`May 2015 Newsletter
To all members of the Blandford-Mortain Twinning Association…..
herewith latest news from your committee, mainly forthcoming social events
Following a successful joint meeting recently with the new officers from Mortain, Michel Thebault and Gildas le Guen ( see separate webpage)
The main event being this years trip to Mortain
Trip to Mortain…… weekend 29th – 30th – 31st May
Progressing well with the arrangements. Please book in with Steve Thornewell asap.
He has emailed most members but if he has missed you, let me know.
It is likely that we shall be travelling by car, so car sharing arrangements need to be looked at, and ferries booked. The cost is likely to be about £80 -£90 p.p. for car and 4 passengers.
PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP. We need toinform the Mortain committee of numbers for hosting.
There are several events arranged for that weekend and it promises , as always, to be entertaining.
2016.. 5th – 8th May our 30th Anniversary Celebrations, please make a note of these dates and watch this space!!
Social events 2015 More details now on the events as planned,… as follows…
BBQ/Quiz/Family Dayat the Constitutional Club. Now booked for19thJuly
Starts at 12 noon. All welcome, friends, family and neighbours. Details to be provided later,
Annual Skittles Night atThe Con Club. Versus The Stour Vally Band… Now agreed October 24th at 7.00pm (for prompt start at 7.30pm)
American supper included………approx.6 per head Friends and Family most welcome
AGM 12th November, probably with wine tasting and quiz again as this proved very popular.
Please put the above dates in your calendars/diaries and do your best to support us.
At any of the above events we shall be very pleased to welcome, members of family, friends, new neighbours etc. anyone who may be interested in the twinning aspect with Mortain, or even just a French connection. Please spread the word where you can.
Hosting Exchange Students. This year Steve and Claudie are kindly hosting another young female studentin July / August, Clothilde, (Tildie) and Committee hope that as many as possible will take the time to meet her.
If you would like to host anyone from Mortain, please let us know, especially for the 30th Celebrations next June.
We are pleased to report that ArchbishopWakeFirstSchool are hoping to make contact with a school in Mortain to engage with French pupils. Initial details have been exchanged.
Please contact me on 453693 or by e-mail
Thanks to all and hope to see you soon, Martin Brickell Hon Secretary