
CV (Summary)


Name: Prof. Dr. Abdel Aty Badr Salman

Born:December 22, 1940, El Monofia, Egypt.
Working address:P.O. Box: 530, El Maadi, Cairo, Egypt. Phone: 202 27585711, Fax:202 27585831
Home Address: Build. 9, Area 5, Massr Leltaameer,
Sheraton, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt, Phone:202-22663508,
Mobile: 02 0123828418 Fax:202 22682519,


B.Sc. in Geology and Chemistry, 1962, University of Alexandria, Egypt. M.Sc. in Geology (Field Geology and Radioactivity), 1968, Faculty of Science, AinShams University, Egypt. Ph.D. in Geology (Field and Structural Geology and Radioactivity, 1975, Faculty Science, AinShamsUniversity, Cairo, Egypt.

Career Organizations

Egypt Atomic Energy Establishment (1962), Lecturer (1975), Egypt Nuclear MaterialsAuthority (NMA), Head of the Northern Eastern Desert-Developing Department, 1977, Ass. Prof. (1980), Prof.(1985), Deputy HeadofProduction Sector (1995), Head of Production Sector (1997), Vice Chairman of Nuclear Materials Authority (1997-1999), Chairman of Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt (1999-2000). Since Dec.2000: Emeritus Professor and Scientific Advisor in Nuclear Materials Authority of Egypt and Private Consultant Geologist.

Scientific works

45Published articles and 4books covering various geological fields including: uranium exploration geology, radiometric survey, evaluation of uranium deposits, mining geology, and environmental and engineering-geology site studies for engineering projects.

Supervisor on 13 Ph.D. Thesis and 20 M.Sc. Thesis (Awarded),

In 2005, published a book: Nuclear Age; U exploration, Reserve estimation and its potential provinces in some Arab Countries, 295p, Publisher: Dar El Al Ketab Al Hadeeth, Cairo, Egypt.

Other Related Activities

  1. Counterpart and/or consultant for IAEA projects for Uranium Resources Development in Younger Granites of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Planning and supervised the uranium exploration, evaluation and mining programs in NMA, Egyptfor 4 years.

International Atomic Agency Consultant during Technical Meeting in Amman, Jordan, November 2008 for presenting three talks:

Explorations for uranium in the arid region, Reserve estimation of uranium deposits and site selection for the nuclear power plants

Member in the boards of: Center of Nuclear Researches since 1998 (AEA, Egypt), Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. For six years. Member of the National Committee of Geology, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egyptsince 1999 tell now.

Egypt representative in IAEA/OECD Uranium Group for preparing the Red Book for world uranium exploration, production and demands for several years.

Official visits to: Yugoslavia, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Syria, Turkey, Qatar, Polevia, South Africa, Argentina, USA, Portugal, France, Qatar, Canada and China.

Teaching a course of geology (Minerals and Rocks), AinShamsUniversity for five years (1994-1999).

2.Consultant Geologist since 1981 as the owner of the EGYPTIAN GEOLOGICAL CONSULTING OFFICE (EGCO),which contributes to the governmental and private development projects in the following fields:

* Field and structural geology foroil exploration in Gebel El Maghara, north Sinai, Egypt, western Sinai, and Gebel El Zeit and Esh El Mellaha, Eastern Desert, Egypt.

*Applications of remote sensing, photogeology, field geological and hydrological investigations for hydropower plant proposed site in Qattara Depression (20 000 km2),Western Desert, Egypt.

*Site geological – engineering studies, earthquake risk survey in Gebel El Zeit area, Eastern Desert, Egypt for construction of oil storage facilities. Earthquake study for two power plants in the Great Cairo, Egypt.

*Integrated environmental studies for several sites of resort villages in Gulf of Aqaba and eastern side of the Gulf of Suez, Sinai, Egypt, Gulf of Suez and Red Sea, Eastern Desert, Egypt.

Present Member of

Member of Geol. Soc. of Egypt, Geol. Soc. of America (1976& 1977), Nuclear Soc. of Egypt, Sedimentlogical Soc. of Egypt and Mineral Soc. of Egypt.


Certificateas a distinguished person who has a considerable achievement in scienceand included in “Who is Who in the World”, vol.6, published 1982-1983.


*Managements of academic and scientific institutions and excellent skills in international communications especially with universities and academic organizations (University of Pittsburgh, Pa, USA, Pennsylvania University, Phyladelvia, USA, Geological Survey of Canada, BOG in China).

