Local Wellness Policy
In order to comply with Federal mandate Sec. 204 P.L. 108-265 K-12 Health issues, a wellness committee was formed. This committee is charged with designing strategies to align 4 components of this law, to meet our local needs at North Daviess RIII.
Committee members: Daniel Street (chair), Janese Courter, Peggy Heldenbrand, Courtney Phipps, and Suzanne Slaughter.
Our district supports positive dietary practices, physical activity and good lifestyle choices. We recognize that improved health status of our children optimizes the learning potential of the North Daviess Student. The goals of the districts wellness policy are as follows:
1. Provide a learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors.
2. Support and promote proper dietary habits.
3. Provide more opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.
4. The District is committed to improve academic performance. We will have implementation of nutrition and physical activity in the curriculum. Staff professional development will include nutritional and physical activities.
Component 1: Setting Nutrition Education Goals
1. State and district health education curriculum standards and guidelines include both nutrition and physical education.
Component 2: Setting Physical activity goals
1. Students should be given opportunities for physical activity through a range of after-school programs including interscholastic athletics and physical activity clubs.
Component 3: Establishing nutrition standards for all foods available on school campus during the school day.
1. Foods served in the school cafeteria will be under the guidelines of the Federal Lunch program.
2. Pop machine will be unavailable to students during school hours.
Component 4: Setting goals for other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness
1. Provide a clean, safe, enjoyable meal environment for students.
2. Provide enough space and serving areas to ensure student access to school meals with a minimum of wait time.
3. Provide an on-going professional training and development for foodservice staff and teachers in the areas of nutrition and physical education.