Parish Council meeting held in the Sports Pavilion, Chearsley Road on Monday

4th March 2013 at 19:30.

PRESENT: - Councillors- R Thurbon (Chairman), S Butler, J Asher, C Bevan, A Camden, C Cozens J Hooper, B Smith and G Walker.

Parish Clerk G Stevens and Press J Goddard and S Jones PCSO.

3 members of the public.


Mr M Walker representing the Long Crendon Baptist Church gave the Council an update on further progress with the development. A contractor has been selected “Cooper Construction”. Work will commence on 2nd April with a completion date set for November 2013.

Sue Jones of TVP updated the Council on the crime statistics in Long Crendon which is low. The main issue in the area is theft from cars containing tools and building equipment. The usual vandalism still goes on but has reduced considerably. The issue of the clothes bin outside the school was noted in respect of cars stopping illegally to drop off clothing. TVP will monitor the site as best they are able whilst the school has sent a notice to parents pointing out the parking problem.


District Cllr M Hawkett.




The minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.


Clerk’s Report.

The Clerk’s report was noted and the following comments and decisions were made.

Bicycle Stands in the Square. This item will be pended until the notice board is erected in the Square

Village Supervision by Councillors. The previous allocation of areas was noted and the new allocation as suggested and drawn up by Cllr Hooper was accepted. The Clerk requested written e mail reports be sent to him at least once every two months. Noted that urgent matters should be reported immediately.

Doctors Surgery. The Chairman and Cllr Walker had had a meeting with the practice where they were advised of the changes and improvements that are planned. The meeting was considered both fruitful and encouraging.

Risk assessment review. The Clerk presented the revised risk assessment which was approved by Council.

Website. The website will be updated with the details and picture of Councillor J Asher.

Notice Boards. The one quote received from five requests to A V D C approved contractors was accepted by Council. The quote is £475 is for installing the notice board at the Square and making good the site. The contractor has accreditation under the NRSWA. The Clerk will place the order for the notice board and the installation.

Recreation Ground Fence Repairs. Some fencing on the ground needs attention. Councillor Walker offered to obtain quotes.

Thame Neighbourhood Plan/ Lord William School. Cllr Smith attended the public meeting on behalf of Council. The consultation discussed the full plan and the site for the new school and 200 houses was discussed. There was no discussion on the school or anything about changing the catchment area so the rumors were unfounded Notes on the meeting and possibly decisions will be published in the next few weeks and the Clerk will keep Council advised in regard to the selected site for a single new school.

Salt Bins and Residents Notice Board. Quotes have been requested and permission from T F B will be requested for the salt bins.

Play Around the parishes. The dates were noted as follows:-. They are July 26th & 5th August both AM then August 14th and 20th PM. The Clerk advised that posters will be placed around the village and through the P C’s usual media together with the Crendon Crier.

Fence at rear of Catholic Church. Cllr Butler advised that the Catholic Church had agreed to the removal of a fence and replacing with an access gate to assist the L C B C construction. The fence will be replaced after construction is complete. This will assist to keep traffic away from the High Street. The gate will be next to the tree adjoining the burial grounds. This was noted and approved by the Council.

Action List. .

The report was noted and the following comments made.

Byelaws. Certain points for inclusion in the laws were raised by the Clerk and guidance was given by Councillors.

Water connection. The Clerk reported that the new pipes had been laid and the work was complete with the exception of the required hosing under the new connection cover near the play area on the recreation ground. The hose will be used to reach the necessary areas.


The draft minutes of the planning meeting held on 18th February 2013 were noted.


A)  The cheques drawn for February totalling £10951.56 were approved for payment and the bank

balance noted

B)  The Clerk presented the summary of quotes received for the three contacts advertised. The summary was noted and the recommendations of the group were accepted. The Clerk will arrange the contracts.


The schedule was noted and mentioned that the information on watercourses and trees will be placed on the planning agenda for noting.

30/13 REPORTS.

Harroell Play Area. Cllr Bevan reported that erection of the zip wire from Playdale will commence

onMonday 11th March which will meet the terms of the grant from the L A F. As regards the skate park it was noted that a meeting has been arranged for Friday 8th March with both DTL (cycle track) and Bendcrete (skate park) to discuss a joint programme with regard to the soil usage. It is also expected that a final quote for the skate park may be received. Cllrs Walker and Butler requested to be included in the meeting at a time still to be determined. The approval of the Council on having the gravel path on the walking field was raised by Cllr Walker. After noting that the hedge would be cut back releasing considerable additional scape on the playing field, the matter was left to be discussed by the Harroell Play Area Group.

Sewage/drainage issues. The Clerk reported on the problems with the blockage in the drain on Harroell walking field and the difficulty he is having getting a proper response from Thames Water. He was advised that 162m of pipes need to be cleared but the approval has not been given by Thames Water to the sub-contractor. The Clerk will try to arrange a meeting with suitable Thames Water personnel on site. Noted that the tankering is on-going and that the sewerage works are working on the problems.

Allotment Maintenance. It was reported by Cllrs Walker and Hooper that four plots require digging up and clearing. Quotes will be obtained to undertake the clearance.

Council Ditches. The report mainly concerns the ditches around the Harroell fields which will be further investigated with a view to arranging to clear them. Cllrs Thurbon Hooper and Walker will arrange.

L A F Meeting 13th March. A number of Councillors agreed to attend the meeting at which it is expected the bids submitted from the area will be evaluated and awarded according to the local priorities. The agenda has still not been received from AVDC. The Clerk will chase this up.

Long Crendon Cricket Club. Cllr Camden reported that sadly the club no longer existed due mainly to lack of membership. Cllr Camden and the Clerk will be meeting Dinton Cricket Club with a view to them using and maintaining our pitch. They will report back on progress.


a)  The Chairman reported on a football having been kicked across Chearsley Road and landing on a car parked in a driveway. The Council confirmed they are not prepared to erect barriers behind the goal mouth. The Clerk will reply that this is a very rare occurrence and that insurance is held by the Football Club if any damage is caused.

b)  Cllr Camden advised that a complaint had been received regarding the foul language used by some football players. She will report the matter to the Club and the Clerk will put up notices in the change rooms regarding the use of bad language on the field where children are playing.

c)  Cllr Cozens reported a tree branch that had been ripped off a tree opposite the Angel. The Clerk will advise BCC giving the details of the culprit and request BCC to clear away the branch.

d)  The Chairman raised the request made to him by management of the Mole and Chicken to have brown signs put up in 3 spots in the village to give directions to new customers. Council agreed to support the application for the signs and the Clerk will officially confirm our support.

e)  The transfer of D Smith to a new area of Transport for Bucks was sadly noted. The Clerk will try to arrange a final meeting with him and the new incumbent.

The Chairman closed the Council meeting at 21.30

Signed...... Date......
