Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Kildare County Council on Monday 30th April 2001 at 2.00pm in St. Mary’s, Naas
Present were: Councillors R. Hendy Cathaoirleach, J. Reilly, S. Griffin, B. Hillis, F. Dukes, J. Keane, J. McGinley, B. Hillis, C. Murphy, M. Glennon, T. McEvoy, T. Lawlor, K. Walsh, F. O’Loughlin, G. Conway, P. Kelly, M. Fitzpatrick, M. Miley, J. O’Neill
Deputies E. Stagg, J. Wall & S. Power. Senators S. Ó Fearghaíl & J. Dardis,
Apologies from: Cllr. T. Conway
In attendance: N. Bradley Co. Manager, T. Skehan Asst. Co. Manager, S. Stokes Co. Secretary, J. Lynch Co. Engineer, E. O’Sullivan Finance Officer and other officials
Vote of Sympathy
Senator Ó Fearghaíl proposed a vote of sympathy to the family of the late Vincent Conway, Kilcullen who was a respected community activist and he proposed that the Council consider renaming the “Good Neighbour” award after him.
Cllr. O’Neill proposed a vote of sympathy to the family of the late Gerard Skelly, former headmaster of Newbridge College.
Sympathy was also expressed to Thomas Corcoran, Newbridge on the death of his wife Maura.
The members observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect.
01/0401 – Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of Adjourned Council Meeting of 9th April 2001
Cllr. Murphy proposed an amendment to item 07/0401, page 5, paragraph 3 viz. “She said that heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) would use the back roads to avoid tolls on main roads and the experience to date is that weight restrictions have been imposed on some roads and bridges to stop this practice. She said an interchange in northwest Kildare is required and a study on the fallout from this scheme had been promised by consultants but not provided. She now sought this study of the expected level of toll avoidance.”
Cllr. Murphy also proposed an amendment to item 09/0401, page 7 to be inserted at the end of the item viz. “The Manager agreed to a special meeting to discuss the SPGs as they relate to the strategy contained in the County Development Plan.”
The minutes, as amended, were adopted on the proposal of Senator Ó Fearghaíl, seconded by Cllr. O’Neill.
Deputy Stagg referred to item 01/0401 and his request that someone be hired to carry out the remedial works in estates in the county and he asked whether this had been done. The Manager said he had given a commitment to finalise the necessary works, a report was being prepared and would be available for the next meeting.
Deputy Stagg referred to the recent advertising in respect of private sites and said that no application forms were available. He referred to the urgency of moving this programme along. The Manager replied that the purpose of the advertising campaign was to assess demand by inviting expressions of interest in private sites. He said application forms would be available shortly.
Deputy Stagg sought progress on the variation of the County Development Plan and the policy document on trees in housing estates in the county. He also sought a copy of the report referred to by the County Engineer in relation to the road from Kill to Dunboyne. The County Engineer said the Senior Executive Engineer had prepared a report, which he would make available. He said it was intended to carry out road improvements shortly.
In reply to a question from Deputy Stagg the County Engineer said he had recommended to Planning Section that a standard condition be introduced in relation to medium to large-scale developments, that power washing facilities be installed on sites.
Cllr. McGinley referred to the item on tolling and said he had asked that copies of correspondence to the NRA be circulated. The County Secretary said that what had been agreed was that the NRA would be informed of the Council’s opposition to tolling and that a meeting would be sought with them to discuss the various issues raised by the tolls scheme in question. It had been agreed that the submission to the NRA, when it is made following the meeting with them, would be circulated.
Cllr. McGinley referred to the undertaking by the County Engineer that a full report on the mechanical and manual street cleaning service would be made available and he asked that it be circulated as soon as possible.
02/0401 – Confirmation of Area Committee Meeting Minutes
Leixlip Area – 5th February 2001
The minutes of the meeting of the Leixlip Area Committee on 5/2/01 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. McGinley, seconded by Cllr. Murphy.
Naas Area – 15th February 2001
Deputy Power referred to the item on Planning File 99/763 and asked that a copy of the legal correspondence be given to the members of the Naas Area. This was agreed. The minutes were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. Hillis, seconded by Cllr. Glennon.
Celbridge Area – 16th February 2001
The minutes of the meeting of the Celbridge Area of 16/2/01 were adopted on the proposal of Deputy Stagg, seconded by Cllr. Walsh.
Protocol Committee – 24th April 2001
Cllr. Murphy referred to Item No. 2 in the minutes of the Protocol Committee meeting. The Cathaoirleach agreed to take item 22(b) at this time also.
“That the Protocol Committee considers the question of permitting the attendance of press at ordinary monthly or bi-monthly meetings of Area Committees be referred to the full Council and in the event of permission being granted, the Protocol Committee be instructed to bring forward procedures by which these measures be implemented.”
The County Manager referred to the range of meetings held by the Council and its committees and the issues raised at them. He said it was important to ensure that decision/policy making took place at the full Council and not elsewhere. His job was to ensure that the Council functions as efficiently as possible and he would be concerned if anything happened to militate against that. He would not like to see a situation arise where either he or his staff spoke frankly at a meeting and then found the discussion reported in the local media the following day. He would also not like to see a situation where staff felt they could not discuss certain issues with the members. He said if the Council decided to allow the attendance of the press at meetings, Standing Orders would need to be addressed as well as the issue of the attendance of the public at committee meetings. He said the Council had been evenly divided on this matter when it was raised initially and he advised careful consideration.
