum of £39,972 plus VAT be accepted but that cost savings be sought by eliminating hand washing facilities and providing cleansing gel instead.

ii)that the works to the toilet block and improvements to the entrance adjacent to the new café/kiosk be funded from the Building Fund, with expenditure relating to the provision of a boules pit and picnic area to come from the Development & Equipment Fund.

iii)That the Chair and Councillors Jordan and Lysser progress designs for the new entrance in conjunction with Keswick Lions and ADK Architects.

  1. Head Gardener’s Report

RECEIVED the report of the Head Gardener.

RESOLVED that the financial implications of purchasing/leasing a replacement Parks van be investigated together with the possibility of obtaining grant funding. Further RESOLVED that a boules pit measuring 10 x 12m be constructed next to the beech hedge towards the top of the putting green as recommended in the report.

  1. Clerk’s Report

RECEIVED the report of the Clerk.

RESOLVED that no action be taken to provide lighting at the approach to the Community Sports Area at the present time, but that the position be reviewed prior to next winter with the possibility of incorporating this within the Athletics Club’s scheme for perimeter lighting. It was further RESOLVED that no car parking concession be offered for the Jennings Rivers Ride event at Fitz Park on 16 September 2012.

  1. Correspondence

RECEIVED the following correspondence:

i)Fields in Trust – Queen Elizabeth II Fields challenge

ii)Hope Park – letter from Hope Leisure Ltd

iii)Charity Commission News

Prior to the following business the Chairman moved the resolution:

‘That in view of the special or confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it was advisable, in the public interest that the public and/or press be temporarily excluded’ and they were instructed to withdraw

  1. Contracting – Fitz Park

(i)Games & Catering arrangements for 2012 season

Councillor Pugmire declared a personal interest inthis item as a Director of Keswick Museum and took no part in the discussion or voting.


a)that a six month licence be granted to Carlisle Leisure Ltd to operate the games and catering at Fitz Park from 1st April 2012 at no cost to the Trust

b)that the request from Keswick Cricket Club be declined

c)that the request from Keswick Adventure Centre be declined

(ii)Hospital Field Car Park:management agreement with Allerdale BC

RECEIVEDreport of Strategy Group

RESOLVED that no overnight parking be permitted and that parking be restricted to cars and vans only.

  1. Legal - The Town Field

RESOLVED that a valuation be obtained as recommended in the Clerk’s report.

The meeting closed at 10 pm______


