157Lafayette Street

Valparaiso, In 46383

Pastor Kevin Gerdt

Church: 462-3996

Mobile: 510-4109


…Transforming lives bearing witness to

Jesus Christ…

July 12, 2015

Our Mission:

Grace Chapel is called by God to take in, nurture, and develop people, so that they become more Christ-like in order to demonstrate the message of Jesus Christ to our community and world.


Extra prayer focus sheets for the current week will always be located in the information center.


For our first time visitors, we hope you received a welcome packet. Inside, you will find a visitor’s card. Please fill the card out and place it in the appropriate basket by the offering box in the back of the sanctuary.


Come to the Gerdt’s home on Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. We are currently reviewing outreach training we learned in Revive.

Our softball game this week is on Friday, July 17th at the Vineyard Field.

-Revive Indiana continuing events:

-July 23-26 statewide celebration location to be determined

-Discipleship weekly meetings- see schedule on bulletin board for times and places

-July 31 7:00 pm @ Revolution Church – meet for prayer for Revive event

-Revive NWI event August 1st, Breakfast, lunch, and dinner and going out in teams, details are as follows:

Lake County Focus

7:00 am-

Prayer/Breakfast/Teams formed at River of Life Church-Gary

11:45 am-

Testimonies/Lunch/Teams formed at Southlake Worship Center-Hobart

4:45 pm-

Dinner/Worship at Marquette Park, Gary

Sign up for the “Grace Tent”. The sign-up sheet is in the information center for those who would like to participate. Free water, Bibles, prayer, and fellowship will be available to downtown Valparaiso visitors.

If you are interested in joining a small group consider joining a prayer triplet group. Contact Kevin or check out the list on the bulletin board for a group time that works with your schedule.

See bulletin insert on the “Free the Girls” ministry that provides jobs for survivors of sex trafficking. Ladies contact Marsha Gage (477-6583) with how you can help.


July 12Jan Valpatic

July 19David & Marsha Gage

July 26Dick & Mary Ann Huttinger

July 12Kathrin Rhinehart

July 19Nancy Ontto

July 26LisiDudash

The nursery is available for children age 6 months until Kindergarten when children are dismissed for children’s church. The nursery is located downstairs from the front foyer in the first room to your left. Contact Cathie Feick with any concerns.