*Planning for the nuclear projects especially those related to uranium exploration and evaluation prospects. Planning for the fuel cycle strategies and supervising these activities. Planning for training programs in the fields of nuclear fields as safety, uranium exploration and reserve estimations.

*Preparation and supervising of the technical and academic co-operation programs and preparation of scientific and technical agreements with universities and scientific firms.

*Geological consultation in various geologic fields, evaluation of the scientific reports that related to geologic, mining, and environment and performance of the geologic studies for the sites of monuments for minimizing the related natural hazards.

*Planning and performing for oil and underground water exploration and evaluation programs of the mineral resources and their utilization in the national industry.

*Geological-engineering studies and consultations for the major engineering projects and resorts villages and application of geologic studies in minimizing natural hazards on monumental sites (performed project with UNESCO, 2005).

*Performance of integrated environmental and radiation safety studies for various types of projects including petroleum facilities and waste management sites.

*Teaching courses in the following subjects: Uranium geology and radioactivity, Field and structural geology, Rocks and minerals,Engineering geology, Remote sensing, Environmental geology (5 years experience in Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University).

Helps to Nuclear Arabian Communities

Construction of the website nominated:

This site includes many scientific nuclear and uranium industry articles and files which are available and allowed to be accessed and downloaded by any visitor. The site provides information and rich with several nuclear educational materialsthat help seekers to gain a vast knowledge in this important field for the Arabian communities.


  1. Prof. Mohsen M. Ali: Chairman, Nuclear Materials Authority,Cairo, Egypt: B.O.Box: 530, El Maadi,Cairo, Egypt. E-mail:
  2. Prof. Farouk El -Baz: Center for Remote Sensing, Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215-1401. Telephone: (617) 353-5081, Fax: (617) 353-3200, e-mail:

3. Prof. Mamdouh A. Hassan, Ex-Chairman, Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA), Cairo, Egypt, Tel. + 02 33442749 e-mail:
4. Dr. Fares Howari, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA. E-mail:
5. Prof. Phillip Goodell, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas, El Paso, Texas, USA, e-mail:

CV Details

Scientific WORKS

A. Published Papers

1-Interpretation of multi-spectral and infrared thermal surveys of the Suez Canal zone, Egypt: Proceedings of Eleventh International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, April 25-29, 1977Michigan, USA. (Authors: El Shazly, E.M., Abdel Hady, M.A., Abdel-Hafez, M.A., Salman, A.B., Morsy, A.M., El Rakaiby, M.M., Al Aassy, I.E.E. and Kamel, A.F.).

2-Jonglei canal project, a Landsat imagery approach: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment, April 20-26, 1978. Manila Philippines. (Authors: El Shazly, E.M., Abdel Hady, M.A., Salman, A.B., El Kassas, J.A., Khawasik, S.M., El Rakaiby, M.M., El Amin, H., El Shazly, M.M and Iskandar, W.)

3-Mapping of Sinai Peninsula by Landsat-1 satellite imagery interpretation: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, April 23-27, 1979. (Authors: El Shazly, E.M., Abdel Hady, M.A., El Ghawaby, M.A., El Kassas, I.A., El Shazly, M.M., Salman, A.B. and El Rakaiby, M.M.)

4-Discovery of phosphate in the north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Issawi, Bahay. `Proceedings of the International Meetings held on Occasion of the Fifth Conference on African Geology, Geol. Surv. Egypt and Min. Auth., Cairo, Egypt, Geol. Surv. Ann. 9, 1979 p. 551-563. (Authors: El Shazly, E.M., Salman, A.B., Aly, M.M., El Aassy, I.E. and El Rakaiby, M.M.).

5-Utilization of statistical analysis in studying some structural features in Qena Area, Egypt: Proceedings of the Six International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 29 March- 2 April 1981, P. 193-215. (Author: A.B. Salman)

6-New geological, structural lineaments and drainage maps of Egypt based on Landsat imagery interpretation and field investigations: Cook, J.J. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, First Thematic Conference, Remote Sensing of Arid and Semi-arid lands. Environ. Res. Inst. Mich., Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 1982, p. 1269-1272. (Authors: El Shazly, E.M., Abdel Hady, M.A., El Ghawaby, M.A., Salman, A.B., El Kassas, I.A., Khawasik, S.M., El Amin, H., El Rakaiby, M.M., El Aassy, I.E., Abdel Meguid, A.A. and Mansour, A.J.).

