The Three Abducted Israeli Soldiers – Missing in Action 2006

Corporal Gilad Shalit, Mitzpeh Hila, aged 19, was wounded and abducted by Hamas from inside Israel's border with the Gaza Strip early on25th June 2006.

The Hamas military wing is controlled from Syria by Haled Mashal and enjoys Iranian support and weapons. The terrorist access route was through an escape tunnel dug underneath the border fence, but the escape with the injured Israeli soldier was through a breach of the fence. Reports indicate that Gilad received initial medical treatment and initial reports said that he was alive, while Hamas demanded the release of 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for his freedom.

Gilad was assumed to be held somewhere towards the Rafiah border with Egypt, in an attempt to smuggle him across and into distant captivity, possibly under Hizbullah auspices, but there is no confirmation. It has been weeks since further news was received. Israel's campaign in Gaza is also focused on preventing Gilad being smuggled out of the Gaza Strip.

Gilad is the son of Noam and Aviva Shalit and is currently serving in the IDF. He has an older brother and a younger sister.

Eldad Regev, Kiryat Motzkin, aged 26, was abducted by Hizbullah near Zarit, inside Israel's northern border on 12th July 2006


Eldad lost his mother Tovato cancer several years ago and had just visited his father Zvi's home for the annual memorial day (Yahrzeit/azkara) –Eldad has been living with Eyal, one of his three brothers. He is a Law student at BarIlanUniversity and was on border patrol during annual reserve duty in the IDF.

Ehud Goldwasser, Nahariya, aged 31, was abducted by Hizbullah near Zarit,inside Israel's northern border on 12th July 2006


Ehud is married to Karnit and is working and studying for a further degree in Environmental Sciences at the Haifa Technion. Since the kidnapping, his parents have flown back from shlichut inS. Africa and his brother has returned from holiday in India.

Ehud was on border patrol during annual reserve duty in the IDF. His mother's name is Malka.

Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser are in what the Hizbullah term a "secure" place. Hizbullah is controlled, supported and supplied primarily by Iran, but also by Syria. There are fears that Hizbullah intend to move the kidnapped soldiers to Syrian or Iranian territory.

Further Reading