Meeting Minutes of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 20thOctober2015 at Great Wood Hall at 7.15pm

Attendees:Councillors –Cllr K Flunder (Chair),Cllr A Hulme (Vice Chair),Cllr D Ball, Cllr C Pearce, Cllr P McCormack, Cllr B Stubbs, Cllr S Akerman– S Morgan-Rimes (Clerk)and 3membersof the public.

  1. Chairman’s Welcome
  2. Apologies Receive From:Cllr D Trigger & Cllr T Wilkinson.
  3. Declaration of Interest:Nothing additional to the usual.
  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting:The minutes of the monthly meeting of the council held on15th September2015 have been circulated. Cllr Pearce would like it noting that when referring to the Cheadle traffic survey the survey has not been extended to include Tean, Cllr Pearce just requested that Tean was taken into account. With this amendment they have been confirmed as an accurate and true record and signed by the chairman.

Proposed: Cllr S Akerman - Second: Cllr A Hulme

  1. Public Participation:

Tom Christopher – Planning Application (SMD2015/0424)– Explains how he feels that the residents have been steamrollered and there seems to be conflicting information. Refers to an article in the Guardian 2012. Cllr Flunder explains that the Parish Council are doing all they can. Clerk gave update regarding the ‘Call In’ and advised this was still being looked at.

Bruno Harrison – Planning Application (SMD2015/0424) – Advises that the high speed rail plans have been held up do to Crested Newts, and feels these are also found in Tean, and would like the Parish Council to write to SMDC planning department advising them of this. Cllr McCormack advised that if there is a presumption of this the planning will still go ahead and the developer will have to prove that they will move them to a more suitable habitat.

  1. Chairs Announcements: Cllr Flunder advises all about the removal of recycling bins from Checkley and Tean. Also that Tean Traders are currently raising money for a defibrillator, and currently have just under £1k. Rather than keep it in Shades they would like it to go into a phonebox. Cllr Flunder would like this on the next agenda.
  1. Matters Arising:

Checkley Swings - Cllr McCormack advised they require a new post with metal sleeve. Lengthsman has and should be done next week.

St Thomas’ Development - Clerk advised that planning permission was given to the development exceptions and one of these were that the chimneys were kept.

Christ Church Monument - Clerk advised that it was to be cleaned the following day. Some pointing has be recommended and we await the quote.

Poppy Wreaths – Cllrs decided who would lay wreaths and where as follows:

Cllr Flunder – Tean, High St

Cllr Ball – Tean, Christ Church Memorial

Cllr Hulme – Hollington

Cllr Stubbs – Checkley

Councillors to collect wreaths from Cllr Ball.

Cllr Hulme request that the clerk look into obtain ceramic poppies from Tower of London for next year.

  1. Correspondence:

Date / From / Subject/Ref / Brief / Outcome
For Consideration
08/10/15 / Churches Together / Open Air Service / July Open Air Service – Tean Rec / Invite them to discuss
For Information
25/09/15 / HPBC & SMDC / Parish Assembly / Details of meeting 22nd Oct 7.30pm / Cllrs emailed 8/10/15
02/10/15 / Cllr Ben Adams / Mobile Libraries / Service Reshape / Cllrs emailed 8/10/15
05/10/15 / Rural Housing Assc / Annual Report / Annual Report & Leaflets
12/10/15 / SMDC / Scam Awareness / Scam Awareness Sessions / Cllrs emailed 19/10/15
16/10/15 / Waste Awareness SMDC / Removal of Recycling / Removal of Recycling Site in Parish / Cllrs emailed 19/10/15
  1. Planning Applications:

For Consideration
SMD/2015/0590 / 8 St Marys Close, Checkley / Single storey extension to rear of bungalow and farage widening
SMD/2015/0627 / Land at Old Vicarage Hollington Lane, Hol’ton / Construction of an agricultural storage building (resubmission of SMD/2015/0017)
SMD/2015/0636 / 38 Cavendish Road, Upper Tean / Single Storey detached garage
SMD/2015/0506 / St Thomas’s Roman Catholic Church, Tean / Proposed porch to front elevation of church.
SMD/2015/0483 / 20 Coplow Ave, Tean, Staffs / 2 storey side and single storey rear extension and construction of a balcony to the side elevation.
SMD/2015/0456 / Star Inn, Main Road, Hollington, Staffs / Outline planning permission with some matters reserved for residential development and new access drive.

No objection were made to the planning applications.

  1. Financial Matters:

Payee / Goods/Services / Amount / VAT / Cheque no
TalkTalk Business / GWH Broadband and Phone / £25.80 / £4.30 / Direct Debit
Churches Together / Donation as agreed / £400 / - / 3077
Greatwood Hall / September Meeting Room Hire / £30.00 / - / 3078
Netbiz / CPC Domain Name / £30.00 / £5.00 / 2079
Gerald Crookes / Youth Club Leader / £180.00 / - / 3080
SCC / Flood Alleviation Scheme / £2400.00 / £400.00 / 3081
G & S J Johnson Eng Ltd / Youth Club Shed / £1770.00 / £295.00 / 3082
Laser Hire Ltd / SCC – Section 50 Licence (Enclosure) / £332.00 / - / 3083
Malcolm Price / Litterpicker / £239.78 / - / 3084
Steve Clarke / Lengthsman / £1428.00 / - / 3085
Steve Clarke / Lengthsman Expenses / £40.00 / - / 3085
Siân Morgan-Rimes / Clerk Fee’s / £750.00 / - / 3086
Siân Morgan-Rimes / Clerk Expenses / £96.16 / - / 3086

It was agreed to not extend the laptop warranty for a further 2 years.