7-Natural resources investigation in west Kharga Oasis plain, Western Desert, Egypt, Using Landsat imagery interpretation: Cook, J.J. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, First Thematic Conference, Remote Sensing of Arid and Semi-arid lands. Environ. Res. Inst. Mich., Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 1982, p. 1283-1305. (Authors: El Shazly, E.M., Abdel Hady, M.A., Salman, A.B., El Rakaiby, M.M. and El Aassy, I.E.)

8-Application of statistical analysis in studying radioactivity distribution and significant structural trends in Wadi El Kereim Environs, central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Seventh International Congress For Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, 27 March-1 April 1982. Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt, P. 507-528. (Author: A.B. Salman).

9-Application of statistical analysis in a generalized study of folds, Wadi Araba area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Eighth International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, 26 March, 1983, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt. P. 85-98. (Authors: E.M. El Shazly, A.B. Salman & I.E. El Aassy).

10-Using Landsat interpretation for underground water prospection around Qena Province, Egypt: International Journal of Remote Sensing, London, 1983. V. 4, No.2, P. 179 - 189. (Author: A.B. Salman).

11-Uranium Potentiality and significance of the bostonite generations, central Eastern DesertEgypt: Ain Shams Univ. Sci. Bull. No. 28, B, 1982 - 1983, 63- 81. (Author: A.B. Salman).

12-Radioactivity and uranium distribution in Wadi Araba Late Paleozoic sediments, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 1983 V. 13, 75 - 84, (Authors: A.B. Salman and I.E. El Aassy).

13-Structure of Wadi El Kereim environs, central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Basement Tectonics. CairoUniv., Cairo, Egypt. Oct.16-18, 1983. 53-60, (Authors: A.B. Salman F.S. Bakhit).

14-Contribution to radioactivity of south Western Desert, Egypt: Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Cairo, 1984, V. 14, 43-57. (Authors: A.B. Salman, I.E. El Aassy and M.L. El Rakaiby).

15-Structural analysis of Wadi El Khreim area, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Cairo, (1985), V, 15, 149-157, (Authors: A.B. Salman, I.A. El Kassas and M.H. Shalaby).

16-Textural patterns, geochemistry and origin of the granitoid rocks in the North Eastern Desert of Egypt: Bull. Fac. Sci, ZagazigUniv. 1987, 9: 256-299. (Authors: El Sheshtawi, Y.A., M.M. Aly, A.B. Salman and E.A. Hammoda).

17-Development of Gebel Gattar uranium prospect, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Proceedings of the 4 th Conf. Nuc. Sc. & Appl., 1988, Cairo, Egypt, 1, (P-2, 1.1/3). 129-133. (Authors: A.A. Abdel Monem and A.B. Salman).

18-Distribution and intensity of radioactive anomalies in Wadi Dara area, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Proceedings of the 4th Conf. Nuc. Sc. & Appl., 1988, Cairo, Egypt, 1,

P.134-141. (Authors: A.B. Salman, M.H. Shalaby and I.A.El Kassas).

19-Geology and radioactivity of Gebel Abu Khashaba, north Eastern Desert, Egypt:

Proceedings of the 4th Conf. Nuc. Sc. & Appl., 1988, Cairo, Egypt, 1, (P. 2.1.1/6), 142-148. (Authors: A.B. Salman and L.M. Nosseir).

20-Geological and beneficiation studies on euxenite bearing pegmatite rock of Gebel Dara, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Proceedings of the 4th Conf. Nuc. Sc. & Appl., 1988, Cairo, Egypt, 1, (P.2.2.1/ 1), 269-277, (Authors: A.B. Salman, M.H. Shalaby and H.M. Abdel Monem), 1988.

21-New occurrence of uranium mineralization in Gabal Qattar, North Eastern Desert, Egypt: Annals, Geol. Surv. Egypt, V.16.31-34, 1986 - 1990. (Authors: Salman, A.B., El Aassy, I.E. and Shalaby, M.H.).

22-Radio elements distribution in some granitoid rocks from the North Eastern Desert of Egypt: Reprinted from the Mans. Sci. Bull., V. 16(1): 17-39.1989. (Authors: Salman, A.B., Y.A. El Sheshtawi, M.M. Aly and E.A. Hamouda).

23-Isotope hydrological investigation on Qattara Depression, Egypt: Isotopenpraxis Germay Democratic Republic (Jan. 1989), V. 25(1), p. 22-24. (Authors: Aly, A.J.M., Nada, A. Awad, M., A.B. Salman and M. Hamza).

