NSW Fire Brigades In Orders 2006/5
3 March 2006 2006/5
Current national security alert level: Medium
Commendations for Courageous Action 2
Commendations for Meritorious Service 3
Commendations to members of the community 4
Use of tollways 5
Standard Operational Guideline – High rise structure fires 8
2006 registration renewals 8
Vacancies 9
Manager Contracts and Supply, Clerk Grade 9/10 9
Manager, Finance and Accounts, Greenacre , Clerk 9/10 9
Fire Vehicle Repairer (Motor Mechanic), 2 positions 10
Vacancies 11
Operational Safety Coordinator 11
Station Officer, Hazardous Materials Response Unit 11
Senior Firefighting Instructor, Fire Suppression Training Section 12
Senior Instructor Country, North 4 12
Appointments 13
Resignation 13
Change of Name 13
New members appointed to Brigades 13
Transfers 13
Resignations 14
Retirements 14
Transferred to Honorary List 14
Commendations for Courageous Action
1. Individual
For courageous action at an incident in Hunter Street, Newcastle, on 4 June 1991:
5333 Station Officer Ronald McLennan
5434 Senior Firefighter Stephen Nunn
6035 Senior Firefighter Scott Bear
For courageous action at an incident in Durham Street, Bathurst, on 30 July 2004:
7956 Qualified Firefighter David Press
For courageous action at an incident on Lake Conjola on 1 January 2005:
8514 Firefighter Justin Taylor
For courageous action at an incident in Algona Street, Delroy, on 15 December 2004:
7165 Senior Firefighter Jason Warner
7593 Senior Firefighter Scott Habgood
For courageous action at a rescue incident on Tura Beach on 18 September 2005:
395035 Retained Firefighter Damien Nugent
395041 Retained Firefighter Glenn Pattie
2. Unit
For courageous action at a rescue incident on Tura Beach on 18 September 2005:
395007 Captain Timothy Brown
395019 Deputy Captain Gregory Mitchell
395029 Retained Firefighter Mark Gough
395034 Retained Firefighter Peter Buckley
395035 Retained Firefighter Damien Nugent
395037 Retained Firefighter Stephen Holloway
395040 Retained Firefighter Michael Dunkin
395041 Retained Firefighter Glenn Pattie
395042 Retained Firefighter Craig Dickman
395044 Retained Firefighter Graham Baker
520387 Retained Firefighter Rodney Hicks
520393 Retained Firefighter Ross Twemlow
520750 Retained Firefighter Grant Regan
520765 Retained Firefighter Phillip Johnson
Commendations for Meritorious Service
1. Individual
For meritorious service in the aftermath of the Asian Tsunami:
5658 Superintendent John Denny
5654 Inspector Warwick Kidd
5629 Station Officer Christopher Sykes
6122 Station Officer Bruce Cameron
6239 Station Officer Timothy Fox
6121 Station Officer Gregory Watson
For meritorious service at an incident in Waterloo Road, Greenacre, on 3 December 2004:
7191 Station Officer Matthew Campton
6630 Qualified Firefighter Jeffrey Endicott
7181 Station Officer Michael Forbes
8623 Firefighter Dale Gillespie
7340 Qualified Firefighter Brian Hawkins
8382 Firefighter Adam Hodges
6135 Senior Firefighter Grant O’Regan
8232 Firefighter Matthew Ward
For meritorious service in the development of the SABRE program:
6917 Station Officer Neal Jones
For meritorious service at a rescue incident on Tura Beach on 18 September 2005:
395007 Captain Timothy Brown
2. Unit
For meritorious service in the aftermath of the Asian Tsunami:
4851 Station Officer William Ewing
5479 Station Terry Munsey
5574 Station Officer George Irwin
6406 Station Officer Peter Jacobs
7316 Station Officer Gregory Purvis
6290 Senior Firefighter Robert Kinsela
6488 Senior Firefighter Andrew Haag
6745 Senior Firefighter Michael Holton
7184 Senior Firefighter Peter Kirwan
7676 Senior Firefighter Grant Rice
7735 Senior Firefighter Paul Symington
7674 Qualified Firefighter Peter Messenger
7159 Qualified Firefighter Paul Sharratt
7290 Qualified Firefighter Michael Medlin
8235 Firefighter David Armytage
For meritorious service at an incident in Milloo Close, Windella, on 4 September 2004:
455017 Captain Neil Morriss
455021 Deputy Captain Douglas Fatches
455005 Retained Firefighter Ronald Jarrett
455025 Retained Firefighter Michael Pilton
520299 Retained Firefighter Neil Bright
For meritorious service at an incident in Algona Street, Delroy, on 15 December 2004:
6704 Station Officer Stephen Knight
6402 Senior Firefighter Mark Roxby
7165 Senior Firefighter Jason Warner
7593 Senior Firefighter Scott Habgood
8472 Firefighter Matthew Havercroft
284002 Captain Raymond McTiernan
280008 Retained Firefighter Paul Schroder
280032 Retained Firefighter Graeme Combridge
280033 Retained Firefighter Rodney McGowan
280051 Retained Firefighter Raylene Quin
280053 Retained Firefighter Scott Edwards
284005 Retained Firefighter Bernard Reid
284019 Retained Firefighter Duncan Towart
284022 Retained Firefighter Bernard McTiernan
284023 Retained Firefighter Simon Wrigley
264039 Retained Firefighter Brendan Young
231039 Retained Firefighter Warren Hoare
284012 Retained Firefighter Robert Ferguson
Commendations to members of the community
Mr Glen Strong and Mr Chad Castles for their actions at a unit fire in May Street, Narrabri, on 6 November 2004.
