4thASOSU House of Representatives

Eighth Meeting

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

MU 211


  1. Call to Order/Roll-Call/Quorum

Speaker Vandever calls the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

  1. Singing of the Alma Mater
  1. Approval of meeting minutes from November 7th, 2012

Representative Bailey moves to approve the minutes and the motion is seconded by Representative Boulanger. Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Approval of meeting minutes from November 14, 2012 (Joint Session)

Representative Olsen moves to approve and Representative Derringer Seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Standing Committee Reports
  1. Ways and Means – Karli Olsen

Representative Olsen shares that the HRSC finance coordinator will be speaking briefly after the meeting and encourages representatives to stay after.

  1. Educational Activities – Michael Robb

No report available at this time.

  1. Appropriations and Budgets – Nick Rosoff

No report available at this time.

  1. Joint Committee Reports
  1. Joint Committee on Congressional Correspondence – Saul Boulanger

Representative Boulanger shared that the Senate confirmed task force directors and that the confirmations went well.

  1. Delegate Reports

Jeffery Evans from ASA brings greetings and also, jokingly, shares that he will be looking for a representative to introduce legislation to require representatives to have weekly choir session to improve the quality of the signing of the alma mater—laughs are had by all.

  1. Old Business & Second Readings
  1. HB-04.02 – Bill to Create ASOSU Cultural Events and Awareness Committee

The ASOSU Congressional Clerk, Taylor Sarman, administers the seconds readings of the legislation.

Speaker pro tempore Rosoff shares suggested changes that he is proposing as well as an executive summary of the legislation.

Representative Bailey moves to table indefinitely. The motion is seconded and debate is opened. Representative Boulanger asks why a motion to postpone indefinitely and Representative Bailey shares that she believes that an existing framework exists and that the creation of the outlined committee would be redundant. Representative Robb asks why there is a motion to table rather than voting the legislation down.

Speaker pro tempore Rosoff shares that the point of the committee is to relay the information from the cultural centers directly to the representatives. Representative Contreras suggests that the House of Representatives utilize the two member of the house who currently work for cultural centers to gather that information. Representative Contreras also shares that Social Media can be utilized to gather information from Cultural Centers regarding their events. Representative Martinez also shares that the executive branch has a position that does essentially what the proposed committee would do. Speaker Vandever reminds the representatives that discussion should be germane to the motion to table indefinitely.

Representative Boulanger shares that he believes there should be a decisive decision rather than postponement. Representative Bailey withdraws her motion. Discussion on HB-04.02 is started. Representative Robb shares that it would be more appropriate to utilize the existing structures to relay the information. Representative Aljets shares that, while having the event information is important, have an entire committee to compile and disperse information is excessive when one person could do this.

Representative Sanderson shares that he believes that this delves to far into the topic and perhaps the first version would be more appropriate. Representative Boulanger shares that he supports the idea, but would like to see a more simple version that would accomplish the goal of this legislation.

Representative Palacio moves previous question. Representative Bailey seconds the motion. The motion passes unanimously.

A roll call vote is administered and the motion is lost with a vote of 4-14-1.

  1. New Business
  2. Speaker’s Announcements

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break and is recovering from a tough loss during the civil war.

  1. House Comments

Representative West shares that he hopes a larger focus is placed on appointing students who have demonstrated interests in ASOSU when appointments are made to the House of Representatives.

Representative Olsen shares that she attended the BCC Open House in accordance with the requirement for representatives to attend one cultural event a term.

Representative Robb shares that he believes a long term plan should be made that would consider ways to gather information from cultural centers and disperse it to the Housel.

Speaker pro tempore shares that, per the ASOSU statutes, he has been keeping track of attendance of representatives at student-sponsored events and his responsibility to assign an absence to representatives who do not meet this requirement.

Representative Aljets adds further comments to Representative Robb’s statement, and he shares that he agrees completely on the intentions of HB-04.02, but believes a simpler solution could be proposed and passed.

Representative Derringer shares that he believes all of the cultural centers are very organized and done an excellent job at submitting events to the Student Event Calendar.

Representative Boulanger asks Speaker pro tempore what current challenges he see with the system in place to disperse cultural center events. Speaker pro tempore Rosoff shares that his main concern is that organizations that are not cultural center are not receiving adequate representation.

  1. Gallery Comments

President Harris disperses two handouts—the first is an information sheet on the Student Resource Center, the ASOSU Internship class, and an announcement of the hiring of the Student Advocate. The second handout is a survey for information regarding lobbying which will take place in February.

  1. Adjournment

Representative Sanderson moves to adjourn. The motion is seconded, a vote is administered, and the meeting is adjourned at 7:25PM.