24-Leaching studies on the uraniferous Hammamat sediments, Wadi Balih, northern Eastern Desert, Egypt: Proceedings of Fourteenth Congress for Minerals, Materials and Industry, Council of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions, organized by the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy (Imm), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-6 July, 1990, PP. 229-235. (Authors: M.A. Mahdy, A.B. Salman and A.H. Mahmoud).

25-Geology and structure of Phanerozoic volcanics in Wadi Dara Area, North Eastern Desert of Egypt: Reprint from the Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, V. 16, 163-167. 1990 (Authors: M.H. Shalaby, I.A. El Kassas and A.B. Salman.

26-Uranium province, Northern Red Sea Hills, Egypt: Proceedings of the International Earth Sciences Congress on Aegean Regions, Izmir, Turkey, V.1, 89-101, 1990. (Authors: Salman, A.B., M.H. Shalaby and L.M. Noseir).

27-Geological and technological studies of a new glass sand occurrence in North Sinai Peninsula, Egypt: Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt. V, 18, 69-80. 1992. (Authors: Salman, A.B. and H.M. Abdel Monem).

28-Strategy and perspective for uranium exploration in Egypt: International Atomic Energy Agency, Technical Committee Meeting on Recent Development in Uranium Resources and Supply, 17p. 1993. (Authors: M.A. Hassan, A.B.Salman, H.S. Assaf and M.A.Mahdy).

29-Geological and geophysical exploration for uranium mineralization in Qattar-V

Prospect, Gabal Qattar area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt: Bull. Fac. Sc. Zagazig Univ., Egypt, 1994, 16(2) a, 198-220. (Authors: Shaban, M.A., Rabie, S.I., Salman, A.B. and Ibrahim, R.A.).

30-Bostonite rocks as additional uranium resources in Egypt: 2nd International Conference on Geology of the Arab World, Cairo, January 22-26, 1994, 26p. (Authors: M.A. Mahdy, A.B. Salman and H.S. Assaf).

31-Gebel Qattar prospect, an obvious model of intragranitic uranium mineralization: 2nd Arabian Conference for the Peaceful Applications of the Atomic Energy, Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 5-9, 1994, 12p. (Authors: A.B. Salman, et al.).

32-Potential uranium province in some Arabian countries: 2nd Arabian Conference for the Peaceful Applications of Atomic Energy, Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 5-9, 1994, 22p. (Author: A.B. Salman).

33-Geophysical exploration of G.V. prospect area, G. Gattar, N.E.D. Egypt: Fac. Sc., Zagazig Univ., Egypt, Bull. 1994, 16(2a), p. 221-246. (Authors: Rabie, S.I., Shaban, M.A., Abdel Hady, H.M. and Salman, A.B.).

34-Proposed geologic studies for minimizing earthquakes hazards in El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant Site, West Alexandria, Egypt: Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. 30 years Cooperation on the Geology of Egypt and Related Sciences, the Geological Survey of Egypt, 1995, p. 475-497. (Author: A.B. Salman).

35-Radioactivity and uranium potentialities of Wadi Hammad area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Nuclear Sciences and Applications (15-20 March 1996, Cairo, Egypt), V.III, and p. 436-453 (Authors: A.B. Salman, M.H. Shalaby and H.A. Khamis).

36-Environmental assessment and control in some uranium exploratory mines, Egypt. Doha International Conference for Environment Control & Protection, 1-3 December, 1997, 1-14p. (Author: A.B. Salman).

37- سالمان، عبدالعاطي بدر، 1999: طرائق حساب احتياطيات خامات اليورانيوم، مجلد هيئة الطاقة الذرية العربية.

39- Salman,Abdelat, Philip Goodell and Fares Howari,2009: Uranium resources in the Middle East: (Abstract) Uranium 2009: Global Uranium Symposium, Keystone, Clorado,USA. p.22.

40- Salman,A.B., 2010: Role of the Nuclear Programs in the Sustainable Development and theEnvironment Preservation in the Arabian Countries: The Second Gulf Conference and Exhibition on ‘Environment and Sustainability’, 16-19/February, 2009 - Kuwait

41- Salman,A.B., F.M. Howari b, M.M. El-Sankary a, A.M. Wali c, M.M. Saleh,2010: Environmental impact and natural hazards on Kharga Oasis monumental sites, Western Desert of Egypt: Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 341–353.

42-Salman, Abdelaty, Fares Howari, PhilipGoodel, and Abdulali Sadiq, 2010: Role of the Director in the Implementation of Successful Uranium Exploration Program: IAEA Tech.Meeting, Abu Dhabi, 2010. (Poster presentation).