Following a lengthy discussion Cllr. Murphy proposed the motion that the Council allow the media attend area committee meetings. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Cllr. G. Conway Absent
Cllr. T. Conway Absent
Cllr. J. Dardis For
Cllr. F. Dukes Against
Cllr. M. Fitzpatrick Against
Cllr. M. Glennon For
Cllr. S. Griffin Absent
Cllr. R. Hendy Against
Cllr. B. Hillis Against
Cllr. J. Keane For
Cllr. P. Kelly Absent
Cllr. T. Lawlor For
Cllr. T. McEvoy For
Cllr. J. McGinley For
Cllr. M. Miley Against
Cllr. C. Murphy For
Cllr. S. Ó Fearghaíl Against
Cllr. F. O’Loughlin Against
Cllr. J. O’Neill Against
Cllr. S. Power Against
Cllr. J. Reilly Against
Cllr. P. J. Sheridan Against
Cllr. E. Stagg For
Cllr. J. Wall For
Cllr. K. Walsh Against
The motion was defeated by 12 votes to 9.
Cllr. Reilly referred to Item No. 1 in the minutes of the meeting of the Protocol Committee. He stressed the need for a planning committee and for guidelines for it’s functioning to be set down by the members, not by management and officials and that the committee meet at least quarterly. Cllr. Murphy proposed deferring such a decision until the new Corporate Plan is implemented and the promised additional staff appointed. The County Manager cautioned the members against creating expectations that cannot be fulfilled. He said that when the Corporate Plan is implemented everyone will know who is doing what and members will be able to establish the status of planning applications through the intranet on their own computers. Following a discussion in which several members referred to the relative success of the current system of area committees reviewing planning applications, no decision was taken to set up a planning committee.
03/0401 – Disposal of Land/Property
Disposal of Properties purchased under Shared Ownership Scheme
(a) 79 Hazelmere, Naas, Co. Kildare to Joseph Kane & Diana Barry.
The Council considered statutory notice dated 6th April 2001, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as 79 Hazelmere, Naas to Joseph Kane and Diana Barry in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.
Resolved: On the proposal of CouncillorReilly seconded by Councillor Sheridan pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.
(b) 72 Kingsgrove, Athy, Co. Kildare to Veronica Carroll & Joseph Dunne
The Council considered statutory notice dated 6th April 2001, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as 72 Kingsgrove, Athy to Veronica Carroll and Joseph Dunne in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.
Resolved: On the proposal of Deputy Stagg seconded by Councillor Miley pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.
(c) 2140 Highfield Estate, Newbridge to Carol & Martin Byrne.
The Council considered statutory notice dated 6th April 2001, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as 2140 Highfield Estate, Newbridge to Carol and Martin Byrne in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.
Resolved: On the proposal of Senator Dardis seconded by Councillor Reilly pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.
04/0401 – Revision of Remuneration
(a) Programme for Prosperity and Fairness
The County Secretary reported that following national negotiation sanction has now been received from the Dept. of the Environment & Local Government for a 2% increase in remuneration for all local authority staff under Clause 4 of Annex 2 of the Programme for Prosperity & Fairness from 1st April 2001. As this is an addition to the percentages set out in the PPF, provision has not been made in the Estimates of the current year. The estimated cost of implementing the increase to the end of the current year is £211,500. He sought the consent of the Council to the implementation of this increase and to the over-expenditure. Approval was given on the proposal of Cllr. McGinley, seconded by Deputy Stagg.
(b) Revision of Remuneration – Retained Firefighters
The County Secretary reported that the Council’s Retained Firefighters’ remuneration is adjusted in line with increases granted to local authority Craftsmen. The Council approved an increase for Craftsmen from 1st October 2000. Approval from the DOE&LG to a pro rata increase for Retained Firefighters has been received and as this is a special increase no provision has been made in the Estimates of the current year. The estimated cost of implementing the increase to the end of the year is £35,000 and he sought the consent of Council to the implementation of the increase and to the over-expenditure. Approval was given on the proposal of Cllr. McGinley, seconded by Deputy Stagg.
05/0401 – Variation of County Development Plan 1999 – National Primary Route – Waterford to Dublin
The County Manager recommended the variation of the 1999 County Development Plan to include the following statement at Section 2.14.2 after the objective regarding the N9:
N9 Waterford to Dublin
General Policy Objective
National Primary Route from Waterford City to Dublin City
To facilitate the development of the National Primary Road network in accordance with “Ireland, National Development Plan 2000 – 2006” and with the policy of the National Roads Authority as it applies to the provision of a national primary route from Waterford City to Dublin city. The extent of the new national primary route is from the proposed Waterford City by-pass in the south, to the N9/N7 National Primary routes in the north, with associated ancillary roads and services. It is the policy of
this Council to assist and facilitate the achievement of this objective.”
The Manager confirmed that Kildare County Council received no submissions or observations during the display period. The variation of the 1999 Development Plan was approved on the proposal of Deputy Stagg, seconded by Cllr. Reilly.