Sales Conversation


doTERRA story

10 oils



**Emerge scripted (Keep these)

[Instruction for each section]

[Agenda which includes clients health goals, company name and some basic products, don't have to buy anything, if you see something you like, you can order it today, and what do you want to make sure and go over today.]

**What we will go over today will be first, we will talk all about you and your health goals, second, basics on how to use the oils, third, a little about doTERRA as a company, fourth, some basic products that will meet your health goals, and last I will show you 2 kits that you can choose from that will meet your health goals. Fair enough?**

**You don't have to purchase anything but if you see something you like, you can order it today.**

**What do you want to make sure to cover today so I don't bore you with any information you don't need?**

**Before we get started, catch me up! What are some of your overall health goals?

Great! What else?

What about your family? Is there someone else that needs support?

Great! What else?

Why are these goals so important to you?

Why is now a good time to move forward towards achieving these goals?

What do you already know about doTERRA as a company or about its products?**

[Company Story which includes, 1-2 sentence intro, transitional phrase which grabs attention, issues being addressed (how can dT solve a problem (4 total)), what dT offers (brief overview), differenciators (why using doTERRA is a better choice (3 total), and explain the guarentee (removes all risk involved, quality) ]

**doTERRA is the largest essential oil company and distributor in the world. We work with families to find and use natural solutions for their everyday life.**

[You come up with your own issues being addressed]

Families to turn to us they are DONE...they are done with constantly being sick, done with constantly being overwhelmed with doctor visits and bills, done with pharmasuticals being shoved down their throat as their only option, and done feeling like there is no other option or support.

**doTERRA offers a full line of essential oil kits and products that support your family's health goals, whatever they may be.**

[Your version of the company story]

The reason doTERRA got started in the first place was due to the lack of continuity and monitoring that was occuring in the essential oil world. They wanted to set the bar at the highest meaning they would be the ONE company to provide the highest quality of theraputic oils on the market. doTERRA wanted to make sure that each and every bottle was the same down to the molecular level. For us, as consumers, that means that each and every time we use an oil or product, it will work exactly the same as the last bottle. If you think about buying Benedryl for allergies, you expect that the outcome will be the exact same right? Well, doTERRA feels the same way. They want the outcome to be exactly the same each time you use the oils.

**And if you don't like it, you can return it within 30 days. You will get 100% back on product credit to try something else or 90% back returned on your credit card.**

[Why you decided to do the business]

I decided to run my business because I had such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders that I couldn't keep this to myself. I just have to share the lasting impact with someone else so their burdens can be lifted. If this is something you would like to learn about, we can set up a time later to go over the step by step process on how to earn money.

[Put in basic 10 oils and explanations and tie them to their needs; I choose to add a few items from the Natural Solutions kit also but the basic 10 is what is needed here]

Based on your health needs, let me show you some oils that will be perfect.

Peppermint cooling, soothing, driver

Lavender/Serenity sleep, relaxing, soothing, calming

Lemon/Wild Orange cleansing, mood lifting

Oregano, Melaleuca, On Guard immunity

Digestzen stomach

Breathe clear airways

Deep Blue/Deep Blue Rub joints and muscles

Frankincense anything and everything

FCO is for diluting and spreading

LLV pack energy, necessary nutrients

[Introduce 2 kits that meet their needs and exlain the benefits; make sure you are introducing 2 kits that you are comfortable with telling them about including the price.]

Based on your health needs, I would love to introduce to you 2 very popular and well-loved kits based on their multiple uses and savings involved. The first one is the Home Essentials kit. We have Deep Blue for muscles and joints, Digestzen for anything stomach related, lavender for calming and soothing, Frankincense for everything, lemon for cleansing and mood lifting, Breathe for opening airways, peppermint for cooling and soothing, oregano, On Guard, and melaleuca for immune boosting AND it comes with a Petal diffuser. The Home essentials kit is $275. The second one if the Natural Solutions kit. It gives the BEST array of products doTERRA offers. It has hair care, energy support with the LLV pack we discussed, stomach support with a unique probiotic and digestive enzyme to help you break down your food, many aspects of our On Guard line that serves as a protective entity for you, and all the products we have already talked about. It will allow you to try a bit of everything at a discounted price. It is $550.00 and you get a $100 shopping spree next month!

**If you would want one of these kits, which would you prefer?**


[You come up with your own first appointment special]

Let me show you my first appointment special. With the Home Essentials kit, I would like to send you home with a sampler packet and a keychain to help you be able to carry your oils around with you everywhere you go. I will give you 40 drops of your choice oils to put in your bottles to use until your package arrives. With the Natural Solutions kit, I will send you home with what I already said and a Scent Trekker diffuser that you can use in your car or home.

**I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't go ahead and ask you this question. Would you like to order this kit today and get these items free to take home today?**

Okay, great! Natural Solutions kit and a $100 shopping spree it is!

[Set up follow up BEFORE you leave or get off the phone]

This will help your health so much! I am so excited to hear about all the awesome stories you will have once you start using your oils regularly! Your package will arrive in about 3 to 4 days, most likely earlier.

**Now that your first order is on the way, we need to set up a time to quickly go through making your wish list, teaching you how to order on your own, and

how you can get the best discounts when you do order. This is not an appointment to order more, although you certainly can if you want. I won't stop you.**

**My part will take about 20-30 minutes. How does that sound?**

**We can do it over the phone or on Zoom. Which do you think would be better for you?**

**Great! I typicaly do ____ appointments like this per week. We can do ____ or ____. Which works better for your schedule?**

[Make sure and ask!]

**I ask everyone this because I don't want to make any assumptions or decisions for people...would you like to also learn about how to earn money or how to earn free product by hosting a get together?**


**”So, what do you think about our time together today?

I love talking to people about the health benefits of essential oils and I love to meet with people I know or that have been personally recommended because I would hate [Come up with your own places to be 'stalking people'] to be stalking people at homeschooling events or at the store.**

**They don't have to be someone who will buy something or who is super hippy dippy, just someone like you who is nice and cares about their family's health and wellness. Essential oils are for everyone! All I will do is give them a quick call to see if they have 30 minutes to chat with me. If they say yes, great! And if they say no, that is totally fine too.**

**Would you be open to giving me the name and number of 5 people that fit that description.”**

[Come up with your own freebie for names]

**”For every 5 names you give me, I am going to give you 2 empty roller bottles so you can make your own blends or diluted oils or a bottle key so you can open roller bottles much easier. If you are feeling ambitious, go ahead and give me 10 names and I will give you both.

Would it be too much trouble for you to go ahead and text those names to me as soon as we hop off this call?**

**Ok perfect! Do you have any questions for me at this time?

If you think of any, go ahead and send me a quick text or jot them down and we can discuss them on our next appointment. Fair enough?”**