43-Fares M. Howari, and Abdulali M. Sadiq, Abdelaty Salman, Philip Goodel, 2010: Nuclear Education Reform for the Middle East and North Africa: A Challenging Task: IAEA Tech.Meeting, Abu Dhabi, 2010. (Poster presentation).

44- Philip Goodel , Fares M. Howari, Abdelaty Salman and Abdulali M. Sadiq, 2010: Proposed Global Nuclear Learning Network: IAEA Tech.Meeting, Abu Dhabi, 2010. (Poster presentation).

45- دورالمصادر الطبيعية في تنمية المجتمعات العربية (حالة دراسية: مشروع العصر لتنمية مصر): الملتقي العربي الدولي الثاني لاقتصاديات المناجم والمحاجر، القاهرة، 2010.

C. Books

1-Application of Landsat imagery to structural interpretations and exploration for petroleum in the Gulf of Suez Environs, Egypt: AmericanUniversity in Cairo Press, Cairo, A.R.E., 1982, 27P. (Author: A.B. Salman).

2-Bibliography of geology and related sciences concerning Western Desert, Egypt (1732-1984): Published by Egyptian Geological Consulting Office “EGCO” 4 Ibn Hagr El Askalany Str., Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. 1984, 151p, 2268 references. (Author: A.B. Salman)

3-Salman, A.B., 2005: Nuclear Age; U exploration, Reserve estimation and its potential provinces in some Arab Countries, 295p, Publisher: Dar El Al Ketab Al Hadeeth, Cairo, Egypt (In Arabic).

4- سالمان، عبدالعاطي بدر، 2010: الصراع علي المياه في المنطقة العربية: مشروع قناة البحرين،المحاطر الطبيعية والآثار البيئية وما وراءه من آهداف إسرائيليى مشبوهة:دار الكتاب الحديث،مينة نصر، القاهرة، مصر، 164 صفحة رقم الإيداع: 14512/ 2010


1-1.Photogeological and radioactivity study of El Galala environs, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Ph.D. Thesis, El Mansoura Univ., (Supervisors: E.M.El Shazly Z. Zaghloul and A.B. Salman).

Candidate Name: Maged. M. El Rakaiby.

Awarding Date: 8/6/1981

2-Structure and radioactivity of Wadi Araba area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Ph.D. Thesis, El Mansoura Univ. (Supervisors: E M. El Shazly, Z. Zaghloul and A.B. Salman).

Candidate Name: Ibrahim E. El Aassy.

Awarding Date: 3/5/1982

3-3.Geology and radioactivity of Gebel Dara environs, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Ph.D.Thesis, AlexandriaUniv., Alexandria, Egypt. (Supervisors: Yehia M.Anwar , A.B. Salman and Ibrahim A. El Kassas).

Candidate Name: Mahmoud H. Shalaby.

Awarding Date: 22/2/1986

4-Structure and radioactivity of Gebel Gharib Environs, north Eastern Desert, Egypt. Ph.D. Thesis, Alexandria Univ., Egypt, 1987 (Supervisor: Yehia M. Anwarand A.B. Salman).

Candidate Name: Lotfi M. Noseir.

Awarding Date: 29/9/1987

5-Geology and Radioactivity of Esh El Mellaha Range, with emphasis on the granites of G. Homera El Girigab, north Eastern Desert, Egypt, Ph. D. Thesis, Cairo Univ., Cairo, Egypt. (Supervisors: A.B. Salman, R.M. El Bayoumi, H. Taha)

Candidate Name: Darweesh M. El Khouly.

Awarding Date: 6/3/1996

6-Geochronological studies of some Granitoids and relation with mineralization and tectonic-thermal history, north Eastern Desert: Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt. (Supervisors: M.I. Youssef, A.A. Abdel Monem and A.B. Salman).
Candidate Name: Awis Mossa Mohammed

Awarding Date: 19/4/1998

7-Geochemistry and uranium extraction from uranium occurrences, northwest G. Gattar, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: El Azhar Univ., Cairo, Egypt. (Supervisors:
Candidate Name: Mohammed E. Ibrahim – Date: 8/10/1997.

Awarding Date: Dec.2000

8-Geology and uranium potentialities in Gabal Abu harba Environs, north Eastern Desert, Egypt: CairoUniv., Cairo, Egypt. (Supervisors: M.A. El Sharkawy, A.B. Salman and M.H. Shalaby).