Senior Constable Bradley Muddle, Senior Constable Christopher Fowler and Senior Constable Timothy Brown for their actions at a house fire in Milloo Close, Windella, on 4 September 2004.
Mr Brett Chevor for his actions at a house fire in Sonja Close, Cabramatta, on 12 May 2004.
Ms Gabriel Berger for her actions at a house fire in Finlay Avenue, Lithgow, on 29 June 2004.
Ms Wendy Brealey and Ms Laura Brealey for their actions at a house fire in Woorarra Avenue, Elanora Heights, on 29 January 2005.
Senior Constable Roland Curll and Constable Robert McMahon for their actions at a unit fire in Inara Avenue, Koonawarra, on 16 January 2005.
Mr Jason Ralph, Mr Peter Bucholtz and Mr Bruce Harding for their actions at a house fire in Spectrum Road, North Gosford, on 7 July 2005.
Miss Drew Martyn for her actions at a house fire in Rose Street, Wee Waa, on 15 October 2005.
Contact Officer: Superintendent Peter Stathis, Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 2965 2826
File Reference: CHO/02118
Use of tollways
This instruction rescinds In Orders 2005/16, Use of tollways.
1. Introduction
This instruction applies to all drivers of NSWFB vehicles. Drivers are responsible for ensuring that they use tollways in accordance with this instruction.
Since 1 July 2005 all non-marked NSWFB vehicles have been fitted with E tags and all fully marked vehicles have been fitted with the NSWFB logo near the rear number plate.
Non-marked vehicles are the NSWFB trucks and cars that are not readily identifiable as response vehicles such as pool cars and general purpose trucks which are not red/maroon or fitted with external flashing lights.
Fully marked vehicles are appliances and red/maroon minor fleet vehicles which are fitted with external flashing lights.
2. When responding to incidents
A fully marked NSWFB vehicle driven by a uniformed employee and responding to a call under lights and sirens is exempt from paying any toll.
The driver may use any lane that gives the fastest and clearest access through the toll collection point.
3. When not responding to incidents
3.1 Tollways with manual collection lanes – with the exception of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel
At tollways with manual collection points, with the exception of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, fully marked NSWFB vehicles with lights and sirens are exempt from paying the toll provided they use the manual collection lane.
NSWFB vehicles fitted with E Tags must use the E Tag facility, not the manual collection lane.
Note: drivers who do not comply with the above requirements will be issued with an infringement notice which will be the responsibility of the driver.
3.2 Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel
On the Sydney Harbour Bridge and in the Sydney Harbour Tunnel NSWFB fully marked vehicles with a NSWFB logo fitted near the rear number plate and driven by a uniformed employee may use either the automated E Tag lane or the manual collection point, at which they will be exempted from the toll.
NSWFB vehicles fitted with E Tags must use the E Tag facility, not the manual collection lane.
3.3 Fully automated tollways
Unless responding under lights and sirens, at tollways where there is no manual toll facility (eg the Cross City Tunnel and the M7) only:
· NSWFB fully marked vehicles with a NSWFB logo fitted near the rear number plate and driven by a uniformed employee, and
· NSWFB vehicles fitted with E Tags
can use the tollway.
Note: drivers who use a fully automated tollway and do not comply with the above requirements will be issued with an infringement notice which will be the responsibility of the driver.
4. Infringement notices
NSWFB vehicles that do not comply with the above requirements will be issued with an RTA Infringement Notice. These notices will be handled in the same way as Corporate Penalty Notices for driving offences and the offending driver will be required to accept personal responsibility for the infringement notice.
