Photography Syllabus

Richland High School

Emily Hemans


Course Description – This program of study focuses on developing in-depth knowledge and skills in two-dimensional design with photography media. Building on introductory level concepts and skills acquired in middle level visual arts courses, students continue to increase their knowledge of design as applied to photographic works, critical analysis, history and culture, aesthetics, and connections among the photographic arts, other content areas, and everyday life. Various techniques and processes will be explored.

Course Goals:

Creating/Performing (CP)

Critical Analysis (CA)

History/Culture (HC)

Aesthetics (A)

Connections (C)

Photography Competencies:

  1. Apply proficient skills and craftsmanship in selecting and using various photographic techniques and processes to create and study photographic works. (CP)
  2. Understand how to select and use the elements of art and principles of design applied through photographic techniques and processes related to the communication of meaning. (CP)
  3. Understand how photographic media, techniques, and processes create effects that evoke a range of responses. (CP)
  4. Utilize perceptual skills and apply photographic arts vocabulary to make informed judgments while creating and studying photographic works. (CA)
  5. Understand that a wide range of theories of critical analyses exist and provide valid methods for studying the characteristics of photographs. (CA)
  6. Understand that technology impacts the roles, functions, and purposes of artists, works of art, and careers in photography differently according to culture, time, and place. (HC)
  7. Demonstrate an understanding and application of universal themes, concepts, forms, and functions as sources for content in photographs. (HC)
  8. Analyze how factors of time and the visual arts influence the characteristics of photographic art and design. (HC)
  9. Know different theories of aesthetics. (A)

10.Analyze how contextual factors affect the way people respect, value, and derive meaning from art. (A)

  1. Integrate photographic concepts and skills with knowledge in other subject areas to provide meaningful tools for use in everyday life. (C)
  2. Analyze how common concepts, technologies, and processes of the photographic arts relate to those in other subjects. (C)

Course Overview:

1st nine weeks topics -

-Classroom rules and procedures

-The History of Photography

-The Camera Obscura

-Camera Basics/Filters/Settings

-Manual Photography

-The Elements and Principles of Design

-Composition: Rule of Thirds, framing, leading lines, angles

-Editing photos/Photoshop Basics

-Nine week exam

2nd nine week topics -



-Landscapes/Dramatic Skies




-Final project

-Semester Exam