Accepted by Department council 14.09.2016
LECTURES 1X2HS WEEKLY- on the dates mentioned below
PRACTICALS – 1X2HS WEEEKLY+ two extra colloquiums(date and time will be announced later by your professor)
Course programme
1styear dental medicine– 1st semester autumn 2016
Credits: 4, 6
Prof. Stefan Sivkov, PhD / Practical exercises 2 hrs.
17.10-21.10 / Osteology. General data. Bone as an organ. Classification of bones. Growth of bone. / 1. Bones of the trunk.
Vertebral column.
a. Vertebrae. Typical vertebrae. General structure. Regional characteristics. Atypical first and second vertebrae.
b. Curves of the vertebral column.
Bones of the thorax- bone and cartilage of the ribs,classification. Sternum - parts, handle (manubrium sterni) - incisurae claviculares.
2. Bones of the shoulder girdle and the upper limb.
Clavicle – shape,disposition.Scapula–disposition, surfaces, articular fossa - cavitasglenoidalis. Humerus - proximal and distal ending- joint surfaces, tuberculum majus, tuberositasdeltoidea.
24.10-28.10 / 1. Bones of the shoulder girdle and the upper limb.
Radius and ulna– proximal and distal ending - articular surfaces, bone elements, processusstyloideus.Bones of the hand - carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.
2. Bones of the pelvic girdle and lower limb.
Pelvic girdle: pelvic bone – parts, main bone elements, acetabulum. Formation and function of sacrum. Femur - proximal and distal ending - joint surfaces, bone elements in the proximal ending. Patella. Tibia - articular surfaces of the proximal ending for articulation with the femur, tuberositas tibiae, malleolus medialis.Fibula - caput, corpus fibulae, malleolus lateralis.
Bones of the foot – tarsal, metatarsal bones and phalanges
31.10-04.11 / Joints. General data. Types of joints. Continuous joints. Synovial joints. Classification. Biomechanics / 1. Frontal, parietal and occipital bones. Vault. Skull of a newborn.
2. Temporal bone. Cavities and canals in the temporal bone.
07.11-11.11 / 1. Sphenoid bone. Ethmoid bone.
2. Bones of the facial skull - Maxilla. Mandible. Characteristic features. The rest of the facial bones.
14.11-18.11 / Muscles. General data. Muscle as an organ. Structure of the muscle. Classification of the muscles. Supplementary structures of the muscle. Biomechanics. / 1.Skull as a whole. Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
2. Skull as a whole. Orbit. Temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae.
21.11 - 25.11 / 1.Skull as a whole. Basis cranii externa and interna.
2. Cranial topography.Openings in the skull and the elements passing through them. Terminology of cranial nerves.
28.11-02.12 / Muscles, blood and nerve supply of the upper limb. Muscle groups, main blood vessels, innervation – brachial plexus. / 1. Joints of the bones.
Joints of the upper limb -shoulder joint, elbow joint.General structure, biomechanics.
2. Joints of the bones.
Joints of the lower limb- hip joint, knee joint.General structure, biomechanics.extra lesson - Written & practical test on skull and bones of the trunk and limbs.
05.12-09.12 / Topography of the upper limb. Regions. Boundaries. Content. In-depth anatomy. / 1. Muscles, blood and nerve supply of the upper limb.– Muscles, arteries and nerves of shoulder and arm.
2.Muscles, blood and nerve supply of the upper limb. Topography of upper limb – Muscles, arteries and nerves of arm and hand.
12.12-16.12 / Muscles, blood and nerve supply of the lower limb. Muscle groups, main blood vessels, innervation – lumbosacral plexus. / 1. Muscles, blood and nerve supply of the upper limb and the lower limb. –Muscles, arteries and nerves of pelvis and thigh.
2. Muscles, blood and nerve supply of the upper limb and the lower limb. –Muscles, arteries and nerves of lower leg and foot.
extra lesson - Written & practical test on joints, muscles, blood and nerve supply of the limbs.
19.12-23.12 / Topography of the lower limb. Regions. Boundaries. Content. In-depth anatomy. / 1. Topography of lower limb.
2. Clinical implications of the anatomy of the limbs.
Semestrial exams:
I test – skull andbones of the trunk and limbs – 60 pts.
Theoretical – 40 pts. - skull andbones of the trunk and limbs
Practicalquizzes – 20 pts. –skull
II test - joints, muscles, blood and nerve supply of the limbs – 40 pts.
Theoretical – 20 pts.
Practicalquizzes – 20 pts.
Total: 100 pts.
Evaluation /100/
95-100 pts –6,00
89-94 pts –5,50
83-88 pts –5,00
77-82 pts –4,50
71-76 pts –4,00
65-70 pts –3,50
61-64 pts – 3,00
< 60 pts –2,00
Students who have ≥80% of maximum exemptthe written and practical test on locomotory system – a part of the final exam! 80% of full points are 80!
MCQs in anatomy, a self-testing supplement to human anatomy – All System (For Dental Students), S.S.Novakov, Y.A. Koeva, A.V. Fusova, F.A. Popova, ed S.T. Sivkov, Med Publ House “Lax Book”, Plovdiv, 2014
Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy: Volume I: Upper and Lower Limbs.Oxford University Press,15 edition, 1996
Gray's Anatomy for Students,Churchill Livingstone; 2 edition, 2009
Sobotta. Atlas of Human Anatomy, 13th edition, Urban & Fischer, 2001
Delchev S., Novakov S.,Ivanova R., Photographic atlas of human anatomy, 2016, Plovdiv.