Lincoln Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2017, 7 p.m.

  1. Call to Order, called to order at 7:05p
  2. Approval of Minutes, Abby Miller and Nicole Mayer motioned
  3. Executive Committee Reports


-President – If interested we are putting our nominating committee together in November. We are asking for a two year commitment. Also, there is a fall parenting series coming up which will include, Homework Battles, Tantrum’s and Stress Management through Outreach. In the meeting it was discussed that there is also a possibility of the township stopping Block Parties on busy streets. Keep a watch out for a list of essential throughways to see if your street is impacted. Our School Board is looking at the rock pile at our High School and deciding what to do with it. Most talks lean toward another field and that field is leaning towards being turf verses natural grass. Each year our Library has a Love Your Library fundraiser which helps with children’s programing, etc. Because, we did not donate this year, we are thinking of adding this to our budget for next September. We have a wish list here are Lincoln and it is to get a new playground near the driveway around the school. We would be looking at getting bids independently and it would take between a 2-4 year period for the fundraising and logistics part. And lastly, we will have our Makers Space presentation next month.

-First Vice President – Fingerprinting is taking place upstairs. If you need your finger prints done or are close to having yours expire please head upstairs as new changes will be coming next year.

-Second President– Lincoln/Mt. Lebo Spirit Wear will be coming soon.

-Third Vice President – I’m working on our three assemblies coming to Lincoln this school year. What we are thinking about is having Sadecky’s puppets return, along with the possibly of doing something with the Aviary or Science Center. I’m also talking with the group Black Violins to see if they could come as well. Once everything is confirmed, I will share with the group.

-Fourth Vice President– No report/Not present

-Corresponding Secretary– No report

-Recording Secretary – No report

-Treasurer– Form 990 is finished and just has to be scanned and copied.

-Historian – No report

V.Teacher Representatives–Thank you again for the Kindergarten field trip. All attended had a great time.

VI.Lincoln Committee Reports

-International Family Volunteers – If anyone is interested in being a volunteer buddy please let Jen Curran know. The commitment is not a lot of work and we are still in development of what the volunteer buddy role will be. Some ideas are to have Int’l nights, ESL tutoring, or simply be a point of contact to remind the families of upcoming events at Lincoln. Again if you are interested or have any ideas please see Jen Curran.

VII.Old Business

VIII.New Business

IX.Announcements and Upcoming Events

10/18 FBI Fingerprinting Event Library 6-8pm

10/20 Grade 3 field trip – Carnegie Science Center

10/23 PTA Read-a-Thon ends

10/27 Read-a-Thon closing assembly

10/31 Halloween Parades and Parties 10:30 am and 2:30 pm

11/7 Classroom Mgmt. Day (No School for students)

11/10 Veteran’s Day program

11/15-11/17 Book Fair

11/15 Grade 4 field trip to Heinz Hall, PSO performance

Report Cards Released

11/16 K-5 Parent Conferences

11/17 K-5 Parent Conferences (No School for students)

11/22 Early dismissal at Noon

11/23-11/26 Thanksgiving Break

X.Adjournment8:09 pm