AmandaK. Bowles
(928) 699-2463
12535 N. Peaks Pkwy(928)527-0843
Flagstaff, AZ86004
A Position as an entry-level Mechanical Engineer designing various machines and technical systems with the skills that I have acquired.
BSC in Mechanical Engineering, May 07’ @ Northern Arizona University; Flagstaff, AZ
Emphasis: Thermodynamics-Fluids Minors: Physics, Aero. Egr, Bus-MKT (Int’l. Bus.Cert.)
Division & Team Leader for Robotics Project in EGR 286 @NAU
- Managed, organized and delegated tasks amongst a group of 15 in a division.
Aerodynamics Group Project in Aero. I @ Embry-Riddle – Profs: Dr. Tom Gally
- Designed an airfoil through research of other airfoils and tested design in wind tunnel.
- Power-point presentationexplaining structure and performance based on airfoil design.
Researching assistant,“Student Research Project on Bioterrorism,” Prof: Dr. Robin Sobotta @ ERAU, Prescott, AZ.Marketing Class (BA 311) published a 93 page memoir w/ team of four.
Independent Study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-Study the airflow patterns over a wheel of an Open-Wheeled Race Car.
ME -486 Capstone Senior Design: Deployable Photovoltaic Mechanism for Solar Car.
- Designed a model of mechanism, and fabricated a scaled–down model of vehicle.
Student Union Board Manager- Office of Student Activities @ ERAU, 2000-01
- Researched various student unions; developed surveys for the staff/faculty, formatted a 3” ring binder full of research.Conducted weekly meetings with a committee board which included faculty, O.S.A. Director (my supervisor) and collegiate’s.
Manager/Designer/Manufacturer- “Family Jewels” 14 years experience.
- Designed and marketed, Native-American jewelry at art shows around northern Arizona.
- Microsoft Office Front-Page (Web design)Auto-CAD & Solid Edge,Sold Works, C++.
- Core Engr. classes: Diff. Equ., Thermo. II, Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Material Science, Physics III, ME- 486C Design, Machine Design, Heat Transfer, and EE -188.
- Linguistic Skills: Spanish (basic) and French (basic).
- Chapter President – American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), ERAU.
- Chapter Vice Pres. – Alpha XI Delta Sorority (Academic Sorority), 2000-2002 ERAU.
- 2nd Lt. Arnold Air Society (AF-ROTC) – ASU, 1998-99; ERAU, 2000-01.
- Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program and Grant, 2000-2001.
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Grant, 2000-2003.
- ArizonaStateUniversity Maroon and Gold Regents Scholarship, 1998-1999.
Amanda Bowles
Embry –Riddle Aeronautical University References
Dr. Ron Madler- Chair, Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering
Embry –Riddle Aeronautical University
3700 Willow Creek Rd.
Prescott, AZ86301
(928) 777-3896
Dr. Robin Sobotta
Embry –Riddle Aeronautical University
College of Arts & Sciences
3700 Willow Creek Rd.
Bldg. #37
Prescott, AZ86301
(928) 777-6938
Northern ArizonaUniversity References
Dr. Peter Vadasz , DepartmentChair of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Northern ArizonaUniversity
P.O. Box 15600
Flagstaff, AZ86001-5600
(928) 523- 5843
Dr. John Tester, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor-Academic Advisor
College of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Northern ArizonaUniversity
P.O. Box 15600
Flagstaff, AZ86011-5600
Dr. Duane Abata
Dean of the College of Engineering
South DakotaSchool of Mines and Technology
501 East St. Joseph St.
Rapid City, SD57701
(605)394-2511 • 800-544-8162