SUNDAY FEB. 19TH, 2012
7 PM
On Sunday evening we will be hosting a special meeting to commemorate Presidents Day. This is intended to be for the presidents of our past who truly loved our nation and were willing to do whatever was necessary to make it what it was at that time. Every time, I hear someone say that our Constitution is obsolete, I become infuriated. Our forefathers sacrificed so much to give us a document that has been the envy of the world. We now have a Supreme Court Justice who comments in a foreign country, that our Constitution is not one she would recommend the world copy. To me that is treason and unless we are able to get control back in the hands of TRUE Conservatives, we will only hear more of it in the future.
We will have a special gift for those attending. A number of the local and state candidates have asked to speak at this meeting. I have told them, we can give them about 3 minutes. This is the time to learn who the candidates that are running for office are and what do they stand for. This is an important election and all of us have got to be informed on who the candidates are.
Refreshments will be provided and we welcome your attendance- BRING A FRIEND.
The following was forwarded to me. If anyone is interested in attending and would like to carpool, contact Sharon Mays at . or 419-559-5057.
Hi Guys
I am sending this email to group leaders as a heads up and to ask for any financial assistance I can get. I have been working with Rick Santorum’s team to get him here for a meet and greet for all of our group members. Rick will be in Columbus on February 18th and I have arranged for all us and our group members to personally meet Rick and hear his positions on vital topics. I felt it was essential that people have the opportunity to meet Rick and hear his positions so I have covered the expenses for the banquet hall and other expenses. I am asking that if any you can donate a to help offset my out of pocket expresses I would really appreciate it. Please let me know if you or your group can donate towards this event.
This will occur February 18th 2011 at the Embassy Suites Columbus-Airport Large Banquet Room located at 2886 Airport Drive Columbus, OH 43219 at 10:00 AM. Rick will speak to the group and then will be available for a meet and greet session. Rick will be at the event for about an hour to an hour and a half. I am asking that you send this information to all your members and any other group leader you know of so they can forward it to their members. Please help spread the word and let people know about this opportunity.
We hope to see you on the 19th and if you are interested in the event on the 18th please give Sharon a call or an e-mail.
God Bless America