If you open up your locations Google Drive you will see the following folders. We have already put the files into the folders where they need to be we just need you to continue to use this organization of files. When you are entering your emails and phone numbers for text alerts you will create them in the FLCW (your location) Txt Alerts & Emails folder. If you open up that folder you will see that is where your current emails and text alert files are at. I have gotten rid of all of the old files so that you only have the new ones.

Next is your Keys to Quality (processes), Training, and Forms. In this folder you will have 3 folders in it. You will have your Keys to Quality, Training, and Forms. In each of those folders you will have the documents that are needed for those. Keys to quality (processes), this is the file you will upload all of the processes you create once they have been finalized. Training is used for the materials you will use when training. Forms are where all of your originals will be kept; such as applications, unlimited wash club forms, time clock adjustments, etc.

In your Phone Numbers Folder you will see 1 document labeled EMPLOYEE PHONE NUMBERS. There is only one file for all location phone numbers. If you need to update a number please do so in this file. Do not create another phone number file because it will be confusing. In the same folder there is the Ring Central numbers. This file has all of the correct information for all 4 locations in it.

Then is your Maintenance folder which contains your Fire House and Opening and Closing Procedures.

Finally there is a Miscellaneous folder. In this folder you can put the things you are working on or the things that do not necessarily have a “home”.

We are working hard at helping you get a little more organized and this step in that direction. Please continue to use this system as we have already started the process in each “Locations” Drive.