5. Information on tollway use
If you use a manual collection lane on a tollway and:
· are accepted as exempt by the toll collector, or
· pay the toll
no information about the vehicle is recorded by the tollway operator.
If you use an automatic lane, the tollway operator records the following information:
· time
· date
· toll lane
· direction of travel
· number plate
· size
· weight
· details of anything being towed
· details of anything being carried on the roof
This information is passed on to the RTA and the NSWFB. The NSWFB and the RTA conduct monthly audits of tollway use to ensure use is for official purposes only.
6. Private use of NSWFB vehicles
The NSWFB will only accept responsibility for toll charges for private use of NSWFB vehicles when the use complies with In Orders 2001/21 Private use of vehicles. Otherwise, toll charges and infringement notices will be the responsibility of the driver.
Note: when private use of a NSWFB vehicle has been approved under section 7 of the Private use of vehicles policy for travel to and from work, the vehicle must not be used for any other private travel.
Contact Officer: Pat Crowe, Administration Manager Fleet, (02) 9742 7117
File Reference: CHO/06124
Standard Operational Guideline – High rise structure fires
The following Standard Operational Guideline (SOG) has been published on the Intranet and will be distributed shortly through the normal supply chain.
SOG 4.5 High-Rise Structure Fires (version A)
This SOG rescinds Standard Operational Procedures No 4, High rise firefighting.
Station Commanders must ensure that all crews are aware of the contents of Standard Operational Guidelines and that they are incorporated in station training.
Contact Officer: Superintendent Chris Shapter, Manager Operational Policy and Procedures, (02) 9318 4343
File Reference: CHO/08081
2006 registration renewals
In early February, the NSWFB Fleet Management Unit sent 2007 registration labels to all areas that have allocated minor fleet vehicles and trailers.
All Station Commanders and supervisors must check that they have a current registration label for each allocated vehicle. The label must be affixed to the vehicle in accordance with the directions and the old registration label removed.
Any Station Commander or supervisor who has not received a new label to replace the existing 15 Feb 2006 expiry label should contact the Fleet Management Unit immediately.
Trailer registration L95653 vin 6F9CLAS1CWCAR0015 was not located and the registration has been cancelled.
Contact Officer: Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411
File Reference: FLT/00139
Manager Contracts and Supply, Clerk Grade 9/10
Position No. 930005. Greenacre, Temporary full time for a period of up to 12 months. Total remuneration package valued up to $89,030 pa including salary ($73,213 – $80,680), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.
Duties: Plans, manages and controls the activities for the contracts and procurement role, in addition to co-ordinating the commercial and financial aspects of recurrent and capital works programs.
Selection criteria: Demonstrated experience in managing and administering the supply process for major acquisition of goods and services. Proven experience in contract negotiation, configuration management, tender evaluation and logistics support functions. Experience in project and financial management, including an understanding of supply and disposal functions. Superior interpersonal and communication skills with a demonstrated ability to successfully negotiate outcomes and partnerships. Demonstrated team leadership and management capabilities. Demonstrated ability in the preparation of timely and accurate advice, briefings, substantial reports and submissions on technical aspects of specifications and evaluations. Demonstrated high level research, conceptual and analytical skills with computer literacy. Common selection criteria also apply.
Enquiries: Ted Mlynarz, (02) 9742 441,
Information packages: May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,
Applications to: Human Resources and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, GREENACRE NSW 2190, or online at www.jobs.nsw.gov.au. Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible
Closing date: 24 March 2006
Manager, Finance and Accounts, Greenacre , Clerk 9/10
Position No: 735001. Greenacre, SW Sydney, Permanent full time. Total remuneration package valued to $85,606 pa including salary ($73,213 - $80,680), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.
Duties: This position is responsible for providing financial and accounting services for recurrent and capital budgets. This position is an onsite Business Manager in Greenacre responsible for supporting and servicing the complex in respect of financial matters, involving acquisition, disposals and maintenance of all the NSW Fire Brigades’ capital assets covering communications, properties, firefighting equipment, motor vehicles and fire appliances.
Selection criteria: Knowledge and experience in project costing, accounting and financial management including reporting, preparation, maintenance and review of budgets in a service delivery organisation. Knowledge and experience in developing and managing asset systems, organising annual stocktake, and accounting and reporting on capital works program. High level oral and written communication skills. High level numeracy and well developed computer skills. Staff supervision and commitment to the concept of teamwork. Relevant tertiary qualifications with eligibility to a membership of a recognised accounting body. Common selection criteria also apply.