Title: ECOFEST poster competition.
L.O.: Students will design an environmental poster.
NY State Standards: C.C.S.S.: N/A
1. Creating, performing, and participating in the arts.
2. Knowing and using art materials and resources.
3. Responding to and analyzing works of art.
4. Understanding the cultural dimensions and contributions of the arts.
Materials: official ecofest entry form paper, pencil, eraser, sharpener, color pencils, markers and collage materials.
Recycle-To convert (waste) into reusable a material. Return material to a previous stage in cyclic process.
Alternative Transportation-modes of travel other than private cars, such as walking, bicycling, rollerblading, carpooling and transit.
Endangered Species-a species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction.
Conservation-The action of conserving something, in particular. Preservation, protection, or restoration of natural environment, natural ecosystem, vegetation and wildlife.
Slogan- A short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising. A catchphrase.
Motivation Questions:
1. What are some environmental problems that you see going on today?
2. If you could improve one of these environmental issues, which one would it be?
3. How would you help improve this environmental problem?
4. What slogan do you think will capture people’s attention?
5. What illustrations will you use to get your message across?
1. Have a classroom discussion about the environmental issues that we are facing today.
2. Discuss how these environmental issues affect humans.
3. Come up with a list of solutions.
4. Discuss ways in which we can capture viewer’s attention through a poster.
5. As a class brainstorm catchy slogans.
6. Teacher will discuss with students the contest guidelines.
7. Each student will pick: An issue, Slogan/catchphrase, Illustration
8. Students will sketch poster idea.
9. Create poster on official ECOFEST entry form.
At the conclusion of this lesson:
Students will have a better understanding of the environmental issues that we are facing today, and how they can be improved. Students will also acquire techniques on making a good poster.
Assigned: ______
Due: ______
Mrs.Roque & Mrs Alex
Art homework to be completed over the mid winter recess.
Materials to be used: Official entry form (given), color pencils, markers, collage material (pieces of materials, tissue paper and pictures.
Questions to answer to help you create your poster.
· What are some environmental problems that you see going on today?
· How would you help improve this environmental problem?
· What slogan do you think will capture people’s attention?
· What illustration will you use to get your message across?
· How do these environmental issues affect humans? Animals? The planet?
**You must include the following in your poster:
· An issue
· Slogan/catchphrase
· Illustration
Remember your poster should capture the viewer’s attention to the situation and resolution for the environment.