Proposed: Cllr C Pearce - Second: Cllr A Hulme – All in favour

  1. District Councillor’s Announcements: Cllr Pearce advised that Cheadle Hospital is on the agenda again. Doesn’t seem to be an immediate threat, but it is always there. Cllr Pearce feels we should keep on the ball because this is an important provision for the area.
  2. County Councillor’s Announcements: Cllr Deaville was absent from the meeting however, Cllr Pearce advised that the Japanese Knotweed at Leigh Lane, Lower Tean, has now been injected twice and they will come back and inject it every year until it’s gone. Would like the Parish to send a email/letter to Rob Steele thanking him for taking care of this.
  3. Recommendation from Greatwood Working Group:No recommendations.

Purchase of GWH update – Stamp Duty – Cllr Flunder advised that we may have to pay £9k in stamp duty, which need to be paid within 28 days of completion. Cllr Flunder has been in touch with HMRC and they have advised that we may be exempt and sent forms that need to be competed. Cllr Flunder has made enquiries and to get these forms completed and checked by an accountant would cost around £600. Councillors agreed that we should complete and take to solicitor.

With regards to insurance councillors agreed that once completion we should opt for £350k rebuild and £2k contents cover.

  1. Wentlows:

Boundaries – Cllr Flunder outlines the issue with houses taking land and the Tim Halliday has advised that it would be approx. £150 a letter to send to the residents. Clerk has been chasing Housing Association and they are not responding. Clerk to send Cllr P Wilkinson list of addresses and he will acquire details from land registry. Lengthman to take photo’s of the boundary.

Football – Agreed to send Tean Albion an invoice for £150 for the use of the Wentlows (2015/067), and ask what they would like to do as a long term contract.

  1. Update from ‘Local Plan’:

Cllr Flunder to contact chair of Hilderstone PC and the next meeting to be arranged for early December.

  1. Christmas Lights:

Enclosure box is being installed.

Quote ACE – Proceed with details on the quote.

Proposed: Cllr K Flunder - Second: Cllr C Pearce – 8 in favour, 1 Conflict of Interest.

Cllr Flunder to speak to ACE regarding the moving of a couple of brackets.

  1. Lengthsman’s Brief:

Cllr Akerman to ask Lengthsman to remove flower beds in Tean Rec and remove the ivy climbing up the trees and sort the dog sign.

Cllr McCormack to ask the Lengthsman to prune trees at Checkley Rec, Stain the fence around the Rec.

Cllr Hulme to ask the Lengthsman to coppice (or arrange) the trees at Hollington picnic area and clear out Hollington culverts.

Cllr Stubbs to speak to Mick (prev Lengthsman) for a list of culverts he use to clear.

Cllr Ball to sort the refurb of the damaged Coat of Arms sign removed from WMG’s. Should be done by Christmas and cost approx. £500/600. – All Councillors in favour of Cllr Ball continuing with this.

21.01 Cllr Flunder leaves the meeting and hands it over to Vice Chair Cllr Hulme.

21.02 Cllr A Wilkinson leaves the meeting.

  1. Litterpicker Update:

Large metal bin on Tean Rec is not fit for purpose, Cllr Akerman to ask Lengthsman to remove.

Proposed: Cllr A Hulme - Second: Cllr D Ball – All in favour

  1. Tean Recreation Ground:

Councillors decided best option was from Creative Play UK. Clerk to arrange for rep to come out and finalise.

Proposed: Cllr S Akerman - Second: Cllr B Stubbs – 7 in favour

  1. FOSSA Donation Request:

Councillors agreed to not donate £180 to the digitalise the tithe maps.

  1. Hollington Speedwatch:

Cllr Hulme advised that there are no 7 people training up and we now need to purchase the equipment at £990.95. Clerk to notify (2015/068).

Proposed: Cllr A Hulme - Second: Cllr P Wilkinson – 7 in favour

  1. Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth:

Clerk to purchase 2x flags (Tean & Hollington).

Proposed: Cllr C Pearce - Second: Cllr P Wilkinson – 7 in favour

  1. Extension of Tean High Street Railings:

Cllr Stubbs would like to see the railings by the pelican crossing on the Mill side to be extended further as people parking are damaging the pavement tiles. Clerk to write to SCC (2015/069).

Proposed: Cllr B Stubbs - Second: Cllr D Ball – 7 in favour

  1. Matters Pertaining to Issues in the Parish or for the Next Meeting (17th November):

Cllr Ball - Update request from Cllr Deaville and S Knott regarding High Street plans.

No other business – meeting was closed21.35


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